
academics - don't just look at one semester

by: Smart girls

I saw this on another reply and thought it might help explain grades.

Theta always wins grades. True. Here is the rest of the truth.

Pi Phi has been in the top 5 during 8 semesters and top 3 five semesters.

Gamma Phi has been in the top 5 every semester during the last ten years. They have been in the top 3 seven semesters.

Tri Delta has been in the top 5 seven semesters and top 3 four semesters.

Chi O has only been in the top 5 during 3 semesters out of the last ten years. There are many other houses who have out performed Chi O. Congratulations to them for last semester but they need to put together a few more semesters before they will be known for grades.

Posted By: Smart girls
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#1  by: Smart girl   

Did you verify these facts???

By: Smart girl
#2  by: truth   

I heard the same statistics. It's good to know that the other list being bumped is just for one semester. If you want an academic house it's important.

By: truth
by: MeAug 10, 2014 8:27:59 PM

because you read it on the other post too?

By: Me
#3  by: this is   

not true at all.

By: this is
#4  by: well   

I heard the same facts too earlier this summer.

By: well
#5  by: false   

Definitely false. Chi O has a LONG history of being top 5 in grades. When they first fell out of the top 5 for grades (about 4 years ago), it shocked the greek community. They had to readjust their recruitment and place more importance on high school GPA. They spent a few semesters out of the top 5, but regained top 5 recently.

I have been around OU greek life for a while and I have a family member who is a Chi O recruitment adviser. It was a headache when they dropped out of the top 5 for grades. They even had to cut in house sisters if they didn't have the high school GPA requirement.

Also, the GPA average separating the houses is hundreths or thousandths of a point (.01 or .001). It's really pretty negligible.

By: false
by: proofAug 12, 2014 2:31:58 PM

Here's the proof that the Chi O recruitment adviser's relative is on greekrank.

By: proof
#6  by: ha ha   

I guess the Chi O Alum is back. And admitting that the whole academic thing is true even though she says it's false. And it's pretty disgusting that she is on greekrank when she's connected with Chi O recruitment.

By: ha ha
by: yepsAug 13, 2014 4:20:59 PM

did you see all the in house sisters they cut this year? The recruiting adviser's daughter.....ER anonymous alum knew what she was talking about!

By: yeps
#7  by: Haha   

Grades don't lie

By: Haha
#8  by: Yes   

Here are facts which proves this is a trustworthy ranking

By: Yes
#9  by: Rollingmyeyes   

Why are you talking about the last 10 years??? It is really only about here and now. Guess what??? My mom said in her day it was usually theta or TriDelt that won grades. I asked my nana and she doesn't remember who won grades. Maybe we could do research and see who has won grades since the beginning of OU!

By: Rollingmyeyes
#10  by: ???   

The OP doesn't even have it right. She talks about eleven semesters for some and 10 years for others. It's wrong. Bet it's the GPB girl.

If ya gotta go back ten years some real facts are theta, kappa, DDD, chio, pi phi and AGD all have actually WON presidents trophy too. No other house did including the GPB house.

The girl is just trying to deflect the fact that GPB did horrible during recruitment. It's because they have some crazy chick spewing all kinds of crazy nonsense on this site and it's never true. Guess she's starting out early to insure they solidly become the bottom house at OU after next fall's recruitment.

By: ???

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