
Why do a lot of people on here dislike DG?


Why does everyone dislike DG so much? What are they doing wrong? I don’t understand! :/

Posted By: Why
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Hahah stop.

By: Get off this site
by: Exactly this.    

They live on this site. 12 mins after a post a DG comments.

By: Exactly this.

This is my honest unbiased opinion. It's not super harsh so people will automatically think I'm in this chapter. I'm not, but people will think what they want. I liked them during rush and have some very close friends here though, even though I went something else.

I think Dg is an easy target because they are caught between "tiers." XO/KD/DDD are the undisputed and historical top 3 houses here (despite what unhappy GR trolls say), and Dg has always been right on their heels. And Kappa and Phi Mu have always been right behind Dg. The strength and popularity of all 6 of these houses changes year to year it seems. If the top 3 slip, Dg is next up. If Dg slips, Kappa or Phi Mu is right there. (TBH Kappa has really pulled in front of Phi Mu in my time but like I said, things change every couple of years). So the top want to keep them down and the middle want to jump them.

So I think Dg kinda gets it from all angles. Every sorority has scandals or questionable members but I honestly don't see anything different or worse about Dg compared to every other house. They're overall competitive girls and a little over the top which really rubs some people the wrong way, but why people can't just let their girls be themselves and happy in their sorority IDK.

And IMO there's also just 1 maybe 2 trolls on here who literally comment about them over and over, even when it's totally unrelated, and always accuse them of commenting even when everything that was said is negative. It's giving vendetta.

By: I'll bite
by: YES   

I fully agree. DG is a really good chapter and does well during rush. They have great philanthropy events, and there’s a lot of girls who go into rush wanting DG over other houses, just like there is girls who go into Kappa or Phi Mu wanting those houses over the others. Just like every other house, there’s good dgs and bad dgs and rich dgs and smart dgs. Idk why people have such a problem with them


Because they try to win everything.

By: 5

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i think people only hate them on this site. and by "people" i mean whoever $hit posts about them and certain of their members over and over. in the real world i don't know anyone who actually hates any sorority. some members of sororities of course, cause some people just suck, but not an entire sorority. the only thing different about dg is their dedicated greekrank troll.

By: tbh

DG trying to be relevant again

By: Lol
by: ;)   

The last time they were relevant was in like 1900

By: ;)
by: Lol   

Yeah, like this comment. They’re no less relevant than any of the other houses. The DG hatred is so weird, it gives “I’m insecure about my own letters” vibes. I’m very happy in my house so I couldn’t care less about DG or any other house. Maybe you should work on that.

By: Lol

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