

by: Selfish

Did she transfer? Why accept a bid to alpha phi if she knew she was leaving? Way to take the place of another woman who might have wanted to be a phi and could have been alpha phi. Totally selfish.

Posted By: Selfish
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Page 1 of 2
#1  by: yup   

Texas girl is back in Texas for good and real happy about it. Not sure why she wanted to seem so committed to OM and what it had to offer her then bail. Good riddance, I guess...

By: yup
#2  by: yup   

Texas girl is back in Texas for good and real happy about it. Not sure why she wanted to seem so committed to OM and what it had to offer her then bail. Good riddance, I guess...

By: yup
#3  by: ?   

Didn't aphi initiate? So she has no rush options in Texas except to affiliate, if they'll take her. Weird that she would pledge, unless she didn't know she was going to transfer.

By: ?
#4  by: me   

why did she leave?

By: me
#5  by: well,   

my guess is that she probably left ole miss because people are beyond vicious to her. mistake in my opinion. she shouldn't let bullies drive her away. I feel bad for her, but if she sees this, i hope the rest of college experience, whereever she ends up going is amazing. I hate how clichey Ole Miss can be.

By: well,
by: ^Feb 1, 2016 4:45:42 PM

People were SO mean to her. The people who spoke that way about her should be really ashamed of themselves, how can you be ok with treating someone like that? I hope that she has enough confidence, as she should, to realize these girls were only mean out of jealousy. Breaks my heart though, no matter how much confidence you have that would be difficult to handle.

By: ^
#6  by: I know....   

She got into a better school in TX, she was bullied and OM unless you are 5% of people can feel very isolating. I'm so so glad to be a quiet mid tier house and why is everyone freaking out about someone losing a bid to ap. Leave her alone!

By: I know....
by: UmFeb 9, 2016 1:55:48 PM

It doesn't seem like she is in school right now...

By: Um
#7  by: Not selfish   

Her dropping out just means there's room for someone else. That's how it always works no matter which house you're in

By: Not selfish
#8  by: Stats   

There are 5 schools in Tx with APhi chapters. UT is very hard to get into as is the chapter. God bless if she was able to get into UT. Other schools are Texas Tech, North Texas State, Midwestern State, Texas A&M Commerce. All have very strong APhi chapters except Texas A&M Commerce. The Greek system there is small and I wouldn't consider any house from any group particularly strong at TAMC. She might be able to affiliate with Alumna groups that are very strong/large in the Houston and Dallas areas.

By: Stats
by: lolFeb 2, 2016 10:44:00 AM

APhi at UT is a joke I dont know what youre smoking

By: lol
by: ???Feb 2, 2016 2:18:28 PM

I'm from Texas! Aphi is a joke at just about every school.

By: ???
by: sureFeb 12, 2016 10:34:59 PM

you idiots keep your little minds here at 'rigorous' OM; Texas APhi is a great chapter; that you say it's a 'joke' shows you don't know anything about the UT greek scene. You're just out to put down APhi since they are the new kid on the block here at OM and you can't be threatened now, can you?!

By: sure
#9  by: Bully much?   

Why continue to talk about her? Why be concerned? If she wasn't a close enough friend of yours to let you know she was leaving/transferring what possible difference could it make to you? Harass her enough that she leaves and then continue to talk about her - don't worry your top tier spot is safe for a bit longer.

By: Bully much?
#10  by: aPHi   

APhi is irrevant in Texas. They have ONE respectable chapter at Texas, and it is lower mid tier. This is after years, decades of being bottom tier. Chapter folded at Texas A&M and no chapter at Baylor, SMU, TCU. Top sororities don't go to the places APHi has colonized in Texas. Chapter at Tech is worst in grades and has a terrible rep.

By: aPHi
by: ^Feb 4, 2016 2:56:45 PM

They're known as pretty but not the traditional houses because they're all new chapters. Get over it

By: ^
by: What are your sources?Feb 5, 2016 9:22:30 AM

Where do you get this specific info about various chapter's GPAs? Would love to check this out from the primary source vs gossip? You are also wrong about "top houses" not having chapters at these schools. Chi O has chapters at all of the same schools, i.e. Tech, MidWestern State, UT, TAMUC and UNT. KD has chapters at all of these schools too except for MWS. Kappa and Tri Delta also have several chapters. Texas A&M is a fine school with strong traditions. They were an all male military school until the mid-70s. Some sororities who attempted to colonize there early were met with resistance as were female students. This is now ancient history and women are now very welcomed at TAMU. I don't know this for a fact, but with the current acceptance and student numbers growth at TAMU, I could see this being a prime school for Greek expansion. The APhi alumnae groups in the Houston and Dallas areas are also large and extremely active. Do your homework if you are going to broadly slander a group.

By: What are your sources?
by: ^^Feb 6, 2016 4:30:33 PM

Why the hell are you talking about ADPi?

By: ^^
by: hey FactsFeb 12, 2016 10:41:13 PM

Texas is more like 51k....don't know where you got the 39k....way off. The greeks at UT are a very small percentage but very influential and visible. It's elite to belong to the NPC groups at Texas, unlike at other schools where everyone is greek.

By: hey Facts
by: @aPHiFeb 26, 2016 11:16:38 PM

you again?? which aphi chapter cut u in your miserable past?? you must be a jealous WOMAN who is in a LOW tier chapter or something to make you so upset w aphi.

By: @aPHi

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