
total and quota

by: Truth

Houses can only take quota (plus some popular houses take quota additions).

All houses have girls who leave during the next four years.

Some houses lose girls because they drop out or quit during new member period. Those reasons are NEGATIVE and happen generally in the lowest 3 or so houses.

Some girls lose girls because they graduate early, transfer to another college for their major, get into a school (nursing for example) at OUHSC, graduate early because they have so many AP credits freshman year, etc. Those are POSITIVE reasons and happen in all houses.

Houses that have taken quota additions have a cushion. Houses that only got quota or had to snap bid to make quota don't have any cushion.

If a house drops below total they are given the option of taking a few girls in the spring. Usually they are girls that are bffs with someone in the house. Some houses decline because they don't want to do a new member class just for a few girls.

Other houses are required by their nationals to take girls if given the opportunity. They do what they're told.

So. You can see that the whole thing of spring recruitment is more complicated than just saying top houses don't, bottom houses do.

All the houses did last year because total was raised.

Bottom line. Spring recruitment is a red herring which Chi O has introduced to try to mislead potential new members into believing Chi O is a top house.They're not and they just need to calm down..

Posted By: Truth
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#1  by: @chill   

Thank you.

By: @chill
#2  by: Yep   

This is the truth. That's what everyone is trying to tell the girl who thinks her house is a top house because she says they won't spring recruit this year. Just stop being annoying and stop posting about spring recruiting. This is the honest to god truth so just stop.

By: Yep
#3  by: @hopeful   

This discussion will soon be over.

By: @hopeful
#4  by: Fact checker   

So this is totally untrue. Houses can take quota additions during recruitment but only when a girl isn't anywhere near the top of either house she had on pref night, in other words neither sorority wanted her. Then pan asks her first choice if they will take her as a quota addition the house can say yes or decline if they decline the second house is asked. Often you find houses like GPB taking quota additions because they have girls going to their house and a bottom house on pref. The girl is trying to avoid the very bottom house. It's sad when houses like GPB take girls they don't really want as additions and still can't keep their house full causing them to spring recruit year after year. I'm surprised any house would bring that up who's spring recruiting. AND yes girls can drop before they are initiated actually they don't even have to show up to a house on bid day to be counted in house numbers. If a girl goes to pref night and then makes house selections she is counted as one of the girls in house total too for an entire yr. for that reason she is not allowed to go back through recruitment til her year expires. Again I am shocked a house would point out girls dropping if they must spring recruit. if you can't stay at house total when girls that don't even show up at your house for bid day are counted and you had to take quota additions of girls you didn't want that didn't want your house but were trying to avoid the bottom house I wouldn't be bragging about it for sp rec

By: Fact checker

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