
Recruitment start today


Since philanthropy starts tomorrow, how big will the cuts be tonight? I’ve heard sororities have already made their cuts without some girls ever entering their houses. I’m just trying to be realistic about my chances. I have great grades but I’m from OOS and don’t have a lot of connections.

Posted By: Nervous
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The cuts will be significant. Deep breaths...its a numbers game and they have to make hard cuts right from the start.

By: HangOn

First releases are on GPA for all houses, and then also on connections at some others. Lots of girls will be confused as to why they were dropped when they had a 4.0. It's because they had little to no connections to members in those houses where you need both. Girls who have below a 3.5 will be even more limited at this round because there are so many pnm's with excellent grades. Please do NOT take it personally, it's a numbers game.

A little background explanation: Each sorority is given a hard number they can invite back. Their primary invitation list is based on this cutoff number. Should any pnm's be able to decline their invitation (meaning their schedule got filled with houses they ranked higher), then other pnm's from a second ranked list (flex) will be pulled up, in order, to replace the ones that decline. When the number of matched invitations reaches the sorority's allowed number, the other pnm's are released. The sororities that are the most highly ranked by pnm's don't have to go very far, if at all, into their flex list; their invitations match quickly and then they are full, so if you rank a house highly but are released, it's simply because there were other pnm's ahead of you before that cutoff line.

The sororities are given these numbers at the beginning of recruitment and all of them have to make their invitation lists for philanthropy based only on GPA, resume, and connections, never having had pnm's in their houses yet.

There are plenty of pnm's that every sorority wants to have back than don't make the cutoff. So when you are released it doesn't mean they didn't like you or didn't want you, it was just the limitation of the numbers. This is hard on actives too, at every round, when they have their favorite girls who don't make their chapter's cut off.

Please keep in mind that the sororities' process is not focused on cutting, though it does seem like that from the pnm's point of view. The sororities are focused on finding their best fit pnm's. If you felt a connection with a chapter but then were released, your connection was genuine, they did like you, they still like you and you could be friends with those girls, but other pnm's were just a little higher on the chapter list.

Finally, the numbers are all based on percentages and are adjusted at every round. The more pnm's that begin the process and stay in it from round to round means that more pnm's will be invited back and more will get bids in the end. It SEEMS like more pnm's would mean your chances are less but the numbers of invitations and releases are still proportional to the number of pnm's, so your chances are still the same as they would be if there were fewer pnm's.

It's numbers, not personal. DO NOT MAKE AN EMOTIONAL DECISION AND DROP OUT WHEN YOU ARE RELEASED (not if, when). Take off your blinders and see your remaining choices through as far as possible.

Hope this helps.

By: Get ready
by: Nervous   

Thank you for the wonderful explanation. I won’t take it personally, I have seen all the skits, performances put on during this week from all the sororities and they all look like great girls. I’m sure I will like some better than others but I’ve been told to look at the pnms that are invited back because that will be my pledge class.

By: Nervous
by: Get ready   

You received good advice. It is not pointed out often enough how important your own class is to your entire sorority experience. It's everything!

By: Get ready
by: Get ready   

Also, just because houses are highly desired, and consider themselves 'top' for this reason, that perception is not necessarily an indication of quality. Local girls come here in large numbers and are vocal about their need for one of those sororities, so it seems like those are the best, but most wanted by locals does not mean superior.

By: Get ready

Cuts will be huge for the houses that are already at or near house total. Keep an open mind. All of the houses have great members. All of the houses have weird members. Really think about where you will be the most comfortable.

By: !
by: No   

Chapter sizes do not figure into how releases are made, releases are solely based on RFM percentages as per the historical return rate of each chapter. The numbers are adjusted each round by the number of pnm's in the process. House Total is reset after recruitment and affects COB, not recruitment.

By: No


By: bump

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Early deep cuts are the nicest thing chapters can do-it allows you to focus where you can get a bid. The meanest thing they can do is hold on to pnms they know they are cutting before pref and yes the majority of houses already can make their lists way before sisterhood round. AOPi AXO ADPi APhi will continue to sift through girls as the week goes on.

By: HS

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