
darby fallon


Why is Darby Fallon no longer a KD?

Posted By: Jw
Page 1 of 2

I dislike KD as much as the next girl who was dirty rushed by them, but to call someone out by name is inexcusable! What business is it of yours why someone is or is not a member of a sorority?

Go find a rock, crawl under, and die!

By: Ummm
by: Hi   

You're right, I feel bad. How can I delete it?

By: Hi
by: no   

what's inexcusable is that someone left KD... KD is the best!

By: no
by: Rrrrr   

It was BAD and she got kicked out.

By: Rrrrr
by: ?   

Don't know who this person is. Did a quick google search and she must have graduated four years ago. So....is there a reason the old ladies are still worrying about why this person isn't a KD?

By: ?


By: Guest

Now I want to know...

By: Curious

honestly I just don't think that she liked it and dropped, why do you care though? I don't know her that well but still seems kind of odd for you to care so much...

By: why

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rumor has it she sucked waka flockas you know what...

By: lmao

whos that
why does she look 40
and why should we care

By: who

Well she graduated in 2016 and is married ! Nice try to make her and KD look bad !

By: Rebs

Good lord, the trolls are dragging up 4 year old stuff. That's got to be the boring-est job ever.

By: Why?
by: Yep   

Ha ha agree!

By: Yep

y'all know nothing.

She had an issue with a girl grades above her and got kicked out. why do y'all care tho this is old news

By: lol
by: Right    

Well yes, it was four years ago - we know nothing - and we don't care.

By: Right

I was one of her former “sorority sisters”. Not really a big fan she was kind of crude and snobbish. Yes I sound jealous and bitter but she wasn’t a very nice person. She lives in Atlanta now is married to some guy who looks like a Poof. She is bright blonde and has skin like a leather couch from all of the suntanning, and is constantly buying $1000 granny dresses. So there you go folks. She is hiding her miserable life behind all of her money and trying to look like it is heaven with her mooching husband who will probably divorce her within a few years. (it’s not their hard-earned money it’s family money.) When she met her boyfriend (now husband) all they did was argue they still do I’m sure. I just feel sorry for their new baby.

By: Former KD Ole Missy
by: Hi petty Betty    

So you went searching to find this ancient thread to bring it back up?

Let me see if I get this right. She (not a KD) is married, in Atlanta, having a baby and is a pretty successful Instagram influencer and you a KD alum is posting on greekrank 6 years later? Got it. KD really does ruin lives just not the ones they thought they did.

By: Hi petty Betty
by: Grow up already   

What the.. Is this serious? Former KD is still stalking this site 6 years after graduation to tell us she is still stalking a former sorority sister who she is obviously obsessed with? Someone is miserable with their life but I don't think it's the Darby person, sounds like things are going pretty good for her - and psycho sister is extremely jealous.

By: Grow up already

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