
ou sorority houses

by: Sooner Greek Gal

People are tired of reading the nonsense. No one knows who's posting. Intelligent guesses are irrelevant because any body with a brain can make a comment appear to be from a certain house. They can even make it appear someone from one house is saying something mean about another house. Truth is this site has nothing to do with reality.

Past recruitment years have seen Theta Kappa PBP DDD and ChiO forced to make the deepest cuts of PNMs. I am sure some girls don't even want these houses which is fine too. If you see you fit in better with another house you will have a better mathematical chance at getting into it. Even with the five houses mentioned some girls choose the lesser so called house than the higher one pref night. That's fine too. Alpha Phi is another house that is getting in more demand. It may be more difficult to get in their house this year. No one knows until it happens.

So people need to stop with their nonsense jealousy or whatever on this site.

Based on years past the hardest houses to receive a bid from are:
Theta Kappa Tridelta ChiO and Pi Phi

Alpha Phi, DG,GPB and AXO
I suspect Alpha Phi may be the hardest here. They are really making a name for themselves and people seem to like them on campus.

AOPI took third in HC last year and AGD had a set back with their house.

Anything is possible it is truly a numbers game attempting to keep all houses strong.
Anyone on this site who claims to be OU Panhellenic IS NOT OU Pan.

Posted By: Sooner Greek Gal
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Page 1 of 11
#1  by: ou girl   

This is completely accurate.

By: ou girl
by: OU PANHELLENICJun 17, 2014 5:14:53 PM

It's completely accurate IF you are a Chi O alum telling lies to try to persuade PNMs to choose your house over ones that have actually performed better. PNMs should choose the house where they find the best fit.

by: ^Jun 17, 2014 6:00:02 PM

Surely you aren't as obsessed as you appear to be over chio are you? Just keep it up and give them a great pledge class. I don't know who's writing but it seems it GPB obsessed with ChiO or someone framing GPB took look like sheer idiots. I'd be far more worried about the perception people are getting about GPB. If y'all know who's making your house look stupid you should really make them stop.

By: ^
by: @aboveJun 17, 2014 6:03:01 PM

Nah, the people you call GPBs are not members of Gamma Phi Beta. They're members of Girls Protesting Bullies. The obsession about Chi O is merely a fantasy on your part. The reason there are so many posts is because the Girls Protesting Bullies are answering your lies with the truth.

By: @above
by: ^^^Jun 17, 2014 6:22:11 PM

LOLZ you are funny!!! Now if you could just join the rest of us in reality!

By: ^^^
by: OU PANHELLENICJun 17, 2014 6:28:24 PM

Chi O just posted six negative rankings on Gamma Phi's wall in 11 minutes. Houses that pull this kind of sleazy trick are absolutely not top houses no matter how many times they reuse comments. They did this last year and it backfired and they had to snap bid a ton of girls (literally). It will no doubt happen again because who wants to be in a house like this???

by: ^Jun 17, 2014 8:22:33 PM

Nah they didn't but they did cut every girl that ended up GPB. I'm kinda surprised you would even say that because the only girls eligible for snap bids are girls that drop during recruitment because the top 5 houses cut them and they don't want GPB DG AXO AOPI or AGD and would rather not get a house at all! Hahaha that just makes GPB look even worse if a top house had snap bid!! I'm guessing you put that out there because your house hopes to deflect the fact that GPB had to take girls AGD REFUSED to ask back. LOL under those circumstances I'd probably lie too because it makes GPB the rock bottom house at OU. Not sure GPB can recover especially since they are panicking all over this site.

By: ^
by: ^Jun 17, 2014 10:56:02 PM

Hahahaha every post that you don't write us a 35 year old chio alum. Do u think people are really that stupid or is that you are???

By: ^
by: aboveJun 21, 2014 5:56:23 PM

Really, there is only one STUPID person on here. YOU! The rest of the posters have the ability to use the English language. Look at this: "Do u think people are really that stupid or is that you are???" What does that mean? "... [I]s that you are?..." If you are an alum, you must have dropped out after you failed freshman comp.

By: above
by: ^Jun 21, 2014 7:41:40 PM

She may not spell well or she may not proof read or it may be auto correct but if not at least Stupid lives in reality, you certainly don't.

By: ^
#2  by: Me   

OP is correct. I'm soooo tired of the crazy GPB trying to blame things on imaginary people she makes up.

By: Me
#3  by: Just the facts   

Some houses can't handle the truth

By: Just the facts
#4  by: True reflection   

Perfect for OU sororities

By: True reflection
#5  by: No   

Got to move GPB to the bottom then is current

By: No
by: ^Jun 19, 2014 8:41:06 AM

Agree all their nonsense no way anyone wants them. All the girls who just graduated are spreading the word like crazy to stay away from GPB. I had several asking how bad they are yesterday and if they are as pathetic as it sounds on this site.

By: ^
by: um....Jun 19, 2014 9:50:39 AM

I guess you didn't really read this comment before you agreed. It starts out "People are tired of reading the nonsense. No one knows who's posting."

The PNMs you talked to were probably testing you to see if you were one of the bullies since even PNMs know that all panhellenic members are not supposed to say bad things about other houses.

The girls coming out of high school now have had anti-bullying training since middle school and are not impressed by your bullying tactics.

Also, you need to switch Chi O and G Phi to make your ranking correct.

---------signed GPB (Girls Protesting Bullying)

By: um....
#6  by: Sooner   

again sorry to whoever is writing whatever but this is truthful and everyone who is writing nonsense should really have a little more self respect for themselves. All the houses have something to offer so just be proud of your house no matter where it is in the tier system. IF you are completely consumed by your tier you have totally missed the point of a sorority

By: Sooner
by: AnonJun 21, 2014 3:39:52 PM

Totally agree with you and the OP

By: Anon
#7  by: Sorry   

But this op got it right. Everyone knows who they cut and which houses are in the most demand. Unfortunately someone can't tell the difference between the truth and her own bullying. She should take her own advice or is lying about houses a good thing now?

By: Sorry
#8  by: OU   

Bumping because it's the truth!

By: OU
by: ^Jun 25, 2014 8:45:11 AM


By: ^
by: SoonerJul 21, 2014 10:07:42 PM


By: Sooner
by: DittoJul 23, 2014 1:43:57 AM


By: Ditto
by: ^Aug 1, 2014 9:53:39 AM

Me too! We all know this is true no matter how much the loser self ranking house lies about reality at OU

By: ^
#9  by: Me   

This is one of those rare posts on Greek rank that actually is full of facts that can be verified

By: Me
by: OK. Jun 23, 2014 4:25:31 PM

OK. Verify your "facts."

It's not a verification to just assert things like "forced to make the deepest cuts," "hardest to get into," "people seem to like them," etc.

I didn't see anything that could be verified in any way. But do your best.

By: OK.
#10  by: Always has been...   

Always will be! Well unless gphi slops to the very bottom and has to close their doors

By: Always has been...

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