
gamma phi beta

by: True info

The house is ok. No one "hopes" to be a GPB going into recruitment, during recruitment, or on bid day. I'm betting you already knew that though since odds are you have either been through recruitment or are currently a PNM. If you give it a chance and stop whining over the houses you didn't get into on anonymous Greek ranking sites you can be happy in GPB. It is true these girls are cut by all the top houses and then some but whatever. Find the house that makes you happy, go for them, and if they cut you give the house that wants you a chance... Even if it's GPB.

Posted By: True info
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#11  by: Hahaha   

Sadly true

By: Hahaha
#12  by: Agree   

I would put Alpha Phi first the DG or AXO. GPB is bottom of the middle and they may sink totally to the bottom tier this year

By: Agree
by: ^Aug 10, 2014 11:43:29 PM

Me too I don't think GPB even cares about their own house or membership

By: ^
#13  by: True   

Unfortunately they get stuck there

By: True
#14  by: Sad   

But GPB has stooped to a disgustingly low point slandering the chio advisor. Pick any of the ten houses at OU that have integrity.

By: Sad
#15  by: let me see how this    

let me see how this works on this anonymous website

"I have been around OU greek life for YEARS and I have a neighbor who is a G Phi recruitment adviser. Since they dropped out of the top 5 for grades this year, it has been an absolute headache. I hear they are even having to cut in house sisters if they don't have the high school GPA requirement."

^^^OMG they are in soooooo much trouble. Can you believe they let their alums and advisers post on an anonymous website where anyone can claim to be Jesus? Oh Lawd! Pan is really going to get them!

By: let me see how this
by: ^Aug 11, 2014 9:03:08 AM

Sad that disgusting house took this changed it up and started spreading lies about chio. GPB lacks all integrity. I would suggest girls drop and go through spring recruitment instead of getting in a house that is a total embarrassment to OU Greeks.

By: ^
#16  by: Nice girl   

True info above clearly is the definition of, "Mean Girls" with her statements regarding Gamma Phi Beta - feel sorry for the House that took her in.

By: Nice girl
#17  by: Nice girl   

True Info and her followers are the very definition of, "Mean Girls" in their comments about Gamma Phi Beta - feel sorry for the Houses that took them in.

By: Nice girl
by: ^Aug 11, 2014 8:55:54 AM

Yes it's just another hateful tactic of GPB write it then accuse a real human advisor of doing it. GOB is disgusting and an embarrassment to the entire Greek system at OU.

By: ^
#18  by: ?   

How is it GPB's fault that the relative of Chi O's recruitment adviser is posting mean stuff on greekrank? Coverup????

By: ?
#19  by: Yes   

Everyone is embarrassed by this houses current behavior.

By: Yes
by: ^Aug 11, 2014 11:31:46 AM

They keep digger a deeper hole.

By: ^
by: ^Aug 11, 2014 11:52:41 AM


By: ^
#20  by: Well   

GPBs biggest lies start here

By: Well

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