
alpha phi at ole miss


What are people's opinion on Alpha Phi at Ole Miss? I know its really good at Alabama and pretty good at LSU, too, but it's brand new at Ole Miss, so what do people think of it?

Posted By: PNM
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Please learn to read before you come to college. No one's going to answer this when everyone and their mother has put their opinion on this site already. Get off GreekRank if you know what's good for you.

By: Wow don't come here

guys think they're good looking but easy, I heard many guys saying that girls went alpha phi because they had bad reputations before rush and that's true. girls had bad rushes and that's where they ended up

By: honestly
by: This   

This is so true and anyone who tries to disagree is just upset that alpha phi is bottom right now.

By: This
by: mhm   

this is totally true! I've heard many people saying this!!! guys included.. the girls have bad reps and that's why they ended up at a "house" that had low requirements to get a bid. I know a lot of their new members and one thing is in common - they don't care about what others think of them

By: mhm

We call them Alpha Fleas. WOOF!

By: Ehh

I've heard nothing but good things about Alpha Phi (pretty and friendly being the most popular receptions) and I'm sure they have great potential here at Ole Miss. Don't trust the negative things you read on here about any sorority. 95% percent of the time it's just girls/alums trying to knock down others images to boost theirs. You'll get more honest answers just asking people in person.

By: Actually

I heard they were nice girls !!1

By: Rebs

Miss USA was an APhi

By: Well

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by: Lol   

Miss USA wasn't from ole miss. Different chapters recruit different girls.

By: Lol

She's an alpha phi from Boston. That has nothing to do with the ole miss alpha phi. Anybody with half a brain knows that chapters are completely different from campus to campus. Olivia Jordan is lovely. She probably wouldn't be alpha phi at ole miss. Sorry but it's true.

By: Who cares?
by: ^   

Alpha phi' actually have one of the most consistent high reps of any sorority. Their nationals makes a point of recruiting only the best and visiting/reforming schools that have started to slip

By: ^
by: ...   

Only "the best" to them are mostly pretty, social girls with zero actual content whatsoever. My older sister was on a campus with an Alpha Phi chapter that wasn't even struggling, just had one iffy recruitment. Their nationals came in, taught them how to rush, and suddenly all the pretty bimbos are Alpha Phi's. She said it was the weirdest thing ever.

By: ...
by: Oh?   

Alpha Phi has the most Miss USA's of any of the sororities. You can't get more well rounded girls than that!

By: Oh?
by: @Oh   

Everyone knows that Miss USA is NOT well-rounded. It's a looks competition.

Miss America is more well rounded than Miss USA. Lol.

By: @Oh
by: Yes   

Alpha Phi specifically recruit pretty, outgoing girls nation-wide. They're a super fun sorority to be in all over the place. Whether you agree with their criteria or not that's up to you

By: Yes
by: Even though   

Umm Miss America 2015 was an initiated Alpha Phi too technically

By: Even though

Of course Alpha Phi took people who were cut from other sororities or who didn't get the bids they wanted. That's how new colonies are always started; it's why they held their recruitment after formal rush was over.

Alpha Phi is putting a lot more emphasis on appearance than other groups, and being far more open about it. Every group considers appearance, but they like to lie and say they don't. Alpha Phi will never be top tier with this strategy, but they won't be on the bottom for long. A lot of people hate this fact and come on here and write nasty things about them.

They ought to have the right to select their own members without a lot of jealous girls constantly saying nasty things about them.

By: Quit being jerks
by: Yes   

Exactly at least Alpha Phi is honest about it. Recruiting based on looks is no more shallow than recruiting based on parent's wallets.

By: Yes
by: And    

That girl Carly had a bad rep before rush so her only choice was alpha phi

By: And
by: ^   

Her "bad rep" was due to having some pics with red cups, being well liked by guys and being Insta famous, like that's even a bad thing. I've heard girls who follow her who are dead set on rushing APhi for that reason specifically. We all drink, we all want guys to like us and follow girls who are Insta famous. I really don't see the issue, never did.

By: ^
by: @and   

Maybe you're just jealous you didn't get a bid to aphi...

By: @and
by: @And   

Well apparently she has transferred now probably thanks to being abused on this site...

By: @And
by: ^   

Are you serious?? That is so sad and wrong how do people sleep at night

By: ^

way better than theta

By: js

APhi is new kid on the block but they WILL get a house and they WILL take the pretty ones and they WILL jump from "newbies" to one of the better chapters.....they always do. Just take a look at all of the other APhi FB pages/instas....they won't stay down for long.

By: Gosh
by: ^   

Damn right. That's what I love about Alpha Phi. Their nationals know how to recruit no matter where in the country they are. Hell they even recruit pretty girls in Canada. That's not something too many houses can say, the only house that rivals their consistency is Zeta, somewhat KD and somewhat GPB. Then you have houses like Delta Delta Delta who are either top of the top or a bunch of overweight losers who hate each other. Tridelts that have been to or seen pics from convention you know what I'm saying!

By: ^
by: LOL   

Yes, Tri Delt on the West Coast is nothing like Tri Delt in the South.


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