
top 3 houses based on overall grades


If we're basing it just off of grades...

Theta- they win grades just about every year
Gamma Phi- They always place in grades and won academics for president's trophy this past year.
Pi Phi- They consistently place in grades as well.

Posted By: Grades
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No one is as consistent as Theta. Theta is always #1. Gamma Phi usually places in the top five if not the top 3. Pi Phi also ends up in the top five, sometimes top 3, most semesters. Other houses cycle in and out, but those are the consistent ones.

By: True
by: ^   

Actual facts are- theta has won grades the last nine semesters
Theta tridelta and ChiO were top 3 houses for spring grades and all three were also the top fall pledge classes for grades. Those houses are also consistently in the top 5 for grades. Seems GPB did a fine job on the academic section of the presidents trophy book but wasn't actually placing much in grades this year

By: ^
by: grades   

Theta always wins grades. True. Here is the rest of the truth.

Pi Phi has been in the top 5 during 8 semesters and top 3 five semesters.

Gamma Phi has been in the top 5 every semester during the last ten years. They have been in the top 3 seven semesters.

Tri Delta has been in the top 5 seven semesters and top 3 four semesters.

Chi O has only been in the top 5 during 3 semesters out of the last ten years. There are many other houses who have out performed Chi O. Congratulations to them for last semester but they need to put together a few more semesters before they will be known for grades.

By: grades

Grades are important. In fact I think they're the most important single measure of quality of a house. I agree, though, that it's more important to be consistently in the top than to land there once. But it's great anytime you place.

By: grades

I wonder why Chi O isn't bumping this post since she seems so concerned with grades. I guess Chi O's one semester at the top doesn't look so good when you compare it to academic houses.

By: uhm

Grades are important. PNMs need to realize that in sororities there is always someone around that you can goof off with. If you don't have the self-discipline to make sure you study when you need to you won't make it in college. That's why sororities are so interested in grades. The most involved houses want girls who can keep up their grades and still have time to play.

By: grades
by: yes   

This is so true.

By: yes

Beta won for the guys.

By: XO
by: Beta Theta   

Beta and Theta always win.

By: Beta Theta

Doesn't matter who wins any one semester. What matters is if you win/place/show for semester after semester. Only the three named houses do that.

By: OU Greek
by: ougal   

But Chi O did get 3rd in Spring semester and their pledge class did too. Plus they raised a lot of money for soonerthon! Don't forget that!

By: ougal

No one pays attention to new member class grades except their own officers. Everyone else looks just at the chapter grades. I've seen that one girls go on and on about how their pc did. Pfffft.

By: true
by: true    

Chi O is such an academic wannabe.

By: true
by: ^   

Hmmm seems that GPB they aren't even in the top 5 for grades --- but they are consumed with ChiO.

By: ^
by: ohmygod!   

I wrote that and I'm a Tri Delta. Stop spreading lies. It's getting so old.

By: ohmygod!
by: yes   

This is the real story on grades.

By: yes

If grades matter to you.

by: grades   

Of course grades are important. They're the most important.

By: grades

if grades really matter don't just look at one semester

By: grades
by: positive comments   

Agree. The reputation of any house is more than just one semester.

By: positive comments

Thankful for the facts

By: Can't argue

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