
southern royalty


Chi Omega (The Queens of the South)
Zeta Tau Alpha (we don't have them, but we should get them)
Kappa Delta
Phi Mu
Delta Zeta ( wish we had them here)
Delta Delta Delta
Alpha Omicron Pi (Good at most Southern Schools)
Alpha Delta Pi

Posted By: @JC I
Page 1 of 3

-AOPi is NOT good at most southern schools. But they are stronger in the south than anywhere else.
-Delta Zeta isn't all that popular either, honestly. The south is also their stronger area of the country, but they don't compare to Chi O, DDD, KD, ZTA, ADPi, and Phi Mu.
-Zeta is very strong in the south, but struggles at MSU and they struggled horribly when they were here. I'm guessing DZ did too considering the fact that they were on campus and aren't now.


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by: No   

This whole comment is inaccurate af

By: No
by: REB   

AOPi is strong nationally with more chapters than any other NPC sorority in the country. They have also done a lot of partnership work with ADII and Zeta nationally and underwent a massive national rebranding which has expanded their growth even more. They opened new chapters across the country. They have strong chapters throughout the South, on the West Coast, in New England, and the Midwest. Their southern chapters at Tennessee, Georgia, Auburn, Alabama, Arkansas, UTM, BSC, Samford, UAB, UAH, FSU, UF, and others are all very strong. Ole Miss is not very kind to groups that try to colonize. Look at what they did to Zeta and Theta, who are both very strong nationally. If you look at ADII, AOII, Pi Phi, and Alpha Phi, you will see they are strong national chapters especially the first three. Yet, Ole Miss has done everything possible to keep them down. Luckily, these groups have deep national pockets and support to continue to help them grow. I feel bad for Alpha Chi. They are going to say horrible things to keep them from growing. It's old school, narrow-minded ways of thinking. Ole Miss will never change.

by: slippy   

"Most chapters" is irrelevant. TKE has the most fraternity chapters and NO ONE in the country would call them one of the best fraternities nationally.

By: slippy
by: @slippy   

I would consider TKE to be good nationally and no,, I'm not a TKE

By: @slippy
by: slippy   

Are you serious? The majority of their chapters are at weak schools, and at good schools the vast majority of their chapters are in the lower tiers.

By: slippy
by: @slippy   

why you hate on tea so much they drop you for no bid?

By: @slippy
by: hmmm   

just love to bump this up cause it makes me laugh

By: hmmm
by: hmm...   

While AOPi has the most active chapters in the U.S., Chi Omega has the greatest number of initiated members. However that doesn't always equal the most influential or strongest organization. There are sororities that are very particular about where they choose to establish a chapter.

By: hmm...
by: AOPI   

is awesome in the south


This is ole miss. We are not like every other southern school. ZTA will never be allowed back on campus and DZ has a horrible rep at some schools.

By: Lol
by: what?   

Kappa is southern royalty

By: what?
by: ...   

If only someone from Kappa would let us know how they feel.....

By: ...
by: curious   

why won't zta ever be allowed back

By: curious
by: @ what?   

Kappa will never be royalty after that awful stunt Meghan Markle did to the Queen. Come on. Who exploits and blindsides an old lady like that? Not nice.

By: @ what?
by: Wear that crown   

Okay Boomer, the Queen will be fine. And Meghan Markle is still royalty.

By: Wear that crown
by: @ wear the crown   

Meghan is disrespectful. And she isn't running from the spotlight, she's running into it. She has serious issues.

By: @ wear the crown
by: ya know    

I don't understand why Harry and Meghan get to live in Canada.

By: ya know
by: ^ I know   

Why do they get to just move to Canada? It's hard to get residency there.

By: ^ I know
by: slippy   

Meghan Markle has never been royalty. And she was the worst character in Suits.

By: slippy
by: sigh   

Did Megahn Markle got to Ole Miss? I don't think so.

By: sigh
by: ?   

I like ZTA and DZ at most schools.

By: ?
by: Duh   

“Why did Harry and Megan get to move to Canada?”

Because they are HRH and Canada was part of the British Empire.

Looks like Ole Miss continues its strong tradition of educating the ignorant hahaha

By: Duh
by: ????   

Why can’t Zeta ever come back on campus?

