
KD lives under a rock


They have fallen and are not top. KD is all over this site trying to cover up the fact their pcs have been terrible and try to stay relevant. No one wants KD… just look at their IG

Posted By: Mid……..
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I wouldn’t say no one wants KD because 90% of the girls who rushed wanted them. I’d say their social media chair sucks, though. It’s inconsistent. Ole Miss sororities are too competitive to let your IG fall. A few of the lower tiers are doing a great job PROMOTING!

By: Hannah
by: TRUTH   

Not sure about 90% but it is a desired sorority before rush until you go through rush and meet the girls, then it's drops drastically.


I’m in another house but I so wish I was KD. They just seem to so many of the top girls.

By: Kayce
by: Not top   

Lol no one wants to be a KD

By: Not top

KD is way ahead of the rest but I think tri delt is clear second these days.

It’s a giant fall off from there.

By: Winsome

I just don’t see any other houses passing kd.

Prettiest girls
Smartest girls
Most responsible
Most charitable / philanthropic
Most desired house on campus
Best socials
Most loyal friends and community

That’s a lot to overcome for other sororities.

By: #1
by: kd   

you forgot to put we are number 1 on greek rank… so boring we are on this site everyday putting kd top by itself it’s so much fun

By: kd

I think there is a ton of jealousy on this site of KD for some reason.

I can tell you for a fact KD has to cut a ton of girls but there are some decent low quality houses where the girls can find a good spot that fits them and is perfect for them.

By: Cap
by: No one thinks these thing   

All these comments are by a KD

By: No one thinks these thing
by: seriously   

Decent low quality houses--- are you serious? KD has a mix of girls, Chi-O has a mix of girls, etc... Remember, KD may get the girls they want and that makes them "top tier" but are the girls they get top quality? I know a few....

By: seriously

KD is top but I think some of the others are inching up just because KD can’t take all the top girs.

By: Qt

Most guys I know are constantly thirsty for KDs. Just saying.

By: Hallie
by: ash   

but they are never enough that’s why they cheat with other girls on the side, not cute

By: ash

KD at the top is like a diamond…it’s forever.

By: Tay22

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by: Hahaha   

This is such a mommy comment

By: Hahaha

Guys, KD is still very top. Let’s be real and throw out our own biases and look objectively. I definitely don’t see their reign ending anytime soon either.

Best girls on campus without a doubt.

By: Being real

KD is the very top house on campus but I see some of the other sororities making strides. I don’t see what is up with all the division and jealousy. Just because KD is elite doesn’t mean the other houses are mere bread crumbs.

By: Fun
by: kd   

I am a kd... we cut sisters and are not nice and live on this site bored to bully all other sororities

By: kd

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