
Who has the real power?

by: Curious Jo

This question is for the people who really know the inner workings of the recruitment process.

Scenario: A girl goes to pref night with 2 houses she likes. She likes one better and ranks them as her top choice. 99% sure that she was within the quota of both houses but she got the bid from her second choice. Is it true that some houses have the “power” (best way I know to put it) to take that girl even though she ranked them second. Is there really truth that certain houses get who they want no matter what?

Posted By: Curious Jo
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#1  by: scenario   

No, that does not happen.
First of all, bid matching is done via computer algorithm. The sororities submit their ranked lists and the algorithm does the matching between the bid lists and the MRABA cards and generates the final result. A sorority simply cannot come in and alter any of that data to get a pnm. IF that happened it would be computer hacking and very difficult to pull off, not to mention a felony crime in Mississippi.
Second, a pnm being "99% sure" means absolutely nothing. There is no way for her to know her rank on a bid list or to find that out. Not even the general chapter membership has that information; only the recruitment chair and advisor and panhellenic have that info and they don't share it. There is always rumor or speculation or excuses about how or why a pnm went to one house and not another and a lot of times these are made up scenarios to avoid telling the truth to someone's face, on the part of sororities as well as pnm's.
Third, no house gets every single pnm they want. That's part of rush and just how it goes. Good sororities focus on their success and are glad for who they get and move on. No single pnm matters that much.

By: scenario
by: TruthSep 23, 2023 10:41:14 PM

The one she wanted is just saying they ranked her high. They did not.

By: Truth
by: ^Sep 27, 2023 9:05:30 AM

They might have really wanted her and ranked her high, but just not high enough to be above the cut off. She might even have been the next one down the list before they hit quota. The chapters of course don't know what quota actually is when they submit their bid lists because quota has not been set at that point, that only comes after all the pnm's have turned in their cards. And very few people actually know the final ranks. People don't understand how it works or don't want to acknowledge the facts so they make up excuses.

By: ^
by: lieOct 9, 2023 1:14:26 PM

they just told you they ranked her high, they did not

By: lie

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