
delta gamma discussion


Delta Gamma sorority chapter comments at University of Mississippi - Ole Miss

Posted By: GR Administrator
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to whoever said that DG's are in lower teir around the country have clearly never been to any of the Florida schools. Delta Gamma is one of the best and strongest sororities nationally.

By: EtaDelta <3
by: Cal and Co   

DG is strong in West Az, Ca, Co, and NE --along with Fl. Not everyone wants to stay in Deep SE and DG is strong nationally. They have always been a strong house at Ole Miss and MS state. They were strong even when ADP, ZETA, and THETA left campus due to not getting numbers so National closed them. Glad ADP is back and other new ones but it does not mean DG is impacted. Sad only Al girls think they know all sororities.

By: Cal and Co


By: Rudy

I would like to know if the rumor is true that DG did not make quota. Usually DG makes quota every year so it would seem strange.
If anyone knows if this is true and why please post.

By: Ole Mis Fan

DG DID MAKE QUOTA (89) and I have the lists to prove it!

By: rebelchick

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Whoever is CONSTANTLY getting on here and giving DG all 1's and ranting about hey feel every member is stupid seriously needs to shut up. We get it, you do not like this house. Awesome. That does not mean that DG is made up of idiots or that they are not consistently a top house every year. You are making yourself look more stupid than anyone else by going off over and over about one ridiculous personal opinion and clearly showing your lack of class by calling individuals out. Whichever sorority you are in should be ashamed. Just go away.

By: ok really...

When I did visit the Ole Miss campus. I could not believe how reseptive they were. It was a football weekend, minutes before the game and they took the time to hand me a button that said" "Dg's love our Rebs!" . Another said,'Don't be late for the game. Hope we see you in the Grove!' It meant a lot to me.

By: Tcu girl

Uh, you're very wrong. With regard to national strength, Delta Gamma is top notch. Ask any national panhellenic delegate about the strength of DG. They'll tell you. DG is very well-respected in the Greek community and has been around a LONG time. Now, if you want to talk about a sorority that is hot in the South but nowhere else, that would be Chi Omega.

By: To Ole Miss Alum:

Chi-O , KD and Kappa are strongest nationally Theta is strong too

By: strongest nationally

You're right about Theta and Kappa being strong nationally. However, Chi O is not. They're very strong in the south - below the Mason-Dixon line - but up north, Chi O struggles. DG is very strong coast-to-coast and Pi Phi is very strong in many states, just not MS. KD is a solid middle tier group, nationally.

by: Real Nationals   

It's true! DG,Theta and Kappa are very strong nationally! Pi Phi is also strong!

By: Real Nationals
by: nice try    

you're an idiot if you don't think that chi o is strong nationally

By: nice try
by: KD    

KD had gotten stronger as they show up at directional less selective schools along with ZETA where strong sororities like PI BETA PHI, KAPPA, THETA, and DG do not put chapters in directional schools for the most part. CHI O AND AOP grow chapters by putting them everywhere.

By: KD

Delta Gamma was one of the founding groups of NPC and continues to be one of the strongest and most involved group in NPC. DG is at the forefront of the fight in Washington to make donations to house corporations for housing improvements tax deductable, this would help ALL greeks tremendously.


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