
congrats on nursing school

by: Studious Hooties

Chi O is the only house that had multiple girls accepted to nursing school!

Posted By: Studious Hooties
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#1  by: LOL   

They aren't spring recruiting either so there goes that excuse used by houses spring recruiting ... You know... The " we have to replace girls because of moving campuses for OU nursing school".

#2  by: .   

Seriously reached a new low XO. This isn't really the forum to post about personal successes of a couple of members.

By: .
by: ^Dec 5, 2014 1:52:37 PM

Think they didn't realize this site was only for your nasty comments. Sorry you are so terribly unhappy. Congrats to your girls ChiO and I know it was more than a couple cuz my house had a good share get in to!

By: ^
by: @selfworthDec 5, 2014 4:04:08 PM

No this should be where you can post positive comments about Greeks. This spring ruah thing from both aides needs to stop.
It is just stupid.

By: @selfworth
by: ^^^Dec 7, 2014 3:55:48 AM

Wrong. 1) it was posted to imply XO was better because they had 2 girls accepted to nursing school.... Not to post something positive. 2) it isn't even true that they were the only house.

By: ^^^
#3  by: lie   

Nice try, Chi O. I know two other houses that did too. Why would you brag about something silly like this. And as for spring recruiting, if your nationals required it, you'd do it. Some nationals do and some don't. It has nothing to do with being good or bad. By the way, Chi O did recruit last spring so they may again this spring.

By: lie
#4  by: @above   

OMG, Chi O. You have the most ratchet house at OU. Why are you posting so many self-congratulatory (but unfortunately fake) posts? You're all weirdos.

By: @above
#5  by: XO??   

Why would you post this? It's not even true and just makes your house look like you're bragging about something inconsequential.

By: XO??

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