
How chapters recruit


XO DG PM PBP run clean recruitments
KD DDD Kappa run dirty recruitments
ADPi AOPi APhi AXO are trusting the process

XO KD DDD are not trying to get to know you during rounds. They already know you months if not years before the first round and they are heavily relying on alums and advisors. That 60% cut wasn’t personal unless you actually slept with one of their bfs or brothers. KD and DDD bid promise while XO makes their legacies squirm by not bid promising (their mamas already know though it is part of the fun) KD sets girls up to fail with tricks. DDD has pre rush get togethers but it’s a good thing not a trap and they set up legacies with each other or their friends from high school that are getting bids as roommates.

DG Kappa PM PBP also have legacies and friends coming through but do go through resumes and connect with girls through social media and during rounds. The more connections you have the better your chances so an active that meets you and likes you will try and get you to meet all her friends to give you more connections. They have seen every bit of your social media and asked around about you and they like to recruit friend groups and roommates. Kappa sets tasks for girls buying drinks and bid promising and then cutting them pretty much the same strategy as KD the more girls they can make cry the better. It’s mean girl crap and it works for them just like it did in high school when they left girls out or suddenly dropped them as friends. If you made one of the DG group chats with other pnms your bid is safe. PM and PBP really stress following rush rules and if anything happens that isn’t within the rules it is a genuine mistake.

The rest are meeting girls through rounds and have very few prior connections however in these houses a connection with just one or two girls is enough to get you a bid. ADPi, AOPi and AXO will rank their bid list based on how long girls were coming back to them, grades, and then if they get to it socials. APhi will rank the girls that come back to pref on looks and will continue to do so after they are members.

Posted By: Truth
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Most accurate recruitment post

By: Senior
by: 411   


By: 411

I drank with some KDs during orientation and got dropped.


This is a very accurate post. Also, if you are from OOS, pay attention to which sororities are super active in your state. You have four years at OM but, how will this time help you in your life after college? I chose to pref two sororities because I knew I was likely to return to my home state after graduation. I love my sorority and look forward to the networking via my alumni association once I graduate!

By: OMgrl

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What does "rank their bid list based on how long girls were coming back to them" mean??? This doesn't make sense? Obviously all the girls at pref were coming back to them?

By: What?

If you are from Texas and plan to return, I would not consider PM, AOPI, KD, or Alpha Phi. Not strong in Texas.

By: Lone Star
by: TRUTH   

So true. Remember that your sorority membership is more than just the next 4 years and choose accordingly!

by: Hydr   

Both kd and a phi are strong in Texas, kd is top 5, a phi is big at OU and Texas tech.

By: Hydr
by: Green   

I completely disagree with this statement!
I chose the sorority that was BEST at Ole Miss, because my 4 years of college were there, and not in Texas!
In fact, my Pref was Pi Phi and KD, and I chose KD and don’t regret it one bit.
If you pledge Pi Phi at Ole Miss with plans to transfer to UT, well good luck with that. …Then you didn’t go to Ole Miss with the right intentions.

By: Green
by: bottom   

No KD is NOT strong in Texas. Low tier chapters and chapter at Baylor folded.

By: bottom

Before you make incorrect assumptions about a house in their first year of formal recruitment, I’ll provide context. AXO was more selective than ADPI and AOII last year. The other houses reached their quota because they were desperate for numbers, while AXO was specific about the type of PNM they’re looking for. Girls that returned to AXO were preffing between AXO and DG, or PM, or APHI. Of course they can’t recruit like the legacy houses their first year, but don’t undermine their process either.

By: Sit down
by: Variable Quota   

The number you take is predetermined from Panhellenic.

By: Variable Quota
by: ^   

I think what this is saying is that sororities always have the choice to not take girls just for the sake of numbers, and instead to only invite the girls to pref that are a good fit with what they are looking for even if they end up below quota, and that AXO is excercising that option while they build. Sororities can invite UP TO the number they are given each round and can take UP TO quota, but they can actually release more than RFM requires them to if they want. NPC rules are clear that no sorority can be forced to take someone they don't choose to.

