
real data or information

by: Questions

How are these rankings configured? What data supports the first, second, third position and so on? Like in any rankings, data is what determines the positions. As someone that is curious how sororities try to rank themselves based on real information and not twisted reality, can you provide any insight into this information from a statistical standpoint.

Posted By: Questions
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#1  by: yeah   

It's a Chi O trying to game the system.

By: yeah
by: ^Sep 1, 2014 7:39:58 PM

Crazy chick obsessed with that house is Baaaaaaack!!!

By: ^
by: aboveSep 1, 2014 7:55:18 PM

see? -- proof

By: above
by: ^Sep 1, 2014 9:22:55 PM

Absolutely! No mention if any house is made in the post and the first comment says something crazy about a house not mentioned. Total proof she has an obsession with them. Poor thing.

By: ^
by: aboveSep 1, 2014 11:26:29 PM

The original post was a question and it was answered in comment #1. Sorry you didn't like the answer but hey, it's just what everyone thinks.

By: above
by: @aboveSep 2, 2014 8:42:15 AM

Obsession. No house was mentioned in the post. I think you are so obsessed you read something into it that's not even there.

By: @above
#2  by: Actual answer to OP    

Recruitment. The PNMs chose the houses they like best. Every girl goes through and every girl knows which houses are hardest to get in. The top 5 houses get the girls that most all the houses consider the best girls. Since girls know which houses people want and which houses cut the most girls this is the general consensus. Of course the top five wiggle some, as do the next four and finally the bottom two.

By: Actual answer to OP
by: aboveSep 1, 2014 11:28:14 PM

while the comment by #2 is true about the actual rankings, the rankings on here reflect the discrepancy pointed out in comment #1.

By: above
by: @aboveSep 2, 2014 8:44:29 AM

Except in this post there are no houses mentioned. I think you are obsessed and from what I've seen on this site that probably makes you a girl from the GPB house that was cut by the top 7/8 houses.

By: @above
by: gotta say itSep 2, 2014 11:24:48 PM

The real top five are Theta, Tri Delta, Kappa, Gamma Phi, and Pi Phi. I realize this is going to cause Gamma Phi to be raked over the coals by the hater but it irritates me so bad that one person feels like she is the only one that can have an opinion. I'm not in the house she hates, but I have lots of friends who are. They're highly respected by EVERYONE ELSE at OU and the truth needs to be told.

By: gotta say it
#3  by: rankings   

The rankings on this site seem to be mostly driven by a person with a grudge against GPB. She attributes all the other comments to crazy girls from that house. Mostly she's ruined this site for people who disagree with her.

By: rankings
by: @3Sep 2, 2014 10:33:10 AM

Doubtful they are irrelevant at OU. Who ever said they are house 7/8 is probably a GPB because they don't matter at OU. AOPI places in stuff and they don't.

By: @3
#4  by: Reality   

Ranking the houses is an exercise in futility - the best house is the house that wants you, and that you want to be a part of.

All the houses have girls that you'll like and girls you won't. The place that is the "best" is the place where you find the best fit.

By: Reality
by: @4Sep 2, 2014 10:35:18 PM

Actually every thing in life has a ranking. There is always someone smarter, richer, more beautiful etc... No matter how smart, rich, or beautiful a person you are. However the truth is it doesn't matter, if you are happy. Happy people don't constantly compare themselves to others nor are they jealous of others, and they don't need to constantly spread malicious gossip about people they envy. Happy people don't constantly try to tear down the people they perceive to have something they don't. Happy people appreciate what they have and don't worry about what other people think. So yes there is a sorority ranking. Comment two got the sorority rankings correct and the reason for them was correct too. Instead of dwelling on whether are not people like your house you should ask yourself why other people's opinions are more important to you than your own. Then you should try to be happy in the house that wanted you whether it's a top house or not.

By: @4
#5  by: weird   

It is amazingly weird that the hater girl is still on here this long after recruitment. It looks like by now she would have found something more fun to do than to try to convince people that GPB is the bottom house at OU. She just doesn't get it somehow.

By: weird
by: @aboveSep 3, 2014 8:54:59 AM

It's more amazing GPB is still on here trying to convince people they are a good house. They aren't bottom but they are somewhere around 7,8, or 9. They are truthfully closer to the bottom than the top but no one really cares but them.

By: @above
by: @aboveSep 3, 2014 11:53:21 AM

Get the message: no one cares what you think. You've said the same thing a million times. Now shut up. You have shared enough.

By: @above
by: ^Sep 3, 2014 1:45:47 PM

same goes for you

By: ^
by: @aboveSep 3, 2014 6:55:16 PM

Are you a 7th grader? You seem a bit immature to be a college student.

