
chi o, here's your chance


In the comments you've written you only say bad things about Gamma Phi and the other top houses. You never say anything good about Chi O.

I'm sure you think they're a great house. Why?

List all of Chi O's accomplishments in the last year or two. Tell us why you love your house.

You've seen the list of Gamma Phi's accomplishments. What has Chi O done to be proud of?


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#1  by: soooo   

Where's the chio now???

By: soooo
#2  by: Chi O?????   

Who knows. Maybe she'll do the right thing and stay off greekrank. She has to see that this is bad for her house.

By: Chi O?????
#3  by: interesting   

She’s always on this site! Why isn’t she responding to this? Oh right, because she can’t.

By: interesting
#4  by: HAHA   

Notice how all the comments on this post were posted about 15 minutes apart. Some poor GPhi must be obsessed with this site to sit on here for so long trying to prove how good her house is.

by: OUgalJun 23, 2014 5:13:33 PM

Nice. Another criticism of Gamma Phi. What about a commendation for Chi O?

By: OUgal
by: @OUgalJun 23, 2014 5:15:02 PM

This isn't about Chi O. This is about the fact that you have sat on this site for the last two hours writing and bumping posts about how good Gamma Phi is and how bad Chi O is. Obviously a Chi O isn't doing it, so why would I mention anything about them?

By: @OUgal
by: OUgalJun 23, 2014 5:19:39 PM

If you've been on this site for two hours reading and bumping posts saying Chi O is a better house, you know people are just asking for an end to negativity.

Stop criticizing Gamma Phi. If you think Chi O is better say why or just be quiet.

By: OUgal
by: @OUgalJun 23, 2014 5:21:58 PM

Once again, this has nothing to do with Chi O. I never brought up which house I think is better. And I haven't been reading or bumping posts about Chi O being better than GPhi, so basically, your comment is irrelevant and you look stupid. Hope you're please. You thoroughly succeeded in not making any valid argument whatsoever.

By: @OUgal
by: OUgalJun 23, 2014 5:24:49 PM

Once again, you're missing the point. The Chi O (you?) has been on here 24/7 saying that Chi O is a better house than GPhi. Go read the post being referred to or don't reply to a post that doesn't apply to you.

By: OUgal
by: @OUgalJun 23, 2014 5:26:33 PM

I'm not a Chi O, I'm a Kappa. YOU'RE MISSING THE POINT.

By: @OUgal
by: OU PanhellenicJun 23, 2014 5:37:32 PM

Really? Why would you be posting on a comment asking a Chi O to reply? Seems a bit strange and maybe even unbelievable...

By: OU Panhellenic
#5  by: hmmm   

Where's Chio now? She's always on this site, yet she's not responding... case and point.

By: hmmm
by: yesJun 23, 2014 9:53:41 PM

Still waiting...

By: yes
by: cripesJun 24, 2014 5:16:50 PM

dude you're weird

By: cripes
#6  by: LOL   

Great house love them!!

#7  by: Hahaha    

Top houses don't campaign on Greek rank but I do wonder why you always say you're OU pan they never post on this site and I'm betting you are a GPB too. Hey isn't t a ChiO the Panhellenic prez too??

By: Hahaha
#8  by: Anon   

Here's the thing Kappa ChiO Theta PiPhi and DDD are the top 5 houses. Yes we compete with each other. Steel sharpens steel but we don't do it on Greek rank and we aren't cowardly and we are all tired of the GPB house or renegade girl making OU Greek look bad. So stop GPB

By: Anon
by: What?Jun 24, 2014 12:37:10 AM

I'm in one of the houses you mentioned and we NEVER compete with Chi O. There was only even one girl that went Chi O that we had on our maybe list and she was a Chi O legacy so we weren't sure about her.

I'm not cowardly and I'm not tired of Gamma Phi. I'm tired of Chi O making OU greek look bad. So STOP IT. And stop saying stuff about my house, Chi O!!!

By: What?
#9  by: Where is the list?   

Chi O, please write out a list of your accomplishments during the last year or two.

By: Where is the list?
#10  by: Agree   

This is a great post. I wish Chi O would respond.

By: Agree
by: yikes Jun 24, 2014 5:18:58 PM

kk uh you're really creepy and i worry you don't have any friends but i know chi-o won u-sing my freshman year i think. it was the musketeers show pretty sure.

By: yikes
by: ??Jun 24, 2014 10:16:18 PM

My name isn't kk and I'm not creepy. I do have friends. What year did Chi O win? I don't remember any musketeers and I don't remember Chi O winning anything. Please repond but don't call me by other people's names like kk, and why do you think I'm creepy?

By: ??
by: LolJun 29, 2014 12:34:19 AM

Props at pretending to be the crazy gphi. Clever. I think it was 2011. The lead girl was acting like one of the guys in the show then turned out she was a girl. Something like that

By: Lol
by: kkJun 29, 2014 1:26:17 AM

I just looked it up on youtube and it was back in 2010 that's 4 years ago. I don't know if it won, but anyway I was in high school. How about something since we've been in college.

By: kk

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