By: ^
by: Rebs   

Stop. This is 100% lies, you have no idea how selective other houses were or any other details about their recruitment.

AXO needs to stop being so insecure. It takes several years to build at Ole Miss. You are doing just fine. It was your first formal recruitment. You got good numbers. You don't have to justify your totals to anybody, you don't have to prop yourself up at the expense of other houses, and you don't have to feel like you have to explain yourself. Be happy with how your sisterhood is growing, simple as that.

By: Rebs

No OOS high school girl knows or cares what sororities are "super active" in her state. And they shouldn't. Your college sorority years are the ones that matter and you can't ever get those four years back. Now is your time. After college you will stay close to your chapter sisters even when you don't live near each other. You don't need an official alumnae chapter for that.

All the sororities here have a large national network all over the country, and alumnae clubs are often random women from every chapter of your national sorority, including the weird ones, who happen to live in your town, or women from one particular chapter that stick to their old friend groups like it's still college. You will never bond with alumnae like you do with your own chapter, and networking is very hit or miss. I say this as an alumna from a large national sorority from a large southern school living in a large southern town. My member class and age group from my chapter all stay in touch and it's much better than the local alumnae club.

Join for college, not for your random alumnae life. The sororities certainly aren't choosing new members for their alumnae potential, it's all about the chapter.

By: alum meh
by: OOS   

Being from OOS and having a degree from Ole Miss you’re going to need all the connections you can get. If they aren’t thinking this way, they should be.

by: ^   

All of the sororities at Ole Miss are strong nationally and have alumnae chapters everywhere.

By: ^
by: Txgirl   

My sister is a Kappa alum from UGA and came back to the Dallas area. She just moved jobs because of her sorority alumni connections in Dallas. Several of her friends are either Kappa or PBP alumni members and rely greatly on these networks when finding jobs. I can’t tell you about other states but, in Texas these networks are powerful ways to make connections and advance your career.

By: Txgirl
by: ^   

Everybody knows about PKT in Texas, but it's a unique thing to them alone in that state. Your sister would do fine in Atlanta just being from UGA.

By: ^
by: OleMissAlum   

I’m surprised at this reply. What is the point of joining a sorority if you are unable to leverage you network post grad?

By: OleMissAlum
by: ^^^   

Why are you asking this? The point of joining a sorority is for frienship and sisterhood, support and enrichment of your social life while you are in college. The post grad network is a nice benefit and is there for any member of any sorority. But that's not why you join. Otherwise go find a business club or get a bunch of internships. They will do a lot more for you but they won't be a sisterhood. THAT is the point.

By: ^^^

Yes PKT strong in Texas, Oklahoma. And Arkansas.

By: Txgirl
by: What   

Stupidest thing I’ve heard. College is where you make your friends. Just because theta (not even here anymore) and pi phi are strong in Texas should not make girls join them at ole miss. Kappa yes if you join at ole miss that’s a good house both places. Pi phi and theta eh why join a bad house and compromise based on after college

By: What
by: ^   


By: ^
by: Wrong    

If anyone goes PKT (well no Theta) at Ole Miss because they are good in Texas is messed up. You go home and tell your Tx friends I’m a PBP and they are laughing. You can’t compare PBP and KKG at Ole Miss to UT, so definitely dont make that your mindset going in.

By: Wrong

Pi Phi is a great house here! The “top” houses need to look around at their pc’s from last year and compare them to the pc’s from the “mid” and “lower” houses! The fact is, they know it, they just don’t want to admit it

By: Absurd

Not sure about this one pi phis still on a tier with adpi and aopi

By: …

This girl is psycho crazy. Hates girls,only hangs with the guys because the girls are drama. Yeah, that girl. The only thing worse than her is her MOM. She's a washed up divorcee that clings to to her Chi O legacy like her life. No one likes PEW and absolutely no one likes EEW. Toodles.

By: Houston Episcopal XO

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