
First male in sorority at OM?


I’m not here to stir the pot or start anything, but what is the word on Kappa having an African American male as a member? I have heard a lot of talk around this and just was curious.

Posted By: Anon
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i'm pretty sure he's their photographer!! that's what i saw on tiktok

By: oh

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Anyone have numbers on the fraternity pledge classes

By: Numbers
by: Tim    

69 I think

By: Tim
by: Delta Girl   

Phi Delt, KA, ATO and KSig gave everyone on campus a bid. All of their classes are huge. EX and EN have reasonable size classes of 75-80.

By: Delta Girl

I follow him on TikTok and he seems fun. I think he’s just friends with a lot of the girls and they like having him around to hang out with.

By: Sweetie

Mama just saw DG's in halter tops. Tacky Tacky

By: Jackson

Sigma Mu and sigma chi have “reasonable” sized classes bc they lost out to the other houses. Sororities took 170-190 guess sigma but and sigma chi need to put all their short kings together for swaps

By: Lol

“I’m not here to stir the pot or start anything but” [ridiculous rumor/gossip framed as question to stir the pot and start something against a specific house] 🙄

By: Oh please

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