By: @above
by: @aboveSep 3, 2014 8:35:53 PM

Yeah, she's a bossy mouth all right.

By: @above
by: ^^^^Sep 3, 2014 9:26:27 PM

Hahaha she's talking to the person @above not the comment directly above and I'm guessing you are @ above!!!! Hilarious!!!

By: ^^^^
by: ^Sep 3, 2014 9:36:23 PM

big bossy mouth

By: ^
by: ^Sep 4, 2014 8:21:15 AM

LOL! Someone has her panties in a bunch!

By: ^
by: ^^^Sep 4, 2014 9:13:57 AM

panties in a bunch = bossy mouth

"I hate it when people don't agree with me. My opinion is the only one that matters!!!!"

By: ^^^
by: ^Sep 4, 2014 10:33:17 AM

Yes you do but then everyone disagrees with you poor baby

By: ^
#6  by: original question    

Unless people are trying to "game the system" (#1) they generally look at president's trophy. Every house compiles everything they do during the year and a committee looks at which houses excel in different categories. Kappa won in 2013. Theta won in 2014. Tri Delta was runner up in 2014. Gamma Phi won special awards for academics and campus involvement in 2014. Pi Phi won a special award for multicultural involvement in 2014. All those houses won various special awards in 2013 as well. They're perennial winners and the top five houses at OU. Only on greek rank is there any controversy.

By: original question
by: aboveSep 4, 2014 3:06:57 PM


By: above
by: yesSep 4, 2014 8:05:00 PM

While it is definitely true that those top five houses have the best recruitments and win President's Trophy most often, the other houses at OU have really stepped up. I was a RhoG this year and I noticed how many top quality girls we had go through. I was happy to see that many sororities that are considered lower on Greek Rank recruited outstanding new members. Congratulations to all!

By: yes
by: @6Sep 5, 2014 7:53:45 AM

Then GPB is waaaaay down the list. They haven't won the trophy in more than ten years and then it was a tie with another house. AGD has even won over the past ten years. If it's all about presidents trophy GPB comes in pretty low with only one straight up win ever.

By: @6
by: pres trophySep 5, 2014 2:02:40 PM

Pres trophy has several components and different houses are chosen for each one. We have more than one top house so we look up to all the winners as top houses. Last year KAT won and DDD was runner up. Only 2 other pan houses won awards -- GPB won academics and campus involvement and PBP won multicultural. Those houses along with last year's winner KKG are recognized as the top houses. That is supported by data and statistics since the pres trophy is a huge application that houses work on all year. They document everything they do and put it into their application. Then they're judged.

So if you have to have a ranking based on this it would be:


the rest...

By: pres trophy
#7  by: Older observer   

Re comment from @4: "Actually every thing in life has a ranking. There is always someone smarter, richer, more beautiful etc... No matter how smart, rich, or beautiful a person you are. However the truth is it doesn't matter, if you are happy. Happy people don't constantly compare themselves to others..."

Too bad this whole quote doesn't get made into a poster mounted on the inside of the door of every chapter meeting room. If the women (members or advisors) that spend so much time spreading negativity on this site transferred their energy to improving themselves as well as their sorority -- no matter where it ranks -- they would be happier and the OU Greek system would be stronger.

By: Older observer
by: younger observerSep 4, 2014 7:55:08 PM

I agree. The negativity on here is horrible.

By: younger observer
by: ^Sep 4, 2014 11:25:48 PM

Houses are ranked by the quality of girls in the houses and the houses most desired by the PNMs. Look at this site, it speaks for itself and explains the problems with the GPB house.

By: ^
by: sad person aboveSep 4, 2014 11:52:05 PM

The comment above as well as the ranking she posted on another comment really say more about the person making the comment than about any house at OU. It's sad that someone lets her own personal problems rule her better judgement to the point that she'd post things like this anonymously. But it doesn't matter what she says, everyone here knows how great Gamma Phi and all our houses are at OU.

By: sad person above
by: SorrySep 5, 2014 7:51:03 AM

Don't care about the personal vendetta but GPB isn't a good house at OU.

By: Sorry
by: ^Sep 5, 2014 9:07:14 PM

You are talking to the wrong person and that's probably the biggest problem you have. Not everyone is out to get you some if us are just on here telling the truth and the wham it would appear you just start attacking people as one person.thats the problem with an anonymous site especially when you make assumptions.

By: ^
by: above commentSep 5, 2014 11:17:09 PM

looks to me like she was talking to the person who said she didn't care about a personal vendetta. If that was you, then I guess she was talking to you. If it wasn't you, then why are you answering???? Didn't your mom ever teach you to mind your own business?

By: above comment

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