
2014 rush


I know several girls that had GPAs over 4.0, outstanding rec letters and will be part of other organizations on the OU campus this fall and they were cut by PHI PI, Theta, Kappa, TRI-Delta and Chi Omega while other girls who were not as strong academically or otherwise and they were not cut because of their looks or they had friends that were already in the sorority. (unfortunately she doesn't know anyone and is not a blond). It makes me disgusted with this whole process. From an outsider looking in, it is about who you know and not your accomplishments. How can they judge if someone is a good match based on a 10 minute conversation where the girls are nervous? You have to embrace diversity and I really don't see that happening with the process that is being used by the above mentioned houses to move girls to the next round. They seem to be most comfortable with girls that appear to be just like them. Where is the diversity and the willingness to believe that just because someone does not act or look in the same manner they may not be a fit? They may be shy or introvert but it doesn’t mean they would not be a good fit. Before someone states that I’m in one these houses I’m not I am a parent just trying understand why girls that have excellent grades and leadership qualities were cut by all of the above houses? Why is one sorority considered better than another? Stop this insane ranking do you have any idea what it does to a girl’s self-esteem?

Posted By: OU Parent-IA
Page 1 of 2

Unfortunately OU has a very competitive university and that only serves to make OU's recruitment competitive. The process is developed to keep the entire pahellenic system strong. The girls you mention may have been good fits for the sororities you mention but they may not have been too. The houses with the highest return rates are required to release more girls each round so the girls may have other more realistic options. That said I encourage you to take your own advice, girls can not possibly know the members in short ten minute conversations either. I would also get off this site. There are some misguided girls on the site. Please encourage your daughter to give the houses that CHOSE her for pref a chance. Forget the nastiness on this site. The OU Greek system is actually quite positive and quite friendly with each other, Sororities are about sisterhood not a rank a house is labeled with. Good Luck,

By: ikkkkk

Mom are you judging girls in houses? Do you perceive your daughter to be better than girls in the houses that liked her for herself? Seems to me you feel quite free to judge the " lower" houses but no one should dare do that to you or your child. Get over it, maybe she can find a real sisterhood. Or did you want her in the blond house that was superficial?

By: Question
by: OU Parent-IA   

Your response shows your immaturity. All houses should be equal and once should not be considered the best.

By: OU Parent-IA
by: @above   

Then why are you so concerned about your daughter being cut from the perceived " top 5" at OU? I think you may need to take a hard look at yourself in the mirror.

By: @above
by: OU Parent-IA   

Last comment on this topic; it is about the perception that has been created.

By: OU Parent-IA
by: ^   

The perception is actually the reality so reality created the perception. I'm sure every mom thinks their daughter is perfect and she may be but sometimes in life we don't get what we want and we have two choices- give up, go home and be miserable OR appreciate what is offered to you, take a chance, bloom where your planted and make the house that wanted YOU the best. Change the reality and change the perception of the house that liked your daughter for her self.

By: ^

Simple question, What makes one person better than another or one group better than another? If that is reality that sororities have created at OU then the conversation that I going to have with my daughter is do you really want to be part of organizations that send that type of message. Have no more comments for this madness.

By: OU Parent-IA
by: No   

It's actually set by PNMs the houses wanted the most can't take any more girls than the houses wanted the least- as far as quota -- so houses that are wanted the most by PNMs are houses with the highest return rates. Those houses are REQUIRED to make more cuts because they need less girls at their parties to fill quota and the girls who are cut need time to find a new home. It's a numbers game, that's all. On campus it's simply the girls liked the best and most admired for whatever reason.

By: No

It's interesting that the mom can't see that she's making the same judgements that she's accusing the girls of doing.

By: interesting

From one parent to another... This question only reinforces the problem you are describing. We can't change what teenagers/young adults think or write. But you can guide the young women you to know to choose wisely.

There will always be more diversity outside of the top groups. That is the same at every campus. They select girls like themselves, and girls who present themselves to be like them, because they can. The catch is if you accept an invite to one of those perceived top groups you have to be really really sure you are like those girls. If you are, great! If you aren't really like them, the odds of finding someone like you in those groups is slim.

In the rest of the groups they have accepted a more diverse crowd due to the process, which is how NPC wished it worked for all groups. And their members truly want to be at the house they are at. If you don't get along with a few girls, odds are there is a group within the group that is just like you.

So getting cut by all of those houses might just be a blessing in disguise. The girls you know will find someone who is just like them, that they can bond with, in any of the remaining houses. I have no doubt.

