
KD is not the only top…


I’m so confused. Anytime anybody ranks Chi O or DG or DDD or KKG next to KD, it’s a problem. Are we actually saying that KD is the only good sorority. Like no every rank has a problem with those four even though they are highly desired.

Posted By: Yup yup
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It’s because it’s kds and alumni that post them like that lol

By: hahahhaha
by: kd   

im a kd and I can’t stand how many kds are all over GR top, top, top, Look
how many posts on GR

By: kd

Basic truth

By: Finally

It’s the same as buying followers…it’s fools some people. But honestly take a look at them they are not attractive and they bully each other daily.

By: Hmm

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There’s a DG sisterhood event going on in these comments.

By: Hmm
by: lmao   

that event is all over this site, not just these comments

By: lmao

Only in their heads and on GR. XO and DDD have always been top at OM and will continue to be.

By: KD is not top

That kaki girl is quintessential KD annoying not attractive with a mean girl energy that gives snotty but poor at the same time.

By: Chinos

Have you seen KD's pledge class in the last couple of years? UGH! Worrisome.


One post has been going for two years. Every week the same KD agrees with OP (herself) that the only top is no than - you guessed it - KD. I wonder how long she’s going to keep answering herself.

By: Sick KD alum or active?
by: Crazy KD   

Is she an active, mom or alum? Isn’t she tired yet?

By: Crazy KD
by: KD lives for GR!   

As of this post there are 54 likes and 3 dislikes- wait and see if KD will downvote

By: KD lives for GR!

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