
DDD pref lists


What’s the true story about the DDD pref list mix up?

Posted By: truth
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It’s just an excuse they are falling back on to pretend like they didn’t want to cut some girls that got cut.

By: Skinny

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There was no pref list mix up and they didn’t accidentally cut a bunch of legacies. They cut people that they didn’t want in the chapter that happen to have ties to the house so they made up excuses.

By: Nope
by: Stop   

It's not that they didn't want them, it's that the cuts were so severe this year because of variable quota.

By: Stop

Some variation of the bid mix up list circulates every year. Sometimes it is specific to a chapter. Other times it is panhel. It's not true.

By: Urban legend

No mistakes happened. If people got cut at pref they were not highly ranked on the list if your daughter was really wanted by the people making the decision they would have put her in the first list-they knew putting her 199 or 300 meant there was no way they would see her in bid day.

By: Stop

Is that what happened with the Oxford girl that ended up going KD?

How much say do actives have in DDD?

By: Question
by: Nope   

No, if it’s who I think she was at the top of everyone’s list! She chose where she ended up. Stop trying to imply DDD had to cut everyone!

By: Nope
by: Sure…    

And XO - maybe you are thinking of the wrong Oxford girl

By: Sure…
by: Hmmm   

95% of actives have no say in XO KD or DDD takes

By: Hmmm

So having in house friends and connections can only take you so far? In the end, who has the final say in those houses (mostly curious about DDD)?

By: Question
by: In the know   

Actives do not have the final say at DDD

By: In the know

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