By: ????
by: many diva   

Meagan Markle is a terrible snob. She thinks she was poor cause he went to private schools and ate at Sizzler. She is so out of touch

By: many diva
by: ?   

I'm going to Ol Miss next year and I eat a sizzler a lot but won't be putting that on my rush application. I know to pretend I eat at high end restau

By: ?
by: Regardless   

This is ridiculous. Whether you like or dislike Meghan Markle, one person doesn’t represent all of Kappa. Do you really think you couldn’t find one Chi O or one KD you wouldn’t want to represent everyone? Spoiler: you can

By: Regardless
by: Rick   

si ritk fie ike nus

By: Rick
by: hmm...   

Meghan is a KKG alumna but clearly she is not the sole representative of the organization. Northwestern's KKG chapter has left campus having suspended operations in 2022.

By: hmm...

Nice try chi o! Queen of the south! Hahahahaha

Y'all are so funny. Bless your hearts

By: Hahaha
by: Haha   

Nice try KD! But give it up as well! There is no such thing as queen of the south! KD and phi mu are only strong in the SEC.

In Texas and other parts of the south, both are considered jokes.

Quit trying to make this whole queen happen, it's not! Just makes you look like junior high girls trying to be popular.

By: Haha
by: nah   

Tridelt may have a few strong chapters but they have some GOD AWFUL chapters (many in fact.) Their reputation nationally is quite weak. If we're name the top like 7 sororities in the south, sure.

By: nah
by: @nah   

Tri Delt is excellent up North and in the Mid-West. They struggle out West, but overall, they are strong nationally.

By: @nah
by: chi   

chi o is a good sorority everywhere they ae

By: chi

Would ZTA not be allowed back?

By: Why
by: ^   

why not allowed? they are good at most schools.

By: ^
by: rebelette   

I don't think it's a matter of not being allowed back.ZTA is a strong sorority so that's not the issue.

Simply put, Ole Miss is not open to colonization. When and if they are, the university will invite a number of sororities to campus to give presentations. The sororities need to be nationally strong (not saying ZTA isn't!) because the organization will need to sink millions (and millions) of dollars into establishing a chapter here. Part of what Ole Miss would gage is the number of alumnae (of the sorority) who live in town who are willing to serve as volunteers. ADPi was their top pick past time because it is such a strong sorority in the South that many alumnae live in the region and could support colonization. Alpha Phi was their second pick because their presentation was impressive.

What you need to know is that on a basic level these are business decisions for sororities and the universities. Ole Miss has to commit to the sororities that will back and support new houses, hence variable quota. Otherwise, why would new sororities come to campus, waste a buttload of money only to see their new chapter fail? The only reason Ole Miss would reopen its campus for colonization is if ALL the houses are making quota and thriving.

By: rebelette
by: rebelette   

"As part of their presentations, the four, Alpha Gamma Delta, Delta Zeta, Alpha Phi and Alpha Delta Pi, lobbied the committee about their individual chapters in detail, not only explaining why they wanted to come to Ole Miss, but why they expected to be successful on campus.

After a vote was taken, only Alpha Delta Pi (ADPi) and Alpha Phi were extended offers to colonize at Ole Miss."

This was reported 12/19/13 in Hotty Toddy.

These were the four national organizations who were interested in opening a chapter here. Hope this helps explain a bit.

By: rebelette
by: phine   

Not actually true, Alpha Phi has more top chapters in America than any other sorority. The only place they're weak is in the south because y'all have different views on what makes a sorority top tier. Any school outside the south would consider KD, Phi Mu and APhi top tier while Tridelt and XO would be bottom tier.

By: phine
by: @phine   

That's true. GPA tends to be important in the South.

By: @phine
by: .   

There’s no reason they wouldn’t be allowed back. There’s a lot of reasons why their HQ and alums wouldn’t necessarily want to come back, though.

By: .

Who cares about southern royalty. Ole Miss Royalty is XO, DDD and KD!

By: Rebel
by: Rebel2   

I think the whole "royalty" thing is silly. You pledge a sorority for the local chapter, what it means to you, where you find your home, not because of a regional or national reputation. I just don't get why someone so hung-up on the whole "royalty" thing unless they base their life on that. Sad.

