
frat ranksssssss


Sigma Nu, Sigma Chi, KA

Kappa Sig, Phi Delt, ATO

SAE, Delta Psi, Phi Tau

Sig Pi, Pi Kapp, Phi Psi

DKE, Delt, Beta

Posted By: HYDR
Page 1 of 1

Swap ATO and SAE and this is it

By: Nah

Phi delt moms need to stop

By: lol
by: lmao   

Phi Delt is a bunch of mid Mississippi boys that would be in the lowest tier anywhere else. They need to go down a level

By: lmao
by: frfr   

Phi Delt moms are the worst but they are going to keep self ranking their babies even though there are at least 2 frats "below" them that are better

By: frfr

Swap ATO and Delta Psi. Phi Delt needs to be in a line by itself below #2 but above #3

By: try again

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it's too early to tell how things are going to be. like the girls, the boys have been shaken up by this pc. The top 3 will probably stay the top three but there will be movement below

By: wait and see

This is it.

By: Yup

There is movement within the tiers so if you like Phi Tau best in the middle you can move them around like that. A lot of it just depends on your preference for what kind of guy you like. But this one is pretty much it

By: I guess

what ato posted this?

By: dude
by: bruh   

or an sae

By: bruh

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