

by: the truth

Just to clear things up, Alpha Chi had one of THE best rushes they've ever had this year. They matched quota with Tri Delt & were above Pi Phi & Chi O in numbers. As for the rest of the middle tier ithey couldn't match up. It was DG, Gamma Phi, APhi and then AOPi and AGD. AXO is definitely too of middle tier now--numbers don't lie.

Posted By: the truth
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#1  by: Idk   

You may be right. It's all about who the PNMs want. The girls going to the middle were all cut by PBP and ChiO along with the other top houses which isn't a big deal because most are. The real question you have to answer was did the girls get cut by APhi or not. If they were cut APhi still is top of middle. If not you may be right. All the bid day number does is indicate the PNM wanted your house over their other house on pref night and since OU doesn't cross cut those girls were not high enough on the other houses list either so they were added to your list IF the other house didn't have them on their first list and the PNM wanted AXO first. That's how a house gets quota additions-- If it was AOPI or AGD then it's still status quo and actually you may have had quota additions those two houses didn't want at least not on their first list. If it were GPB, APhi, and DG those girls had on pref night in addition to AXO, then you are correct and AXO would be top of the middle of course in that senerio DG APhi and GPB didn't have the girls on their first list either but the girls prefered AXO over them.

By: Idk
by: Ask OU PanAug 14, 2014 9:21:31 PM

Call the OU Panhellenic office and ask them which girls cut which houses so you'll know for sure.

By: Ask OU Pan
by: ^Aug 14, 2014 9:29:52 PM

Houses know who the release, the top talks

By: ^
by: ask OU PanAug 14, 2014 9:57:16 PM

I'd be willing to bet that no one knows the true numbers for return rates and that no one really knows which girls cut which houses. You could call the OU panhellenic advisor's office and ask for the official numbers and PNMs ranking lists so you could crunch the numbers and come up with a definitive list. Short of that, though, you're just pumping up houses you like and running down ones you don't like. Don't pretend to know facts that are unavailable.

By: ask OU Pan
#2  by: Ou cranked   

@below is spot on. I heard aphi cut a bunch -- not sure if true!

By: Ou cranked
#3  by: Haha   

Then why are the doing COR?

By: Haha
#4  by: So true   

I totally agree with all of these posts. AXO worked hard and smart and got a great PC, as did AP and DG. These three houses continue to offer girls the best examples of true sisterhoods. Let the so-called top houses battle over rankings but unlike them, these three houses along with AGD, AOP and GPB are where REAL friendships will be formed.

By: So true
#5  by: @above    

they did COBs to meet house total, not pledge class total

By: @above
#6  by: yes   

the original post is true. axo had such high return numbers that they were able to take bigger pledge classes than some of the other middle tier houses. great job ladies.

By: yes
by: ^Aug 14, 2014 9:36:22 PM

If your house is at total you can't exceed that number except through fall recruitments quota and and quota addition given to your house. If you do COB to make house total then your house doesn't have as many members as the others. Generally that's a sign of a less desired house.

By: ^
#7  by: nice   

AXO did an awesome job with their PC class. Well done ladies!

By: nice
#8  by: Curious   

What is COBs?

By: Curious
by: ^Aug 14, 2014 9:36:56 PM

Continuous open bidding

By: ^
#9  by: @comment1    

I know for a fact axo took girls from chio, APhi, and even kappa. goes to show that not everyone wants to be in "top" houses.

By: @comment1
by: ^Aug 14, 2014 9:38:21 PM

No they didn't but nice try... The houses know who they release and they never forget girls they wanted or which house those girls pledged and none of them went AXO.

By: ^
by: BelowAug 14, 2014 10:22:38 PM

I too know for a fact that it is true. Good job AXO!

By: Below
#10  by: chill   

Sometimes houses COB to account for girls that transferred or dropped. That doesn't mean they aren't a desired house...

By: chill

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