
Attention 2027 moms

by: Alum

Over 1300 pnms were dropped by several houses first round. Chapters missed on several pnms we would have been clamoring to get in prior years. Your daughter is just as beautiful and smart and talented as you think she is

This is the hardest recruitment in the country by the numbers (bama has same number going through and almost 3 times the chapters)

If she is discouraged tell her to see it through-making it to bid day in this situation is a HUGE win no matter what letters you are wearing.

Posted By: Alum
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#1  by: Wow   

Had no idea that so many PNMs were dropped. I knew it was more than in the past but wow!

By: Wow
by: YepAug 16, 2023 11:04:56 AM

Of the 2300 going through 1300 experienced a drop from a full schedule.

That doesn’t mean they don’t have houses back it just means they don’t have a full schedule or their schedule doesn’t match their ranking after the rounds.

By: Yep
#2  by: yup   

This is 100% right. There are no bad apples going through recruitment at Ole Miss. Look around. Almost all of the 2000+ girls who started off are all smart/cute/outgoing/philanthropy-driven/cute clothes/fun personality/etc.

When you look at it like that, you realize how hard it is. If all 2000+ believed that the so-called "top houses" were the only option for them, you can see that each pc would be 500 and that's simply not possible. "Top houses" are a myth. Stick with the process and find a home. They really are all top at Ole Miss.

By: yup
#3  by: yes   

I agree. I think Ole Miss and Arkansas have more competitive recruitment than Bama. Same number of girls and way less houses.

By: yes
#4  by: Mississippi    

We are from Mississippi and the same thing happened at Mississippi State, just smaller overall numbers and only a handful of out of state girls get top 3 houses. They had 925 go through and the top house got 75 and the next two got 85 each. It was the same percentage as OM but brutal if you are out of state. I heard they only took 15 out if state girls combining the top 3 houses.

By: Mississippi
#5  by: Ooooops   

Greek Life sent out something that made it sound like 1,000+ girls got dropped completely before pref - they had to issue correction, I don’t think it was even 100 who got cut.

By: Ooooops

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