
sororities as celebrities

by: Here

Theta- Alex Morgan. Accomplished, competitive, impressive. They're good and they know it.
AOII - Kristen Stewart. Unusual, uncomfortable, unique. Hard to pinpoint a specific personality.
Tri Delt - Kristin Cavallari. Girlie and loud. They're the ones people either love or hate.
Gamma Phi - Jennifer Lawrence. Intelligent, independent, lovable. They're cuties you take home to mom.
Alpha Phi - Miley Cyrus. Entertaining, fun, unpredictable. They just wanna have a good time and forget the haters.
Kappa - Kate Middleton. Classy, pretty, reserved. Some may think they're little dull, but they're usually put together.
Chi O - Khloe Kardashian. Different, funny, interesting. They're not typical and they're not boring.
Pi Phi- Zooey Deschanel. Unique, funny, stylish. They don't care what others think and have a little edge.
AGD - Amy Juergens- Typical, hard workers. They coast through life.
DG - they're not celebrities quite yet.

Posted By: Here
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#1  by: Haha   

This is hilarious! These are the kinds of posts this site needs. Everyone's sick of the drama.

By: Haha
by: ^Jul 17, 2014 8:48:09 AM

Except Jennife

By: ^
#2  by: Hmmm   

Except Jennifer Lawrence. She's athletic and confident. She should be DG and GPB is the house that hadn't quite made the A list yet.

By: Hmmm
by: @2Jul 17, 2014 9:07:34 AM


By: @2
by: ohmygod Jul 17, 2014 12:23:22 PM

STOP IT! Did you not see that people are tired of your drama with Gamma Phi????

By: ohmygod
by: ^Jul 17, 2014 12:30:58 PM

Please no drama just no one cares who they are and no guy wants to date them much less take them home to mom. Maybe you should get off this site and join reality

By: ^
by: @ohmygodJul 17, 2014 12:32:32 PM

Couldn't you apply that to yourself? It was ok to say it about DG when it wasn't true but can't be said about GPB when it's an accurate description.

By: @ohmygod
by: @aboveJul 17, 2014 1:53:32 PM

Who are you talking to? You make no sense.

By: @above
#3  by: me   

Jennifer Lawrence should be moved to DG. She's sporty and confident and doesn't care what others think about her

Debbie Frank should be the GPB rep. You've probably never heard of her so see it's a perfect fit. She's a National Inquirer columnist so it's totally a perfect.

By: me
by: ohmygod Jul 17, 2014 12:24:06 PM

Could you please find another hobby and let people who are so tired and bored with you have a little break????!!!!

By: ohmygod
by: ^Jul 17, 2014 12:29:32 PM

LOL I think #3 got it perfect

By: ^
by: HahahaJul 17, 2014 12:41:01 PM

Totally agree

By: Hahaha
#4  by: Xyz   

Linsey Lohan should rep APhi- she's a beautifully talented girl who occasionally self implodes but lately has gotten it together. Miley Cyrus should be AXO because they also have fun and stay to themselves without concern of others opinions.

Kappa and Kate? Sure on the surface Kate could rep them but that's selling Kappa short. Kate's never gonna be a queen and Kappa wins Homecoming queen almost every year.

Kristen Stewart is spot on for AOPI but AGD does work hard which is different from coasting through life the description doesn't make sense.

ChiO is more Kim Kardashian somewhat fickle with a great sense of fashion.

Tridelta isn't loud think more Selena Gomez- quite talented well rounded and everybody loves her.

By: Xyz
by: KappaJul 17, 2014 5:13:05 PM

Kappa is not classy. Did you forget about the naked photos? They also put inappropriate writing on their bodies saying F.,. Theta. They are jealous of Theta because they could not get in Theta during recruitment.

By: Kappa
by: @aboveJul 17, 2014 5:41:13 PM

And here goes GPB bashing again gee I wonder what house they're gonna blame?????

By: @above
by: ^^^^Jul 17, 2014 10:43:29 PM

worst writing sample ever by a person purporting to be in college

By: ^^^^
by: ha haJul 18, 2014 6:35:59 PM

soooo true

By: ha ha
#5  by: this   

This cracks me up!

By: this
#6  by: haha   

This is the kind of post this site needs! Minus the girl above who once again has to turn everything into a GPB bashing session. Move on girlfriend you're pathetic

By: haha

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