
sorority rankings with reasons


Hi I've seen a lot of rankings but nothing to back up what they are thinking so here we go

First Tier (in order)
DDD- they had a big incident last year but as a whole are learning from it and still got a great pledge class this year
CHI O - shocked everyone during rush and ended up with a lot of great girls
KAPPA- even though I think not having a house hurt them... Good people are always going to go because of the name
PI PHI- good house during rush but then just becomes irrelevant after
THETA- really dropped rankings this year with their pledge class

Second Tier
APHI- have started to compete more with the top 5 but still have a reputation that makes girls choose top tier over them
GPHI - they always end up getting the girls that are cool but not cool enough to be in a top tier, still puts on a great rush though
DG- really good sisterhood but kinda just forgotten about as a whole
AXO- They have been doing better with recruitment this past year and signed a bunch of good girls
AOPI- just because it is a bottom house doesn't mean anything really, still are a great group of girls who love their house. just need to work on having conversations more during work week
AGD- they always end up getting some of the nicest people in the greek system. they just need a little more work into flows and conversations during rush to get some better girls!

Posted By: truth
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Involvement is a main reason for top tier and now that Chi O, PiPhi and Theta didn’t make USing they do not belong in the top tier.

By: Nope
by: okayyyyy   

kappa didn't make U-Sing last year, so I guess they should have also been dropped from the top tier after that?

By: okayyyyy
by: Chi O   

They did shock people but not in a good way. They lost girls to most other houses and ended up with girls that had AXO or DG or AOII as their other house. I agree they're on here a lot bragging about their house but I'm pretty sure that the girls they got are not the ones they started out wanting.

By: Chi O
by: Sooner   

Well, I personally know 2 girls who had DDD and AXO, 2 that had Pi Phi and AOPi, one that had KKG and AGD and one who had Theta only (she cut some "lower" houses 1st round then got cut by every other other house after that). So does that make DDD, Pi Phi, KKG and Theta "lower" houses too?

On USing - some houses didn't get the dance crowd this year. Some didn't last year and some won't next year. If our standard for "top" house is who manages to convince the tiny fraction of guys who both care and have talent to put on a dance performance, that's pretty weird.

By: Sooner
by: top houses ^   

Yes, sometimes top houses don't get the singers and dancers but every year they try to get enough of those girls to do well in shows.

By: top houses ^
by: Really?   

Kappa didn’t make Using in 2017 either!

By: Really?

The explanations you list for PiPhi and Theta prove that they are not top tier houses anymore. Sure they have name recognition but that’s not enough to keep them a top tier.

By: Sorry

APhi will never compete for top tier girls. Their reputation is what messes that up. They get a lot of pretty girls but as a whole party harder and get down harder than any house on campus. That’s a fact!

Agree with most of the rest except I think Pi Aphi and XO are irrelevant and should drop down. Put on a good recruitment then that’s it. But that’s just my opinion.

By: @truth
by: lol   

say what you want. Im not the type of girl to call houses out but I can assure you Alpha Phi is not the only house partying hard on campus. I have friends in many houses and this is absolutely hypocritical and a slight load of let me see CRAP! We have a wide variety of girls and many from different states. I listened to years moms and alumni say these blah blah houses are the only houses to pledge at OU! Good thing I was taught to think for myself. Alpha Phi is breaking the sterotypes and changing its footprint at OU! Do we like to have fun..YES!!! So do most of the other houses!!! I have never and will NOT be a part of slamming houses! Too many great ones at OU and if you think this makes your house look better..well it doesn't! BOOOOOOMMMMERRRR! this sight makes all of us look terrible!

By: lol
by: dead   

@rep...okur!!! if throwing shade makes you feel better...XO is a great house.<3 very very sad! what house are you in?

By: dead
by: love   

@dead...I love you! speak truth and spread love!

By: love

In my opinion you have top tier all wrong. Unfortunately most of those houses have dropped. We need to stop putting houses in top tier that no longer belong there.

By: First Tier

Here’s the way I see it now after recruitment and USing

Top Tier
Kappa, DDD, XO, AXO

Second Tier
PiPhi, Theta, APhi, GPhi, DG, AGD, AOPi

by: Yep   

I agree but you are gonna get some hate for this lol

By: Yep
by: @IMO   

I agree too but this site is full of haters and people living in the past. Let’s see how those crazies react. Even tho Kappa had a weak recruitment that still remain top tier. DDD as well. I’m not sure about XO. And I def think AXO is moving up.

The tiers have changed and it’s prob Not this exact ranking but I can get behind this somewhat.

By: @IMO
by: sorry AXO mom   

Sorry, AXO isn't in the top tier. Or the top of the middle tier. Never will be either. Don't let it ruin your day, though.

By: sorry AXO mom
by: Lol   

@sorryaxomom. Hilarious..it’s so obvious AXO is trolling this thread! Do they know how bad it makes them look? I think AXO is mentioned now more on GR then any other house bc of self ranking!!!

By: Lol
by: Alpha Chi    

I'm an Alpha Chi and this kind of ranking crap is making me sick. Whoever is doing it, please stop. If it's the mom of one of my sisters, I beg you to quit because you're making our house have a bad reputation because of it.

By: Alpha Chi
by: Boomer   

Switch AXO and Pi Phi.

By: Boomer
by: weird but ok   

If you’re basing it off of using then the people who actually MADE using should be at the top but that’s just me 🤷🏻‍♀️

By: weird but ok
by: Taking over   

Yes!!! This is it!!

By: Taking over

It’s so stupid that people come on here just to repeat rankings from several years ago

By: Wtf
by: word   

These girls and their moms are dillusional!!

By: word

Aphi is much lower

by: xo   

So is Chi O but you have to admire how often they're on GR selfranking

By: xo

Hilarious. 😂
No one cares about rankings and everyone is happy with their pledge class. It’s about finding where you fit.

By: 🐓

DDD, Pi Phi, Theta, Kappa, XO

G Phi, AXO, A Phi, AOPi, DG, AGD

By: boomer

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Is relatively accurate i don’t agree that tri delt is top house, but I will agree they had a good rush this year.

By: This
by: True   

Probably the most accurate I have seen on here in a LONG time!

By: True

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