
the best is all of ou.


These ranking are starting to reveal the signs of a Toddlers and Tiaras episode! Or a movie with the gangs fighting over a street corner that belongs to everyone. "I'm the best, No...I'm the best". Aren't all the houses at OU the best. We see now why Boren is putting in new residential colleges, as the "best" will be living in those communities whist the Greek girls keep yelling "we are better". Put up or shut up!!

Posted By: Reality OU Greek communit
Page 1 of 1

As a graduate student doing a study on the greek systems across the USA. I see the most interesting and vicious comments on Greek rank and mostly from the southern schools. Not sure why, but I have noticed that the NE, and Ivy League do not post much and that the most ignorant comments come from the southern and Midwestern schools. That is what is being studied. More to come........
Thank you OU greek for never disappointing the news feeds.

By: Grad student paper

As a graduate student doing a study on the greek systems across the USA. I see the most interesting and vicious comments on Greek rank and mostly from the southern schools. Not sure why, but I have noticed that the NE, and Ivy League do not post much and that the most ignorant comments come from the southern and Midwestern schools. That is what is being studied. More to come........
Thank you OU greek for never disappointing the news feeds.

By: Grad student paper
by: above   

Um... did you think you needed to repeat your snarky comment? Even though we're from the South we can read something with only one chance.

By: above

The South: Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia
The Southwest: Oklahoma, New Mexico
Its Own State of Mind: Texas
If you've ever lived in the true "South" (maybe southern LA excepted), you'd realize that the Southwest is a whole different mindset, and you can be glad of it. At least OU and nearby schools have not gotten into the kind of garbage happening at Alabama over the last two years. That said -- as far as the grad. student's theories -- I think the one thing that the Southwest shares with the South, in terms of the Greek systems, is helicopter mothers stirring the pot.

By: South vs Southwest
by: SXSW   

Who appointed you as the decider of what to call my state? You can have your opinion, of course, but I'm entitled to mine too. I look at the former confederacy (though OK wasn't a state the NAs in OK fought on the side of the South).


You should then know Texas is actually considered a southern state but not the Deep South. In addition without Texas during the Mexican American war there may have never been a southwestern US. In addition how does Greek rank constitute any kind of source material? It doesn't. Guessing you aren't who you claim to be.

Also whoever made the earlier comment about Boren and housing. FYI the brightest will only live there freshman year and if they are the total well rounded package the girls will move into their sorority houses the following years. I'm guessing you lack every component to be well rounded except intelligence so you hate on the people you are jealous of and can never become.

By: @grad student

The original post is true. The argument about which states are in the South is incredibly stupid. Anyone who posted an opinion is ridiculous.

By: stupid
by: ^   

Stupid by your own hand

By: ^
by: ^^   

Stupid is assuming you know who is posting something. Just because you disagree with several posts doesn't mean they were all written by the same hand.

By: ^^
by: ^   

Nah #6 said anyone who wrote a response is stupid. #6 wrote a response. #6 is stupid by his/her own definition

By: ^

It must be incredibly hard to do college level work with such an inability to read critically. What #6 actually said was the argument about what states are in the South was a stupid and people who posted opinions were ridiculous. Syntax requires reference to the sentence before to determine which postings are ridiculous.

By: @above

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by: ^   

Hahaha you aren't #6 are you??

By: ^
by: um...   

Does it matter? You don't like your ignorance pointed out?

By: um...


By: Totally

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