
what is wrong with you xo?

by: Embarrassed for you

Why are you so into bashing houses that spring recruit? It is pathetic. Why don't we see DDD, Theta, Pi Phi, or KKG on here flaunting the fact that they aren't participating? The reason is they are secure in their top 4 positions that they don't need to be mean or put others down. The bottom line is there is a top 4 that everyone can agree on. After that it is a toss up which sorority is #5... If any. It is really about personal pref once the top 4 choose their girls. If your members spent half as much time in other activities and academics as you do on Greek Rank... You would probably be in the top 5.

Posted By: Embarrassed for you
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#1  by: Not ChiO   

Agree with #1

Honest Top5- any order you choose

Theta Trdelt Kappa PhiPi ChiO

Don't hate them cuz you ain't them

By: Not ChiO
by: ^^^Dec 5, 2014 6:43:58 PM

Cut XO 1st day. I would prefer to not be Greek than be a XO.

By: ^^^
by: XODec 6, 2014 4:35:20 PM

Most people cut them. That's why they had to snap bid.

By: XO
#2  by: lie   

Chi O is kind of a sad case. They have all these alums who are so embarrassed about the state of their house at OU that they're on here all the time talking them up and talking other down. Chi O has slipped in the 21st century but it's hard for the 20th century alums to handle. So when you see these mad postings, know where it's coming from. Top houses now are Theta, Kappa, Tri Delt, Pi Phi, and Gamma Phi. Chi O is in a tier with DG, AXO, and A P.

By: lie
by: ^Dec 5, 2014 4:53:57 PM

Totally obsessed with ChiO. Do you lie awake at night inventing stories to post? Looks like comment one struck a real nerve. Bet I can guess your house too!!;)

By: ^
by: ^^^Dec 5, 2014 7:04:19 PM

I would put XO dead last... Mid tier is generous.

By: ^^^
by: XODec 6, 2014 4:38:00 PM

I'm flabbergasted that anyone seriously even replies to these "Chi O is top tier" nonsense. The girl writing it is obviously out of her head and totally out of touch with reality.

By: XO
#3  by: good grief   

I don't know what makes OU Greek women look worse -- ranting posts that are unintelligible because they're half-written by Spell-check gone beserk or nasty comments that are nasty for the sake of being nasty. If an intelligent PNM thought this was representative of what was REALLY going on inside the heads of most girls she met during Rush- formal or otherwise -- she'd run the other direction. Basically these crazy obsessed witches are just helping GR sell advertising to impressionable high school seniors.

By: good grief
#4  by: Rt   

Chi o is so were.

By: Rt
#5  by: Chi O   

Some ignorant Chi O thinks that when people disagree that they're a good house it means those people are jealous. Obviously ignorant Chi O hasn't been in Norman recently or she'd know that there are few houses (or none) where there are girls jealous of Chi O. Maybe AGD is jealous because Chi O was able to snap enough to make quota and AGD wasn't.

By: Chi O
by: ^^^Dec 6, 2014 6:48:31 PM

The difference being that the girls in AGD have a great, loving sisterhood. If I had only AGD or XO... I would definitely go AGD and if they cut me... I would rather not be in a house than be a XO.

By: ^^^
by: ha haDec 6, 2014 8:38:35 PM

Very true. AGD is a respected sorority at OU. Chi O not so much.

By: ha ha
#6  by: Ok   

Chios need to get some mental help for this girl. I am being very serious.

By: Ok

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