


Ok so I will be rushing in the fall. I am a triple legacy to KKG. Please don’t misunderstand me. In no way am I saying me being a legacy will get the bid but I know I have an equal chance just like I do the rest of sororities. I’ve heard so many rumors about everyone in KKG being rich snobby mean and the house won’t even consider you if your parents don’t make at least 250K. Not sure if any of this is true but I am in no way rich at all. I would probably consider myself extremely extremely low middle class. I don’t want to bid a sorority (considering I might still have KKG on pref day) that will judge me because most of my closet consist of Forever 21, Walmart, and discount stores. I don’t own designer anything, have a nice car, go on fancy trips, and am about to bury myself in a mountain of student debt lol. So I guess what I am asking is if KKG is really like this at OU and are any other houses known for having this rep too?

Posted By: Umm
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There are some who would judge you. There are shallow girls in every house - maybe even a few more in KKG than in others. But if you have enough money to meet your obligations and don't talk about money at all (don't say oh, no, I can't afford that - just say yeah, no, I don't need that) you'll be fine. There are really rich people who don't spend much. Cultivate that and you'll find that you don't have a problem.

By: depends

There are actually lots of Kappas who just pretend to be rich and wear fake designer stuff. I know a Kappa from my high school whose mom is a teacher and dad is a policeman, so definitely not a wealthy family, but she wears a fake Hermes belt and fake Cartier bracelet to try and look the part. I also went to the debutante party for about 10 Kappas recently and they charged $150 for guests to attend...everyone thought that was super tacky! They couldn't afford to be debs but are trying so hard to look rich...sad

By: pretenders

How does anyone really know how much your parents make? I know people who make a ton of money but are very down to earth and don’t flash it. My friend’s dad makes serious money but drives a regular truck. She got a new car for her 16th birthday but it was a Nissan.

By: ???
by: how?   

They don't for sure. They only know if they went to hs with you or something

By: how?

Agree with pp’s But also want to say, if you’re truly about to take on a mountain of student debt for school, do you really believe you’ll be able to meet the financial obligations of a sorority for 4 years? The worst thing would be to have to drop out for financial reasons and have taken another girl’s spot in your pledge class. Sorority is a four year commitment.

You don’t have to be rich but you do need to have the $3500-4000 it’s going to cost your freshman year and then a few thousand each year after that. And if you’re working all the time to pay for your sorority, are you going to miss out on the social experience and get fined for missing chapter events?

By: Me

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by: It’s Umm   

I do have the money to meet all the financial obligations every semester and year, that is not where the financial problem lies. It lies in my obscene per semester tuition which I do not, nor my parents, have hanging in their back pocket. Just have to hope for future scholarships to ease some of the loans. Thanks for your words though. I see what point you were coming from, but I would not put myself under more of a financial burden if it could be avoided (which would be having to option to rush or not to rush). I do not plan on working my first year but plan to starting my second. I know of many girls who were able to find a job that would work around their school and sorority schedule once they become sophomores and juniors. Thanks again for your view. And if for any reason during rush my financial situation changes, I would drop so I did not take a spot from another PNM.

By: It’s Umm
by: Me    

I would still say that if you’re taking out a $50k or $70k or whatever loan for tuition, joining a sorority should be the last thing on your to-do list. Putting that money towards tuition each year is a better use of your family’s money and will make your monthly payments considerably lower when you graduate. Sorority is a college luxury item, not a “need” like tuition, room, board, books, & fees.

Future scholarships (if you didn’t get a merit or financial aid package for your freshmen year) get more rare and smaller in dollar amount. They are also usually contingent upon you making a 4.0 or close to that which again will take a lot of time studying if you are trying to balance school, work, and sorority.

By: Me
by: ^   

I agree. If you're thinking that you won't have any fun not being in a sorority, you need to talk to some of the independents at OU. They have friends they hang out with and participate in all the events etc. It's a terrible thing to borrow money to participate in a sorority. You need to really rethink this. (And you need to remove the triple legacy info. There are not that many so you're going to be known as the girl that wrote on greek rank that she couldn't afford the sorority.

By: ^

Kappas definitely aren't all rich, even though they want you to think they are. A Kappa that went to my high school in TX has parents who declared bankruptcy and owe money to everyone in town, but that doesn't stop them from somehow buying/ leasing her a new BMW!

By: kkg

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