
How rush works!

by: Pnm here

Hi!! I wanted to hop on here & ask a few questions about rush!

1. How do houses determine to drop me? I know they look at grades, and they talk to me- but do how do they do they determine it.

2. Do any houses give out a bid with like academic probation? I have a decent gpa but definitely not where I want it to be.

3. Do the houses actually read my Recommendation letters?

4. I am completely open minded but I’m so scared I will get dropped because of the amount of pnm this year. Realistically, are most girls going to get a bid?

Thanks so much!!!

Posted By: Pnm here
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#1  by: You   

They will look at your grades see academic probation and determine to drop you. You shouldn’t be concerned about how many PNM’s are going through you need to be worried about you.

Not gonna lie if your grades are bad be ready for deep cuts first round.

By: You
#2  by: Buckle up...Part 1   

4) The amount of pnm's has nothing to do with your chances of getting dropped. The more pnm's means the numbers will increase across the board proportionately. There is not a preset number of bids, that is only determined after pref when every pnm has signed her card and every pnm gets a bid as long as she doesn't suicide. Most girls who don't get a bid are voluntary rush dropouts, the few that get released completely either have insufficient grades, have done something really terrible, or are so painfully shy they can't carry on a conversation. The key is to keep an open mind and don't make an emotional decision to drop out when a house you love drops you - go back to the houses that want you and focus on them, not where you aren't going.

3) Recs are quickly reviewed, not studied and discussed in depth. They never ever get a bid. Some sororities still require them to offer a bid even though most have removed that requirement. Most pnm's will have them for Ole Miss so not having one is a disadvantage; getting them shows you are interested and willing to make the effort for that sorority. As long as the 'Do Not Recommend' option is not checked you are fine because most recs are just a rehash of your resume anyway with maybe something extra if you need a boost. Far more important than recs are chapter connections, and if you are connected you already know it, and your recs will come from connected women.

2) There is no such thing as a bid with conditions. Grades are very important in recruitment and grade cuts come first round, so be prepared if yours are not tippy top.

1) Okay, saving the bombshell for last...The membership selection process for every sorority is not centered around who to drop, it is completely focused on who to invite back. Read that again and remember it because it is the gospel truth, even though that is not what it seems like as a pnm. See Part 2

By: Buckle up...Part 1
by: Buckle up...Part 2Jul 25, 2024 9:20:22 PM

- Every house has a number they can invite back to the next round and can't go one pnm over that limit. These numbers are given to them by panhellenic and are based on their recruiting history here, so each house has a different number based on the collected data and they are non-negotiable. These numbers determine everything. NOT MAKING A SORORITY'S CUTOFF FOR A ROUND DOES NOT MEAN THEY DIDN'T LIKE YOU, DOES NOT MEAN THEY FOUND YOU UNWORTHY  AS A PERSON, DOES NOT MEAN THOSE MEMBERS WOULDN'T LIKE TO KNOW YOU OUTSIDE OF THEIR SORORITY. Don't take being released personally, it really is a numbers game from start to finish.  Actives get just as upset when their favorite pnm's who they really wanted don't return. There are tears, emotional withdrawals, and anger when this happens but they have to get over it and continue to put on a good rush, just as you do.
-  GPA is the first consideration. Every sorority has their GPA of what they will accept so only pnm's at or above that number are considered for Philanthropy round, unless there is some other factor to redeem them, like very strong legacy, alum or chapter ties, or having some kind of desirable celebrity (famous, Rebelette, cheerleader, pageant winner, model, etc). After that they will choose the girls they know or know of from high schools, home towns, friends of friends. They will also prioritize girls with accomplishments and resume points that they consider desirable. Also looks play a part. Girls with a 3.8 get dropped from certain houses all the time, because while their GPA was enough, the added considerations of connections or other highly desirable traits wasn't enough to push them over that almighty line. 
- Then it all comes down to the two in-person rounds where conversation and how you present yourself becomes paramount. The sororities will be prepared to meet you. They will recognize you at the door and pair you with actives with whom you have something in common so your conversations go well. You need to give them a chance to see the best of your personality and understand that these are not interviews, they are about talking together and making personal connections so they can read your vibe to see if you are a good fit. When they ask you what dorm you're in, it's not really about what dorm you're in, it's about how you go from there. After each party the actives will make notes so they can remember their impressions. You should do the same.

By: Buckle up...Part 2
by: Buckle up...Part 3Jul 25, 2024 9:24:10 PM

 - After each day's recruiting, each chapter will discuss and evaluate the pnm's based on how conversations went and what they see in each. Usually the actives who have talked to pnm's will speak briefly about them, either in small groups or to the chapter as a whole. The discussions are business-like and positive. Who to drop is not part of the discussion. The members are looking for their new sisters, not wasting time on anything else. At the end of these sessions, all votes or ranks or evaluations or whatever the chapter bases their process on are passed on to the recruitment team. They will use them to compile the invitation list for the next round based on the limit they have been given, and submit it to panhellenic.  The actives do not know who will be invited back and who will not at this point, as it is a chapter decision and the final list is only seen by the recruitment team and the chapter advisor.
- If you are invited to pref you will be on the bid list somewhere. This is the round where your rank will actually matter. The other rounds are where the sororities are in charge. You have a good chance of getting your number one rank but it's not guaranteed, but if you rank both your pref houses you are guaranteed a bid to one of them. If you only have one pref house and put it on your card you are getting that bid. If you suicide (only put one down of your two pref houses) and don't get that bid you are out.

By: Buckle up...Part 3

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