
Message to PNMs- truth about “ranks”


This needs to be said. Everyone coming on here and yik yak giving their “rank” is just someone with no life, putting their own sorority top, and then judging the other houses based off of one or two girls they know or have met in the other houses. This is not a true reflection of an entire sisterhood!! Please do not let these “ranks” dictate where you want to go. Sororities at Ole Miss are so big, that there are girls of every shape, size and background in every house. Every house has girls who drop. Every house has great girls and every house has their own issues. Girls on here are in one sorority, and have no idea what it is really like in other houses.. so do not let them persuade you into their close-minded way of thinking. At the end of the day, you will be spending four years in the sisterhood, so please go with the house that you genuinely feel comfortable in and is right for you. Do not choose a house just because a few anonymous people on a couple of platforms say “this house is bottom or top” every sorority has party girls, sporty girls, awkward girls, pagent queens, etc.. so go where makes you feel good and accepted and I promise you will find your group of best friends anywhere. If you let a few judgmental people sway which house you like, there is a high chance that you wont be happy in the end. DO NOT cut a house that you liked, just because people say they arent a “top house”. WHO CARES. And if you get a house that wasnt your top choice, go in with an open mind and make the most out of it! Its you who has to live with the memories, friendship and experiences that you make. Not Shelly down the hall who picked a “top house” that she really didn't like just to seem cool and wear “better letters”. Give me a break.

Posted By: Real Perspective
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YES. Thank you. I went with a house that is always put on the lower end of the ranks and I wouldn’t change it. Having the time of my life. Meanwhile, i know girls in “top” houses who are miserable. Its all down to the person. Houses consistently ranked as “top” on here, just means they have more members coming on here and ranking themselves top all the time. Which is a bit sad tbh

By: Lil Reb

EVERY house here is good, no matter what is out there on social media. If you are fortunate enough to get a bid to ANY house at Ole Miss, take the bid and give the house a chance. It is tough, all the girls are beautiful, smart and have strong resumes.

By: Yes

Seriously. People need to stop obsessing over titles and image. Are you really a top house if you have to constantly tell people you’re top? Some houses get unfairly rinsed on here. Stop making people feel bad about the house they like or are in. Everyone deserves to have a positive experience in every house and wear their letters proudly.

By: Girlie

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Snaps to this. PNMs need to read

By: Word


By: PNMs


By: Real talk

Who tf has time to write this much. Get a life wow

By: Sad
by: Lol   

Says someone who is probably on here to do another “these are the real rankings” post. Whats sad is girls like you on here trying to tear other girls down.

By: Lol

BUMP...all pnms need to read this

By: PNMs

hih okay

By: j

this needs to be bumped again

By: bump

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