
tired of the ddd bashing


Obviously the poor ignorant jokers bashing DDD don't know that Tri Delta won USing this year and had Miss OU in their house. They won President's trophy runner up at the end of last year. They were #3 in grades after first semester. What exactly has Pi Phi done? I won't even ask about Chi O because we all know they haven't done anything in YEARS.

Posted By: don't listen to PBP & XO
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You find yourself on this site jealous of them I'd say that's enough especially of you are the one who has been spewing all the jealousy and hate at them. They have done nothing you say but your jealousy is quite apparent.


All great points but DDD had Miss OU... LOL... Not Miss Oklahoma.... USA or America.... Hahaha... Turns out DDD can't win much at all!! Glad they pointed out they tend to be a loser no matter how much winning means to them.... too bad being great people isn't important to them ... which explains their recruitment struggles and desperate behaviors

By: @above

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by: ^^^   

notice it says "HAD" too LOL guess desperate times call for desperate measures if your OU DDD

By: ^^^

The original comment is spot on because there is no dispute that DDD has done the things she says. So pay attention to DDD's president trophy runner up, 3rd in grades (whole house by the way), and beauty queens. That is all on top of practically all the awards including crowd fav and winner of using. I agree that KAT is the top house but I think it's pretty clear that DDD is ahead of KKG. After those three I'd put GPB and then PBP. My freshman year it was PBP that won HOCO but GPB was runner up and KKG was third. I also agree that XO hasn't won anything in as long as anyone remembers, but disagree that they had a beauty queen - maybe some other state, but in OK they did not have any entrants.

By: ^^^
by: ^^^^   

You can keep saying it over and over but you DID NOT win! So funny but if it makes the DDD girls feel better keep on saying it but students at OU know who won things not who first loser is--- quick who was runner up the past 4 yrs-- no one knows cuz no one cares

By: ^^^^
by: @idiot ^^^^^   

You keep saying it over and over because you're stupid. President's Trophy is a compilation of everything (EVERYTHING) that houses do during the year and so runnerup is the second most successful house. Only Miss Abby on Dance Moms thinks runnerup is not impressive (which shows what you're doing for fun!). Second in PT is not impressive in and of itself, but impressive because an impartial committee looked at all the houses and thought the runnerup house was second most impressive.

But I guess you're too stupid to realize that we all know it cuz we're just a little more competitive. And believe me, you don't do your house any favors by showing that yall don't care bout something that all the other houses take seriously!

By: @idiot ^^^^^
by: ^^^^   

FYI the chio house had girls in Miss Oklahoma and in Miss Texas. One girl from their house was a top ten finalist for Miss Texas. Feel
Free to hate on everyone but get your facts straight. Kappa also WON the President's trophy once during the past 4 years. Theta WON the other three years. It's hilarious that DDD is third in grades this semester which is this high accomplishment according to you but you finished third to KAPPA's second. ChiO finished third in the spring which according to you the house can't accomplish anything but wow what a win for DDD when they finish third. If you are going to bash houses get your facts straight. The only "facts" you got straight was DDD. Hmmm I wonder why?;)

By: ^^^^
by: @@idiot^^^^^   

Best houses are houses girls want to be a member in and it wasn't DDD this year last year etc but then you knew that didn't you and that's why you constantly lose it on this site. Unfortunately your lack of understanding for your social ineptness is exactly the reason you ended up in the house you did. You are a shinning example of the reason no one chooses to join DDD. Bash all you want on this site and lie about the houses. Students at OU know the truth but obviously so do you and that seems to be what has you constantly trying to find approval on this site and yet it never comes. I can't decide if I should pity you or laugh at you either way you are a train wreck

By: @@idiot^^^^^
by: Pageant fan   

No offense but the Miss Texas pageant was the weakest it has been in years. If you know anything about the Miss A pageants you should know that Miss Oklahoma is by far the hardest state to win out of all. That being said... Last year's winner was an OU grad that wasn't Greek. 1st ru was a former OU AXO and 2nd ru was a former OU Theta.

By: Pageant fan

Chi O didn't have anyone in the top 10. KAT, KKG, and GPB did. I don't remember PBP having one. Maybe PBP and XO had someone enter but just not get very far. And who cares about out of state pageants? Plus as far as I know they weren't successful. By the way, what else has XO done besides be 3rd in grades one semester in the last ten years. Yeah, nothing, I know.

By: really?
by: above   

Really no one cares if some random house has a girl who does well in an out of state pageant. Probably all the houses had someone do that. The real key is having someone do well in your state pageant. Only KAT, DDD, and GPB had girls finish in the top ten and win awards. KKG had a girl win another state pageant. The girls who were highly sought after in OKLAHOMA went to the houses listed. If a pretty oos pageant girl ended up in Chi O, believe me, it was because she didn't have the grades, activities and recs to end up in a higher house.

By: above

The reason that XO and PBP don't have PLC girls, national merit girls, top pageant girls, and top ten freshmen girls (KAT, KKG, GPB, and DDD all do, by the way) is that they have ruined their reputations and the top girls are just not interested. So sorry.

By: reason

Please stop the DDD bashing. It is unbecoming to all the greeks at OU.

By: please

It's odd that girls dislike their own houses so much and are so jealous that they feel like they need to bash another house like DDD.

By: odd...
by: @above   

Read it DDD isn't being bashed they have the poor fool in their house doing all the bashing. She just can't get over being cut from other houses which is too bad.She should just try to be happy with the house that wanted her and give DDD a chance. Surely there are members in the house she could be friends with.

By: @above

Don't bother about Chi O. If they're doing this it's completely stupid. No one in any life would believe that that ChI O thinks they're a top house.

By: well don't bother
by: @above   

The only house that seems to be bothered by ChiO is DDD. DDD has some bitterly jealous girl of every house at OU. She seems consumed with ChiO and PiPhi. Hopefully some day she will come to terms with getting cut from those houses and give the house that took her a chance. She's making the entire DDD house look bad.

By: @above
by: actually   

Actually DDD took quota additions and XO had to snap bid. So the comment above is just plain wrong and extremely silly.

By: actually

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