
houses not spring recruiting

by: @Spring Recruitment haha

PIPhi isn't spring recruiting but Gamma Phi is and ChiO isn't spring recruiting but AChiO is too. Sorry to burst your bubble!:)

Posted By: @Spring Recruitment haha
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#1  by: Thanks   

Makes sense but I was excited when I thought I had the chance to pledge one of the best houses at OU and then boom saw your post and came crashing back down to reality. Do you know if Alpha Phi or DG is spring recruiting? I'd rather pledge them over AXO and no way will I pledge GPB let's just say I know all about them and it's just not my type house ;)

By: Thanks
by: .Jan 13, 2015 9:24:54 PM

oh, why not AXO?

By: .
by: @aboveJan 13, 2015 9:45:42 PM

No problems with AXO I just don't know anyone in that house and I've met a couple girls who live in the dorm on another floor in the other 2 but I really don't know them I've just met them a couple times. Don't you have to know girls in the house for spring recruitment? I would like to meet some AXO girls if possible.

By: @above
by: HiJan 18, 2015 5:36:43 PM

AXO is actually not recruiting this semester. It's the only middle tier house that isn't. I'm not trying to say that to move them up the ranks, they just filled their quota.

By: Hi
#2  by: Well   

The girl spreading the lies is just gonna ruin recruitment for all the houses spring recruiting. I hope the PNMs don't really think PiPhi and ChiO are spring recruiting and hoping to get a bid from them instead of a house that really is recruiting and would love to have them!!!

By: Well
by: AboveJan 17, 2015 7:36:03 PM

I'm spring recruiting. I would love to be a PiPhi but I would never want to be a XO. I'm going to try out the houses and see if any are a good fit. If not, I will try again in the fall.

By: Above
by: ^^^Jan 18, 2015 4:05:11 PM

Pi Phi isn't spring recruiting and it's good you don't want to be a ChiO because they are notorious for cutting tons of girls. If you do not have help on the inside you will not get into either of these houses during formal fall recruitment

By: ^^^
#3  by: PNM   

It doesn't matter none of it does. I've been here a semester and I know those two houses are great but the others seem nice too. I just want to be a part of OU greeklife and I'm sure with the huge membership in each house I will be able to find girls like me and have fun no matter which house I pledge. I just really hope I don't get in the house with the girl spreading all the erroneous and malicious rumors on this site.

by: @PNMJan 14, 2015 8:46:27 AM

good luck with spring recruitment

By: @PNM
#4  by: Well   

I might wait till fall to do recruitment are any other houses spring recruiting?

By: Well
by: ^Jan 14, 2015 11:16:47 PM


By: ^
#5  by: WOW   

After Oscar made it known she is affiliated with GPB they may not get any girls to pledge their house so although they are spring recruiting they might be without any new members

by: XJan 17, 2015 6:27:54 PM

Why are you stalking GPB?

By: X
by: ^^^Jan 18, 2015 12:31:11 AM

Great question for Oscar... You know... The real one.... I think when she posted the original rant she mentioned GPB so guilt by association? I don't know but that would be my guess.

By: ^^^
by: Doubt itJan 18, 2015 10:25:14 AM

I dont have a horse in this race but I believe Oscar and so do my friends. It is pretty obvious XO was self ranking. Besides Xos are on this site non-stop ranting about multiple girls getting into nursing school and such... And by multiple I mean 2.

By: Doubt it
by: ^^^Jan 18, 2015 4:15:29 PM

You are very concerned with the Chi Omega house. Did you notice one house has nearly 1700 rankings which is nearly 2 1/2 times the number of the Chi Omega house. I doubt Chi O is on a hate campaign against themselves. It doesn't seem to ever affect them. They are a really solid house on campus and every year panhellenic requires them to release huge numbers of girls during formal recruitment. They had a lot more girls than 2 get into nursing school but that also seems to really bother you. Either you do not know much about that house or you just want to spread lies about it. It looks like you do have a horse in the race and can't compete with them is an honest manner.

By: ^^^
#6  by: ha ha   

This whole line of chatter is so funny. Y'all don't even have the right houses as ones doing spring recruiting.

By: ha ha

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