
Cmon piggy’s !!!!!


KD & DDD had the worst PC 2023. No one wanted them, they didn’t get any top girls. Just a disaster. I see these houses going downhill fast.

Posted By: Row
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Nice try. KD are still the queens of Ole Miss and always will be.

By: Frisco
by: Yep   

KD is top. DDD is ranked 5th or 6th and has been in that spot for a long time.


By: Yep
by: yah   

this one is it. tri delt is very mid.

By: yah
by: Dillon    

Truth!!! My daughter went in open minded for rush. She wasn’t a legacy & we had no family that were OM alums. The one thing she was told by a DG advisor is there is no doubt KD runs that campus. 🤷🏻‍♀️. I can see this from their recruitment class. They got some of the best girls in the state & some amazing OOS girls. No doubt, I wish my daughter had made their cut but she’s happy where she landed.

By: Dillon
by: Ma’am    

In no world would any DG advisor say that lmao

By: Ma’am

Tri delt are piggies now but KD still reigns. Also, Kappa, XO, and even DG and maybe even Pi Phi are ahead of DDD.

By: Geo

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by: yah   

the best thing DDD has going for it at this point is the house and that's sad if that's your best thing

By: yah

What are you smoking? Every girl going through Ole Miss Rush wanted to be a KD, Chi O or DDD w the exception of the girls that were fixated on KKG. My daughter didn’t get cut from a single top tier. She went to pref night w the 2 best on campus & she chose KD. This has got to be a crazy mother whose daughter got cut from the sorority she wanted. Jeez!!!!

By: Meghan
by: ?   

This isn’t true at all! I am a new pledge and I wasn’t interested in joining DDD or XO (just personal preference). I had them during sisterhood round but didn’t include them in my top 2 for pref (I preffed my top 2, which happened to be KD and DG). I wanted to be in a group where I already knew a lot of people and felt most comfortable (again, personal preference).

My point is that every PNM is different, and nowadays, we want a place where we feel most comfortable. There shouldn’t be an assumption that every PNM only wants certain groups. Believe me, I spoke with plenty of PNMs, and we all had different opinions.

By: ?

who TF CARES about message board ranks. It doesn’t matter!! Everyone here is a troll and please stop using the word piggy when referencing women. That’s not women supporting women and neither is ranking other people’s social preferences and friends. This is getting ridiculous. It was normal in 2006. Not now. Get a hobby.

By: I’m sorry

My daughter I went it only focused on KD for her and that’s what she got. She worked it and earned it.

There is a reason they are coveted by all the girls.

By: Kd kween
by: Sd   

What does “worked it” it mean? Sounds like she got farmed out to a frat house for her bid.

By: Sd
by: OK   

You must be so proud Mom! Must be the highlight of your life!

By: OK

Look, KD are royalty at Ole Miss. My daughter is KD and she experienced a lot of jealousy from other girls on campus. I even experience some jealousy from my social circles back home.

It’s obvious that’s the house 99% of PNM want.

KD will remain on top because it’s just a higher quality / tier girl and it’s the place to be.

By: Cher
by: Royalty   

Can you define "higher quality" girl? Sounds like equating girls to show ponies.

By: Royalty
by: Cher bear   

A higher quality girl is defined as a KD at Ole Miss—you know one when you see it. This is not hard to understand.

My daughter was wanted by all the houses but there was never a doubt she was destined for KD.

There are some good girls in other houses but the KD letter and reputation is unmatched.

By: Cher bear
by: Omg this is bad   

HAHA the KDs are obsessed with Greek rank. Y’all are delusional. Get off this site it’s so embarrassing

By: Omg this is bad

I was a KD legacy, although it does not matter these days. But cut them third day because they were snotty and not very attractive (inside or outside). I am at what some consider a "lower tier" house, but haven't regretted my decision once. I knew the second day this was my home with "real" girls.


you people are actually weird. let’s be real there are no parents on this website. MS girls care so much about this dumb stuff but literally no else does. Ddd are both considered mid to us & that’s okay! Your lives will go on I promise

By: Oh my g

I think a lot of these posts I’ve noticed are from girls in mid-tier houses who got dropped by KD and are on a mission to throw off the undeniable rankings. Honestly, it’s really sad.

My daughter is obviously pretty and smart but her KD letters have put her on an even higher pedestal but she stays humble and grounded. This is the definition of a higher tier girl.

By: Cher bear
by: Sad   

I am glad your daughter has reached the pinnacle of both of your lives.

I am sure she will "marry well" and maybe someday - if you are super lucky - her daughter will also be a KD.

By: Sad

Well, I can top that honey child…..

My precious princess daughter “Mary-Kate” is 11 months next week and her first words were “Kay—deeeee.”

lol…shady cher…you are craaaaaasY!!!

Girl, get back on your meds.

By: Bk

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