
public service announcement


So I had heard from some friends about this page and all the accusations against XO and some mean things they supposedly wrote. I don't go here so I really have nothing in this but curiosity.

On Thursday, January 15, 2015 Between 7:00-7:20 pm, I wrote positive comments and ranked the 10 sororities all top tier minus XO using the handle Oscar. I wrote nothing on XO's page positive or negative. I was curious to see what they would do.

This morning Friday, January 16, 2016 at 10:09 am someone used my handle Oscar to rank XO "Top Tier". I called them on it and said that was pathetic. The reply was that I was crazy girl pretending to be Oscar. I pointed out the difference in time stamps and the fact that the key word I used on all the rankings was "fun" mixed in with other adjectives... Their comment didn't contain that word.

Interesting enough... 2 minutes before the fake XO Oscar self ranked on their page, a negative comment was left at 10:07 am on the Gamma Phi page... The second negative comment of the day I might add not to mention the several negatives the days before. No other houses have had comments at all. Coincidental? Right.

So XO... No one is obsessed with you. Play nice to GPB and all the other houses you supposedly don't bash.

Posted By: Oscar... The real one
Page 1 of 2

Ps... I did screen shot everything.

By: Oscar... The real one
by: So did I   

The XOs are embarrassing to everyone at OU.

By: So did I
by: Omg   

What a sociopath!!! This Chio needs help.

By: Omg
by: Wait   

Are you a chio now? All the time stamps are close together? I'm not a chio but screenshot me pleeeeeeese so I can be one at least in your own mind!!!!!!!

By: Wait
by: Ummm....   

Chi Omega... You need to figure out who this weird member is. I know a lot of you and like most of you but she is messed up.

By: Ummm....
by: Oscar   

No I'm FUN and Im OSCAR and you must be tooooo (hint:check the time stamps on the comments)

By: Oscar
by: @ummmm   

Read the original post my guess is it's a Gamma Phi Beta with the handle Oscar and the other comments are making fun of her.

By: @ummmm
by: Heehee   

It is baffling seeing the crazy, mean XO get caught. She has lost her mind.

By: Heehee
by: ^   

Nah it's baffling to see you continue to claim everything was written by a chio. No opinion on that house one way or the other but come on this is an anonymous site and someone turns every post into a post written by ChiO. It is strange someone always writes ChiO this and ChiO that and no one else cares except to make fun of it.

By: ^
by: Poor Chi Omega   

They just cared so much about what Oscar thought they wanted to be included.

By: Poor Chi Omega

You aren't obsessed with ChiO at all are you? Thanks for clearing it up we all care bunches! But wait if it was a different day and different comments are you saying no one else could possibly be named Oscar too? Really seek help you need it!

By: Hahahahaha

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by: Hahahahaha^   

and she screen shotted get comments.... Bingo... Think we found the crazy girl!!!

By: Hahahahaha^
by: So wait what?   

There are two Oscars? The crazy obsessed with ChiO one and another one? Nooooooooo!!!!! WOW post your screen shots I want to see it I don't believe it! I mean I believe there are two Oscars but J can't believe anyone would screen shot their comments to PROVE who they are on an anonymous site!!!!!! ROTFLMAO

By: So wait what?
by: ^^^   

I think you are the only one people are laughing at... Actually it's not funny.

I verified everything the OP said. I don't know them but it all pans out. I doubt anyone was else posting under the name Oscar in a 14 hour period.

Face it... You got caught.

By: ^^^

Everyone who isn't the first Oscar isn't an oscar and writes every other post on this site!! Yippeeeeeeee! AND if anyone doesn't believe that she can PROVE what she wrote cuz she's got screenshots! Anyone else out there have to screenshot their comments to prove they wrote them? AND better not leave a comment anywhere near the time someone else leaves one cuz OSCAR #1 is on the job and knows who writes them! Maybe OSCAR #1 can screenshot everything post it to a new website and we can have the REAL greekrank website too!!! WoooooHoooooo certainly no crazies on this site!!!! Hey wait maybe Oscar has a split personality disorder and doesn't know about the other oscar and they are one and the same!!!! Anyway this is FASCINATING. I couldn't sleep at ALL worrying about it last night! I can rest easy now know CRAZY OSCAR #1 is on the job screen shotting her comments!!! It's good to KNOW CRAZY OSCAR doesn't have an OBSESSION with the CHIO house either!!!!!!

