
how do pretty girls end up in low tier sororities?

by: help

I know girls from my high school who are pretty, had good grades, were involved, and were nice. These are the things sororities judged based on yet some of them are in low tier sororities and others are in top tier ones. I knew them for years and they're so similar. How can that happen? (serious question) It makes rush seem so random

Posted By: help
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#1  by: Sad tbh   

It’s ALL about connections

By: Sad tbh
#2  by: TRUTH   

Because they don't think they are in a "low tier", they are in a sorority that best fits them. These ranks are in the eye of the beholder. But I can promise you thing, these "high tier" sororities are not what that are perceived to be, and these girls see this during runsh!!

#3  by: Stop   

You are confusing 'low tier sorority' with a low tier person and vice-versa. So stop that, stop it right now. All sororities here are highly selective. Letters, or lack of them, DO NOT make anyone superior or inferior to anyone else. Letters are not a seal of approval or a scarlet letter, or any kind of affirmation of someone's looks or worth. It's ridiculous that this has to be explained.

By: Stop
by: ?May 5, 2023 5:27:28 PM

I hope this is true and actually how the campus treats people but by the comments in this whole website I’m not sure everyone feels that way

By: ?
by: ^May 5, 2023 5:59:39 PM

You know anyone can post on here and pretend to be anyone they want to, right? This website has NEVER been realistic. It is just a moneymaker for an Indian website developer. Truth

By: ^
by: Upperclassman May 5, 2023 8:17:52 PM

So while this a really “sweet” comment, unfortunately it’s the watered down version. Don’t take everything you read on here seriously, SOME of it is just outlandish as everyone says. BUT some of it does have accuracy. Rankings are real when you get to campus, it’s just a matter of whether you care or not. It doesn’t make you bad if you do, it doesn’t make you bad if you don’t. But just know what you are getting into.

To answer your question when I went through rush, it was a lot of grade risks, out of state things etc. If you were in state (or a surrounding state), with good grades, pretty, and in good involvement. You either had a scandal they found out about, someone in the house didn’t like you, OR people with higher connections came before you.

Ole miss rankings aren’t on who’s prettiest (for the most part), because each house is so large, there’s a lot of pretty girls in all houses. It’s mainly about where your from, how much money you have, who you know.

Keep in mind alumni are a huge thing in the top top houses, so legacy matters to. Half the time these girls aren’t even licking their pledge class.

By: Upperclassman
by: Bump May 9, 2023 7:52:13 PM

Yes, all this. Also prepare if you are staying in Martin (maybe even crosby), “top” houses like KD, Chi O, Tri Delt, and DG, will dirty rush hard. And it’ll be a secret swept under the rug. But when finding a roommate they will feel u out, and maybe not even directly ask but they know what house they are going. And they will want to know if you know what house you are going aswell. There’s a lot of rumors but some of it has some truth to it. They’ll send baskets, host sleepovers, bonfires, whatever it is well before rush, and right before it. All these houses (I would argue except maybe DG and trident), know who 90 percent of their pledge class is going to be.

By: Bump
#4  by: ???   

the same way lots of unattractive girls end up in top….

By: ???
by: HowMay 16, 2023 1:42:16 PM

So based on connections or lack of them?

By: How
by: ^May 16, 2023 2:32:58 PM

'Top' doesn't really mean 'Best' it means they already know who they want because they are really only rushing the girls they already know from their home town high schools, so they can pick and choose from among this small pool and know they will get them. And while looks do matter, sorority membership selection is not about getting the prettiest girls, there is far more balance involved, believe it or not.

By: ^
#5  by: MSS   

The sororities rank girls based on how good of a fit they are. I can only speak to mine specifically but we rank based on values and how well you show those during rush. One is how you present yourself but it is also based on gpa, leadership, involvement, conversation, connections, and if we think you’d make a good fit. It’s also just how similar you are. I’m OOS (from the northeast too) and once I saw the other side of rush I saw how screwed I was it all worked out for me and I got a house I liked but it doesn’t always just try to look as good as you can and don’t be fake but point out how you’re similar to the girls in the house

#6  by: This is it   

1) they are dumb
2) they are community college transfers
3) they are hoes (before they get in. It’s fine to be a ho after you get in.)

By: This is it
#7  by: This is it   

1) they are dumb
2) they are community college transfers
3) they are hoes (before they get in. It’s fine to be a ho after you get in.)

By: This is it
#8  by: tru   

the sane reason awkward unattractive are in the ones posted on here as top. the ones someone puts on here as top take legacies whether they are strange awkward unattractive. mostly ms girls. mom could have been the fit years ago but they take people who aren’t and then brag about being top. most like mid more because they are selective regardless what your mom was

By: tru
#9  by: well   

The more sophisticated, pretty and wealthy girls are OOS. The inbred MS connections are so small minded and irrelevant. MS is one of the poorest states in America. Chicago, NY, Cali, TX pnm are stars.

By: well
by: AgreeJul 16, 2023 6:30:56 PM

It’s such a joke. The “top” tiers take girls because of legacy. Their mothers aren’t anything and there are no connections. The mothers are still pretending that they are in the sorority because that’s the only thing they have going for them. Look at the mothers of “bottom” tier girls, and you will find out that’s where the connections are. Doctors, lawyers, politicians, and more. And honestly, those girls don’t need a sorority for connections. They already have them.

By: Agree
#10  by: angry out of state girls    

Please Ms and TN all had doctors, lawyers, and wealthy families that have investments not needing to work. All before out of state girls came as they cannot get in their own state schools and major in MS. degree and education. I love the out of state girls but they are no better. Truth if you could get in CA, NY, TX, and IL school your parents would not pay to send you to MS. They just did not want you going to a one off school

By: angry out of state girls

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