
Thoughts on bid day themes?


Liked? Disliked? And not a reflection of the house or pledge class itself.

XO: It risked feeling repetitive but I think they pulled it off and it worked into their colors
Adpi: I liked how they played into the boom boom thing
DDD: Fun and colorful. I like colorful.

Almost but not quite:
KKG: The birthday thing was fun but the girl on their banner creeped me out lol
Pi Phi: Love dancing queen. But got her wings doesn't go. Crown? Sure, but we don't have zeta.

Aphi: had potential but "beverphi hills" just sounds like a kid who can't pronounce their l's.
AOII: We knew the general idea of their theme in advance, I didn't like it when I heard it, and still didn't. Plus it looked kind of dull.
Phi Mu: We've seen it a million times
DG: Same.

Not even trying:
KD: are they ever anything other than just green?

Posted By: Truth
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P.S. this is NOT A RANK.

By: Truth

DG and XO had best house decorations
DDD had cute tee shirts and hats
KD And ADPi were boring
Kappa usually brings it but this year with such a cute theme they bombed the execution
PM the decorations were cute but wearing actual personal pjs was weird and seemed cheap
PBP the OP must not get that they are angels and so it’s always in their theme which was cute maybe needed more decor
APhi always has cute decor but crop tops just really aren’t it
AOPi wasn’t a very good idea. It was clouds rain and people saying they struck out which is bad in baseball and we are national champs

by: Truth   

I'm the OP and I totally know pi Phi/angels. I'm saying dancing queen got her wings doesn't go (at least for me).

By: Truth

The birthday theme gets done every few years. Unoriginal. Actually, most if the themes were unoriginal. Ones who branched out didnt all get it right, but at least they branched out

By: Birthday boring

Tri Delt was really colorful and festive. They hauled in a good pledge class.

By: Me

before there are replies saying “okay xyz” because i had something positive about one sorority, just know, i did not like my own sororities theme. i appreciate the hard work that went into it but it just was not my favorite. anyways;
adpi- i thought it was cute, but it was just a little boring thought it could of been executed better
aopi- when i first heard it i really cringed but from the pics i’ve seen it turned okay pretty cute. still not my fave, but cute!
aphi- i loved aphi’s theme. I thought it was so cute, and i loved the tops the actives wore. (moms go ahead and clutch your pearls, yes they are 18-22 year old women, a crop top is not that deep) this theme was by far my favorite
chi o: i thought it was so cute. I agree with OP.
ddd: not one of my favorites, very colorful but i still found it dull.
dg: same as DDD, but i thought the execution was better.
kd: i feel like it’s not super fair to really comment on it since they do the same every year. which is a bummer because whenever they do spirit week their themes are always on point
kkg: i really like the birthday theme and i thought it was cute, but they usually go all out so it was a tad underwhelming
phi mu: i thought it was cute, but also underwhelming
pi phi: i’m very much over the mamma mia/disco theme but i thought they did a great job!
nonetheless everyone had a great rush! it was very competitive this year and all the new members and actives should be so proud of themselves!

By: opinion

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