
can we lower quota?


can we take less girls a bunch of these half naked,tattooed,over-tanned girls don’t fit here we need lower quotas more cuts

Posted By: NJCTCA
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Actually, yes, any sorority can cut whoever and however many they want. No sorority can be forced to invite back or bid anyone they don't want to. The number that each sorority is given to invite back each round is their upper limit, not to exceed. They can invite back fewer than that number any round if they wish and possibly end up not taking quota if they are okay with that.

If a sorority really wants to curate their new member class, and not invite back as many as their suggested numbers say they can, then they should make those cuts in the earliest rounds possible so that pnm's know where they stand and aren't lead on.

The last chance that a sorority has to release the pnm's they really don't want to end up with is with invitations to pref. Because if you invite a pnm to your pref it means you want her as a member, so you have to have her on your ranked bid list somewhere; therefore, anyone at your pref could end up with a bid. Quota is not set until after all pnm's have signed their cards, and then bid matching with quota additions finalizes all the new member classes.

So if a sorority really doesn't want any "half naked,tattooed,over-tanned girls" all they need to do is release them early with the grade risks.

By: Solved

We need more chapters for this to happen.

By: OMgrl
by: nah   

More chapters just spreads the half naked, tattooed, over-tanned girls out more or shuffles them down to make chapters have to take them for numbers. It has nothing to do with recruiting for quality, or chapters inviting back fewer pnm's than their RFM says they can. If we can get out of the mindset that the almighty RFM must be obeyed, then 'lower' chapters would be smaller but of higher quality membership and higher retention.

By: nah

Sure and then we'd have a gazillion messages on here after Bid Day saying "OMG Gamma Whatta Evah didn't make quote they're falling nobody wants them!!!" lol

By: So It Goes
by: eh   

Yes, people will say that on campus because anything to make their own house look better in comparison, but Gamma Whatta Evah would begin to get a reputation of being selective when they don't COB in large numbers. Some PKT chapters at UT do it and even snap bid, and they get everyone they want and only who they want, no filler girls. Everyone likes the idea of exclusivity, it's the most appealing thing. It's a huge change yes, but sororities here really need to be smaller and better, so stop taking pnm's just for the sake of numbers. Also this site doesn't really influence recruitment, it's word of mouth that does that, and greekrank will inevitably be shut down some day as a bullying site. You heard it all here first.

By: eh
by: business    

The truth is National sororities are a big business. Building larger and larger houses to fill up not so exclusive. The all do the same things only difference is perhaps access to what some consider the more desired socials on campus. Truth is people want to live in the big houses and so it goes.

By: business

Smaller, more selective and better. That’s how PKT does it at UT. Quality vs Quantity.

By: Yep
by: Nope.    

We don’t go to UT. Theta doesn’t even exist here and the others are pi phi and kappa. This comment is not relevant at this school. I’m gonna guess you’re a UT reject which is why you keep bringing up pkt in every convo. Btw in Texas it’s not “pkt” it’s tri delt, chi o, kappa, pi phi, theta the big 5 so get it right.

By: Nope.
by: ^   

What's your point? You want MORE of the half naked, tattooed, over-tanned girls? Or, you ARE one of the half naked, tattooed, over-tanned girls? Or what?

By: ^

Yes, quota can be lowered but who will pay for the huge mansions? Greek organizations are a business and they need paying members.

by: No   

That's not how quota works, that's not how or why chapter houses are built and run. It's never a 'build it and they will come' strategy. Chapter houses are not designed to house an entire membership, there is a percentage that sorority nationals housing corporations used to project the optimum capacity of chapter houses so as to account for the rise and fall of memberships based on mid and longterm trends. Usually it's about 1/3 but never ever more than 1/2 of historical membership numbers. No national is going to get stuck with a house they can't fill. The members who live in pay rent that goes to the mortgage and every member pays a parlor fee that goes to upkeep. Sororities are not businesses, they are tax-exempt philanthopies just like many other not-for-profits. And they are certainly not real estate companies.

By: No

No, sorority and fraternity are big businesses..

By: Been there

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by: This   

YES they are! And drastically different than the core values they’re each founded on.

By: This

It’s hard to believe pnm’s are showing up “half naked” when they’re wearing the required Panhellenic tshirt! Lol

By: Seriously

How many of these tacky girls have tattoos?

By: delta

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