
ddd rush was a remake of scream queens


First five minutes of Scream Queens pilot we could not stop laughing thinking of the DDD going into labor during recruitment! What are the chances, guess you aren't alone trip delta! Also Nancy Drew is way too much of a GDI to be playing a sorority queen... Annoying.

Posted By: Chanel
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I was thinking the same!

By: Hahahahaha

Sorry, but it happened on Friday before rush started on Sunday ! It was not the week before. And why name other sororities in this ,when you don't know who posted this.

By: ???
by: Well   

Friday while she was setting up for rush is why people are saying during rush. Rush had not officially started but the sororities were setting up and it was Silent week. Either way it was not something to be proud of and it did not make DDD look good. By the way, I'm not a XO,KD,or Kappa but everyone including Fraternities were talking about it.

By: Well
by: Technically   

If rush started on a Sunday, then Sunday was not only the first day of a new week, but the first day of rush week.

If she had her baby the Friday before, then the poster is correct. She had her baby the week before rush started.

Nothing like scream queens!

By: Technically
by: ^   

You obviously didn't watch scream queens you sad little tri delt

By: ^
by: ^   


By: ^

Your kidding me right? Since the first round of rush is a no decorations round, what would she have been doing to set up?

Keep spinning your lies!

Since when did a girl having a baby have ANY reflection on her friends? She was 21! She knew where babies came from! She did the right thing by dropping out of school to raise her baby.

What about the girls who chose a quick drive to Memphis to abort their babies? Happens every year in every sorority to multiple girls! Don't be so quick to judge! It could happen to you!

By: Setting up?

Giiiiirls get a sense of humour, if you watched scream queens you would've laughed! The DDD situation was a very over dramatic and crazy scandal and Scream Queens reaction was just hilarious when you think of how it happened at DDD. It's just a joke and the baby is doing good and DDDs are fine so quit crying about it!

By: Wow! (I am OP)
by: Just stop!   

Dear op!

Quit trying to stir the pot by bringing this bs up again so long after rush! It's over! Rush is over! Tri delt got a great pledge class! Get over it!

Quit trying to win the award for drama queen of the year! Go out and get a life!

By: Just stop!
by: ^   

LOL drama queen? It's a freekin joke watch the show, it's ridiculous. You girls are drama queens taking everything so seriously what a headache!

By: ^

I'm not sure what she was doing ,all I do know is that her water broke on Friday early evening at the DDD house. Yes, this could happen to anyone. I think the reason everyone is jumping on DDD is because they are mean girls and when something happens to them everyone feels it is payback .

By: ^^^

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by: Just stop!   

Ddd is not filled with mean girls! Just about every single one of us has friends that are Ddd! You can't generalize an entire sorority!

Grow up and quit acting like a scorned junior high girl!

By: Just stop!

There y'all go again! Attacking an entire sorority! Why? Does attacking another sorority make yours any better?

By: Omg
by: ^   

Wipe your tears, watch the show and get a sense of humour.

By: ^

All in one trip ? I call BS on that !!!

By: ???

More importantly, did anyone else see scream queens? Agree with OP funniest coincidence! The show is really weird though not sure how I feel about it

By: K but
by: Ummm   

Stupidest show on tv! I quit wasting my time after the pilot episode!

By: Ummm

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