By: Parental Unit#2
by: Continued...   

My own daughter will go through next year. She is blonde, smart (4.0), cheerleader, great resume, will have great recs... etc. However I will encourage her to ignore the flash and brilliance. If she gets invited back by all, I will encourage her to look at the girls in each house. Which ones will fit her personality?

I will especially caution her to take a good look at her compatibly with the perceived top houses. Once you are in, what you see is what you get. And if she truly doesn't fit with that stereotype she might not end up with the sisterhood experience I would hope for her. Worst case scenario she might even drop.

The top five is a perception, which you have unwittingly encouraged. I hope you take the time to encourage the young women you are speaking of to stick with the process. If they are as wonderful as you describe they have a lot to contribute to those Greek organizations. And like any organization, it is what you make of it.

The letters are for life, not just four years. I love my alumnae group. I know some of them better now than I knew the sisters I lived with. Just shows the process can work. And a good home can be found. Luckily at OU there are no truly bottom houses. No groups in jeopardy of closing. The perceived bottom would be upper at most other universities. I would be proud for my daughter to be a member of any group there.

It is a win-win at OU. Good Luck!

By: Continued...
by: ^    

Funny you seem to "assume" because your daughter has a 4.o and was a cheerleader etc.. she will be wanted by the top houses and that's not necessarily so and seems you have unwittingly continued a perceived stereotype of top sorority houses in your thought process. However I do agree with all the other pints made.

By: ^

I made no such assumptions. And did not list any house in particular in my response. I simply presented an if/then scenario.

Of course, as a parent I believe my daughter is awesome. But as I have been around a long time, at campuses much more competitive and cut throat than OU. She will be duly prepared for the reality.

There are no guarantees, even for legacies.

By: Parental Unit #2
by: Mom   

It's hard but let your daughter find her way, she will
You know.

By: Mom

First of all, I would like you to know that I am sorry that your child has had a difficult rush. It's hard to understand how the process works, but as stated before, it is truly a numbers game. Also it does help if you know active girls in the chapter. If each sorority member has one girl from her home town that she is supporting, then it can become VERY competitive. Chapters also vote on legacies, and it's not unusual to have enough legacies to fill an entire pledge class! It is also customary to offer membership to all rushees that have a sitting sister in the chapter. My daughter happens to be on rush team this year, and she purposefully chose several girls without connections from small towns to rush for her sorority, because you are correct, there are tons of beautiful. articulate, smart girls that attend OU. After reading through a majority of posts on the site, it doesn't shine a positive light on the Greek Community in general. There are beautiful and popular girls in EVERY sorority. If your daughter is not comfortable with her choices, please tell her that freshman girls typically run around with the girls on their dorm floor! Some girls get to know sorority girls throughout the year and go through rush as a sophomore.There is nothing worse then to hear your child sobbing on the other end of the phone. Good luck to her and I am hopeful that she will have a wonderful experience her freshman year. Boomer Sooner!!

by: ^   

I agree but if she only wants the elusive " top5"then soph yr she probably won't have a better outcome. Her experience may be worse. She should really try out the house that bids her. I bet she falls in love with it.

By: ^

I hope OUPAN looks at this site. It would be easy for them to have all houses have a quota for sophomores; other schools do it. Get with the program!!!

by: ^   

Sorry OU doesn't need one but the girls can pledge as sophomores

By: ^
by: Ou is behind   

I agree. There should be a sophomore quota. Girls with great grades shouldn't automatically be cut because they are a sophomore.

By: Ou is behind

I'm just curious; why wouldn't you encourage an opportunity for Sophomores to pledge? After all, I think it would only strengthen the system and extend lifelong friendship for more girls. Also, these girls would have a proven academic and volunteer record in high school and college. Not to mention, more dues paying members for the chapters. What is the downfall?

by: Well   

An open minded sophomore with a great resume should have no problem finding a great home in the OU Greek system.

A closed minded sophomore, with her heart set on a single org where she doesn't have a bestie on the inside... Well, that might not end up great whichever that org that is. Even with a bestie on the inside.

All sororities at OU are great. Moms need to keep an open mind too.

By: Well

Soph quotas are mandatory when they are in place. Each house must take a certain number of sophomores. OU doesn't need to do that. All girls go through recruitment equally. Quota is set by total number of girls going to pref night at all of the houses then you divide by 11. Everyone is equal no advantage or disadvantages on being a sophomore recruit.

By: Soon quota

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