
Some of y’all need to stay in your lane


KD you’re not Chi O. Your mama wasn’t Chi O material. It’s just not in your gene pool. You post on here and spend all your time talking about what houses you are better than becasue you have an inferiority complex that started in 1988 when your mama got cut from chi o.

DG you’re not DDD. You are the redneck country cousins and girls from the outskirts. Your out of state girls would fit just as easily into aphi.

Posted By: Truth
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Seriously? Mississippi is the toilet of the entire South—people in Jackson don’t even have decent drinking water. Sadly, it’s a POOR, POOR, POOR state.

The “newer” generation of Chi O, KD and every other “old” chapter is leaving the state. There’s nothing there for them—the family home is declining in value, legacy granny is in the local cemetery.

WAKE TF UP!! If it weren’t for smart out-of-state girls, no chapters would the pledge classes they have.

Miss Scarlet is no longer on the veranda being served juleps or sweet tea….ACT LIKE IT!!


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by: Wow    

Such a bitter post from some out of state person that chose to come to Ole Miss probably specifically for southern football and southern greek life and found out that what is considered popular or pretty or what got you through on money back in your home state amounted to nothing here because southerners weren’t impressed and they cut you and you had to pledge whatever was available because you had questionable grades/looks/posts or had a lackluster personality. Just be glad you trusted the process and ended up somewhere.

By: Wow
by: SOUTH   

@wow—A GREASE fire? How about we scrape your face and start with that grease?
And if that’s not enough—wring out your hair.

You’re the rude c_ _ t. It’s too bad when somebody makes you face reality.


this entire thread is cringe


You are all a bunch of stupid c#$ts. The fact that you feel like you need letters at all says that you are nothing without them.

By: Laughing
by: Uh   

How you hating from outside of the club? If you don’t have letter why are you on this site ?

By: Uh

I’m a dude and don’t care about sorority drama but this was the most stuck up and arrogant thing I’ve ever heard.

I lost a lot of respect for kd after this

I hope you have a terrible week.

By: K
by: huh   

First, you're probably not a dude, obviously you're just trying to disparage KD. Not sure why you stated you "lost respect", they were totally blasted in the OP....

By: huh

KD is trying SO hard is embarrassing. Y’all try to act like you’re relevant when no one cares about you.

By: Kd stop.

Wow. Get over yourself, Chi O. Outside of Ole Miss and MS State, they are nothing. They have a few decent chapters in some small schools in Tennessee, not at UT though, and a few in Texas, outside of that, they are the worst. No one wants to be in a sorority founded by a man from a state like Arkansas. They still focus on ideals from a hundred years ago, live to wear pearls, and refuse to stand up for oppressed groups of people. Living in MS would be the worst death sentence. Dear Lord! Help these people. They literally are still living in the past.

By: Wow! Get Over Yourself.

Goodness!! I really hate the tone of this post (on both sides). I was a CHIO at OM many many years ago and came very close to going KD! I think BOTH sororities are top tier! I have/had dear friends in both sororities. I think with so many girls going through Rush - all the houses seem to be stronger and better then ever and you will make life long friends and memories that you will cherish forever in any house you pledge. I still to this day (after 20++ years) get together with my sisters twice a year. I do however take offense to you putting down the State of Mississippi!! Yes, we do have our problems but then why on earth would you choose to come to our school - if you hate our state so much? If you put down the State then you are putting down the school as well - your professors, your fellow students, etc. I think you need to rethink that statement.

By: Au
by: jw   

just curious-
why are you still on here if you were involved in Greek life over 20 years ago?

truly just wondering

By: jw
by: !!!   

yes, taking up for the state, but explained why legacy sororities at OM have to be mean to other sororities. 20 years you are ranking yours and your other fav top tier. you are the reason girls are so rude to what you call other tiers. all sororities at OM are top tier. I’m not from your state, but value all the girls on this campus more than you do. why your legacy daughters act the way they do.

By: !!!

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