
Fall 2022 Academic Report Rankings


Semester Chapter GPA

Chi Omega: 3.49
Delta Delta Delta: 3.45
Kappa Delta: 3.412
Pi Beta Phi: 3.33
Delta Gamma: 3.28
Phi Mu: 3.24
Kappa Kappa Gamma: 3.219
Alpha Delta Pi: 3.135
Alpha Omicron Pi: 3.03
Alpha Chi Omega: 2.98
Alpha Phi: 2.896

Total Chapter Size

Kappa Delta: 527
Delta Delta Delta: 526
Chi Omega: 517
Phi Mu: 507
Delta Gamma: 493
Kappa Kappa Gamma: 492
Alpha Phi: 482
Pi Beta Phi: 453
Alpha Delta Pi: 443
Alpha Omicron Pi: 423
Alpha Chi Omega: 116

New Member GPA

Chi Omega: 3.46
Pi Beta Phi: 3.45
Delta Delta Delta: 3.43
Kappa Delta: 3.43
Kappa Kappa Gamma: 3.23
Delta Gamma: 3.2
Phi Mu: 3.17
Alpha Delta Pi: 3.07
Alpha Chi Omega: 2.98
Alpha Omicron Pi: 2.88
Alpha Phi: 2.83

New Member Class Size

Alpha Phi: 199
Pi Beta Phi: 187
Phi Mu: 184
Alpha Delta Pi: 180
Delta Gamma: 178
Kappa Delta: 176
Delta Delta Delta: 173
Alpha Omicron Pi: 173
Chi Omega: 170
Kappa Kappa Gamma: 170
Alpha Chi Omega: 116

Posted By: ranks
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So based on the average ranking of everything but new class size (which is pretty random), the rankings are:

Chi Omega (1.67 average ranking)
Delta Delta Delta (2.33)
Kappa Delta (2.67)

Pi Beta Phi (4.67)
Delta Gamma (5.33)
Phi Mu (5.47)
Kappa Kappa Gamma (6.00)

Alpha Delta Pi (8.33)
Alpha Phi (9.67)
Alpha Omicron Pi (9.67)
Alpha Chi Omega (10.00)

Obviously this doesn't take into account philanthropy, social factors, etc., but grades and retention are the numbers that the university and national organizations judge the health of the chapter on. I think the order within the groupings is arguable based on those factors, but the groups match the campus reputation.

By: Sooo
by: Xyz    

The tiers are right but kd, kappa, and aphi should be moved up. Frats like aphi and they’re hot and rich so aphi could even be in the middle

By: Xyz
by: Whelp    

I guess the facts don’t lie

By: Whelp
by: lol   

aphi is bottom house

By: lol

Yikes Phi Mu is struggling big time

By: Oh
by: What?   

What do you mean? They have 4th highest members and 6th gpa. Plus they got a big class this year

By: What?
by: Phi mu   

How are they struggling?

By: Phi mu
by: Lol   

Phi mu is too high on this list. They have a really bad reputation now

By: Lol

This is what matters

By: This

I guess we know who the self rankers are now…

By: Soo
by: I mean    

Those are literally factual statistics

By: I mean
by: Um   

I think she meant that houses that put themselves higher than where they are based on grades/retention in other posts are self rankers

By: Um

Aphi can’t make grades or buy their way into a decent chapter and they aren’t hot that’s just the burning sensation frat boys get from them

By: Bbbbbbb
by: When u pee and it stings   

Aphi has test banks that has answers from other teachers exams

By: When u pee and it stings

Congrats to the top GPAs. Seems to align with campus reputations.

By: Congrats

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by: Yep   

Turns out the girls that top houses want also have great academics…

By: Yep

Looks like those Delta Gamma's could use a study hall or two.

By: So

Why are the gpa rankings literally how people see the houses on campus. It doesn’t make sense why grades and rep would match so much

By: Why
by: True   

Desirable houses get well rounded girls. Well rounded girls get good grades and stay involved. The kind of girls that make good stats for the houses make desirable pnms

By: True

This is correct

By: Yes

Pi Phi has been working hard and it shows. Winning elections and getting more involved on campus.

By: Delta

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