
does anybody else feel this way?


Just reading the comments that (obviously) chios have made on here, I'm completely creeped out. Those girls are really bizarre.

Posted By: chio
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Yes. It is freaky. The scary thing is they don't seem to get how bizarre their comments are or their obsession with ranks.

By: T
by: Sick of them   

XO has more than 1 crazy IMO

By: Sick of them

And they seem to blame all their problems on a different house every month. No wonder they have to snap bid.

By: agree
by: SW   

Oh but... Every house is just jealous of them. I would like to just think it is just one mean XO but I can't imagine anyone has that much time to spend on here... So it has to be multiple crazy girls.

By: SW

I can't believe their alums allow it to go on.

By: .

She needs therapy.

By: Home

It's not just Chi O. A P is on here all the time too saying that they "took" other sororities' girls. Barf.

By: XO & AP
by: @chill   

You are a perfect example of the problem. Just have to keep the hate going. It is a two way street.

By: @chill
by: Not at all   

No hate in that message. Just an acknowledgement that Chi O isn't the only one who is culpable on here.

By: Not at all

Honestly, I don't get it. Do they not get how bad they come off?

By: XO
by: GS   

They are narcissists.

By: GS
by: OU   

I think they are so far gone they may never bounce back.

By: OU

Who ever the girl is post by the nickname answer this morning ...she is beyond help.

By: @goaway

I'm so sick of their XO drama.

By: XO

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by: Ugh   

Me too

By: Ugh

Guys, I just found out that it's the Pi Phis not the Chi Os that are causing all the trouble. They are sinking because even their legacies to to different houses or even different schools to avoid them.

By: Pi Phi
by: Sorry Pi Phi   

Looks like XO is going to pick on you this week.

By: Sorry Pi Phi

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