
top 3 sororities for grades


1. Kappa Alpha Theta
2. Tridelta
3. Chi Omega

Posted By: Since it's a fact
Page 6 of 11


By: True

This is fact based one house keeps trying to spread lies about houses. This is factual.

By: Me
by: ^   

Someone is working hard to bury facts

By: ^

These are the houses with the top grades. Seems someone wants to twist the truth on this site

By: Anon

Someone wants the facts buried


Because this is the only post that gives facts and the OP doesn't try to brow beat you into believing the facts as the op twists them. Plain and simple facts nothing more nothing less

By: Bump
by: Chi O   

Chi O usually has very average grades. It's great that they did well one semester, but they need to put together a few years of doing well before they can brag on being known for grades.

By: Chi O
by: ougal   

And besides, Chi O is very good at fundraising.

By: ougal
by: ^   

Who is the girl obsessed with lying about ChiO? They usually do quite well in grades falling in the top 3 or top 5. Seems some house is quite threatened by ChiO and insecure with the accomplishments of their own house. Lying about a great house won't improve another but it will make for a house full of more bitter girls spreading more bitter lies on a website. Girls should go through recruitment. The truth about all the houses is obvious, I don't know why jealous girls try to spread lies about houses.

By: ^
by: ha ha   

In the last ten years Chi O has only been top 5 three semesters. So that's not usually. It's seldom. Has nothing to do with being jealous of them (is anyone jealous of chi o?) Anyhoo, it's you spreading the rumors (like usually doing well in grades).

By: ha ha
by: ^   

Apparently you are you spend all your time lying about them. Guess you got cut.

By: ^
by: weird    

Nah. I cut Chi O as a matter of fact because of the girls from my high school that had gone Chi O. I'm not as wild as they are and I joined a house that's more academic. That's why I think it's so misleading for Chi O to advertise itself on here as an academic house.

By: weird

This is factual but one house is trying really hard to spread lies. I'm guessing that's because they don't have anything positive to say about their house! Wow they must have an awesome sisterhood

By: Me

houses are tops in grades and a whole lot else

By: 11111

Some house loves to insist they are great at grades reality is these houses have the best grades

By: Facts

Only factual post on this site

By: 222

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Truthful post

By: Bump

Post Reply

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