
Someone drop the @‘s of the two girls who OPD posted


Who are those girlsssss apparently they’ve been indentified but OPD still hasn’t posted their arrest

Posted By: ?????????????
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I am so curious lol. Probably aphis or phi mus

By: Right!!!!

I’m guessing they aren’t students here

By: Hm
by: Noooo   

be fr they most def are

By: Noooo

Alpha Phi….AGAIN. Fifth arrest for vandalism for that chapter. Phi Mus are more into theft and credit card fraud.

By: Ivy

They were APhis. This is why houses don’t cut pnms and say they are a grade or reputation risks. Embarrassing. This is why a lot ppl drop aphi.

By: Again
by: Ya   

I’m sorry did you not read about the pi phi involved?

By: Ya

Since they’re rich white students the general message online is that it was an innocent prank and that they shouldn’t face harsh punishment for a youthful mistake and why did a fountain in a park cost so much anyway and if these nice white girls could knock it over the fountain must not have been very well made and and and…

By: Privilege

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by: Nope   

If they are aphis they aren’t rich. Don’t come from FB trying to make something a race thing that it isn’t. They did felony damage and will get the appropriate punishment just like the Aphis that spray painted some car a few years back. People saying it was just a fountain and a prank are the ones that are poor because they obviously don’t get what things cost because they don’t have things. Either that or they are poor in spirit and will be sad when they realize things like vandalism are equal to stealing which is on the “thou shalt not” list

By: Nope

The lower the IQ the more severe the charges. Latest news reports are that this is a felony crime. Will the school and APhi let them stay or will they be kicked?

By: $$$

Whole thing is silly. It was just a fountain.

By: XO
by: Silly   

OK we'll come flip your car next. It's just a car.

By: Silly

Madison Brown and Abigail Fuqua.

By: and the prize goes to ...

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