By: Save Oscars Soul!
by: Rowdy Gentleman   

I'm guessing you've never read Hamlet. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks". Unfortunately, I don't think you are much of a lady.

By: Rowdy Gentleman
by: Oops   

Check the time stamp are you chio or oscar or both all close time stamps are the same person OSCAR and nothing counts if you don't screenshot it so be gone you are OSCAR you already explained it all to us!!!! Posts close together are all the same person especially if they have the same name BUT if they have the same name and post at different times on different days they ARE NOT the same person ESPECIALLY if their name is OSCAR!!!!!!!

By: Oops
by: @rowdygentleman   

I'm guessing you don't have a brain if that was a serious comment. Me Thinks someone is making fun of you and OSCAR

By: @rowdygentleman

This is sad Chios. 1st the Pi Phis and now this... I was hoping you were better than that.

By: Disappointed
by: ^   

No WAY can't be ChiO it's Oscar check out the time stamps!!!!! You must be OSCAR too and I must be toooooo!!!!! The first me can't be CHIO check out the time stamp!!!!! It's Oscar #1!!!!!!!!!!

By: ^

maybe your IQ kept you out of ChiO but really no one else cares are you disappointed Oscar now?

By: @Disappointed
by: ^   

NO PAY ATTENTION She is Disappointed Crazy Obsessed with ChiO Oscar #1 with the screenshots to prove it!!!!!!!

By: ^

@Oscar...the real one if you "don't go here" why in the heck do you care enough to spend so much time proving who wrote what? THAT'S a crazy obsession...

By: OSCAR (another one)
by: @OSCAR ( another one)   

You get it-- either you really are another person OR you are the only sane personality of Oscar's split personalities and now we would see there are 3. To make sure you are a different person altogether I must ask did you screenshot what you wrote? If not it would be confirmation you are truly a different Oscar who is intelligent enough to get it! And then I must ask are you a Chio OR maybe just a person who is tired of all the insanity this first original screenshot taking oscar dreams up.

By: @OSCAR ( another one)
by: Oscar... The real one   

If you must know... I'm very upset about what was written about my late friend. I'm not a Pi phi but I heard about it. That is completely wrong.

By: Oscar... The real one
by: ^   

Doubtful you blame ChiO on this website without any proof. You are using your friend's death to write something hateful about ChiO. You my dear are the most disgusting type of person there is for you are taking a personal tragedy and using it for a personal vendetta. You were not her friend.

By: ^

This whole thread is like the unravelling of a truly mentally Ill person talking to themselves. I'm weirdly fascinated by it but feel so sorry for them at the same time. Honestly, I don't think most of XO is mean spirited. However, this thread is truly a study in abnormal behavior.

By: Bizarre
by: ^   

Yes it is. Who cares enough to screen shot, blame people etc on an anonymous site. Perhaps OSCAR should stop hiding behind a made up name and own what she says in real life and then there won't be any mistake to who you are and what you think. On this site anyone can post under any name. Maybe OP Oscar can learn a life lesson from it. Behavior proudly mentioned by the OP is NOT normal behavior. I guess one thing we know for certain is Oscar isn't a ChiO. At least she cleared up the crazy girl isn't a Chi Omega member.

By: ^

Chi-O is truly twisted. The whole self ranking under Oscar is hilarious. However, these bizarre rants are even weirder.

By: Wow... Just wow!
by: ^   

Oscar? Check the time stamp all people posting close together are the same person and there can not be anyone with the same name posting on different dates. You must have not read Oscar's original post. FYI seems the only house oscar likes is GPB and certainly NOT ChiO. Better rethink your logic.hmmmm

By: ^

Someone has pushed XOs buttons.

By: Oh man
by: ^   

Nah Oscar is angry that someone posted as Oscar on the ChiO site with a positive comment so it's gotta be the crazy chio hater.

By: ^
by: @9   

I read it all and if a chio posted under oscar and wasn't Oscar she was pushing Oscar's buttons because he wrote the ridiculous rant. Then non oscar or imposter oscar, maybe a ChiO, continued to make fun of Oscar. I think you got it backwards Oscar's buttons were pushed by the chio or who ever it was and she a great time doing it too.

By: @9

I'm just guessing that this is also the same chio that started all the drama about DDD and their scandals win.

By: So...
by: ^   

It was using

By: ^
by: ^   

I agree... Along with all the other crap. For XO'S to so vehemently deny all of this they sure were quick to respond and post numerous comments.

By: ^

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