If the sorority you pledge happens to be strong nationally or regionally or "Ole Miss" royalty, great, but personally I wouldn't chose a house that way. I had my choice between one that's strong nationally and one that's more regional in strength. I chose the regionally strong house because it's where I found my home.

By: Rebel2
by: ya know   

The reason Chi O , Tri Delt and KayDee are Southern Royalty is because of Ole Miss. We set the trend.

By: ya know

Not a Kappa but KKG is a really strong national sorority and they’re strong mostly everywhere. They should be on this so called “southern royalty” list.

By: Ummm
by: ^   


By: ^
by: ooohhhh   

No. Not with that social climber Meghan Markle who disrespected royalty.

By: ooohhhh
by: stop   

i agree. stfu about meghan markle. no one in kkg at ole miss has ever known meghan markle. and just about no one respects what she did. so I'm not sure how that has anything to do with the ole miss chapter of kkg. people leave kappa out a lot but that's only because they're mad that guys think kkg is the most fun. have fun sipping wine with ur three friends writing on greek rank, kappas will be out living life.

By: stop
by: !!   

Meghan Markle is a disgrace to the kappa name and honestly the country, what a BIG mistake the queen made allowing Harry to marry into that family

By: !!

Posted by @phine

"Not actually true, Alpha Phi has more top chapters in America than any other sorority. The only place they're weak is in the south because y'all have different views on what makes a sorority top tier. Any school outside the south would consider KD, Phi Mu and APhi top tier while Tridelt and XO would be bottom tier."

Sorry, but not true. It is well noted that the top five sororities - meaning they have the strongest chapters nationally (yes, they have some middle and weak, but more are strong than not) are -- not in any order: Chi O, Kappa, Theta, Pi Phi and Tri-Delt.

As for KD and Phi Mu, they are not strong outside the South, especially Phi Mu. Very few chapters out of the South and those that are outside the South are not that strong. KD is a bit better outside of the South than Phi Mu, but not strong like the five I listed above. If anything, ADPi and Zeta are considered stronger nationally than KD and Phi Mu.

Alpha Phi does have some strong chapters in various places, but it's not considered the "top" house nationally.

And strong chapters are defined as "strong" pretty much the same way in any part of the country: grades, campus participation, rush return and retention rates.

By: reb
by: And   

Campus reputation counts too. Chapters with a long history on campus typical are stronger houses based on these things. Not always but usually.

By: And
by: Reb   

Aphi is strong nationally - I wouldnt put it top but it is up there. But this post isn't about top sororities nationally, it is about top southern sororities. And in the South, grades and reputation carry more weight and that's where aphi falls short in the south.

By: Reb
by: Y'all are misinformed   

Kappa Alpha Theta is actually the strongest sorority nationally followed by Kappa Kappa Gamma.

By: Y'all are misinformed
by: hmm...   

A sorority/women's fraternity's regional and national success and prominence is heavily determined by the age of the organization as well as where in the nation their alumnae settled and supported chapters.
I believe that the founding members organizations of the National Panhellenic Conference (APhi, PBP, KAT, KKG, DG, GPB, DDD, AXO, XO) do appear to have a greater national presence over the other groups that founded and joined later.

KD and Phi Mu historically and currently have a strong regional presence in the South, but they're not as well represented in other parts of the U.S.

Where you were founded doesn't always mean that is where you are dominate. Examples: Tri-Delta was founded in New England, but has a strong presence in the South and Mid-West, however they struggle in the West. While DG was founded in the South, but can be hit or miss throughout that region. They have a strong presence in the Mid-West and especially in the West.

Alpha Phi began to move into the South about 20 years ago. While they've established many chapters there, their national reputation has been affected by well publicized scandals across the U.S. as well as poor retention. Their alumnae aren't happy about this situation.

By: hmm...

There is just something about a sorority with "zeta" in the name. I automatically have a negative reaction.

By: names
by: ?   

Are you 12 years old? Cause your reasoning and emotional maturity is about that age.

By: ?

while adpi isn’t top here, they are prominent at most southern schools. They still have a long way coming but they have done a lot better in these past years with recruiting

By: h
by: ?   

ADPI is great everywhere

By: ?

Why does this matter to anyone at UM?

By: ?

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