
ole miss sucks


As a formal Ole Miss student who transferred to another school, Ole Miss is an absolute waste of time and money, a nothing school, and nationally known as an embarrassment. Academics and quality of life as a student here is subpar, and won’t get you anywhere in life. Take the advice from me and don’t waste your time here, go somewhere else.

Posted By: Tea
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Bama your stalker obsession with Ole Miss displays a certain level of psycho behavior.

By: You really need help
by: Tea   

I’m not at Bama but good try though

By: Tea
by: Yes you are   

Shut up Bama, you're an idiot.

By: Yes you are

Okay, so what’s this great school you transferred to which makes you have that opinion about Ole Miss. And why is student life here subpar? Not saying I agree or disagree, i just want to hear your side.

By: .

You are a bitter loser that most likely never went to OM. I can tell you we’re raised with zero class.

By: go away loser

(1) ole miss has the second highest transfer out rate last year, only second to Vandy, and almost as high as Vandy's, which is an embarrassment.
Vandy is a private school that costs $30K+, the kids that transfer out of Vandy either (a) decide to go back to their home school and I'm assuming most can go back for free or (b) realize they are struggling in school and need to go back to their home school

(2) Not sure who (yes it's the same person) who says bama! on every post. Listen, aside from one person (SarCar's friend), I don't know anyone that left Ole Miss for Bama in years. In fact, people from Bama rarely even come to Ole Miss to begin with. Almost everyone at Bama goes to Bama or Auburn (aside from the few smart ones that go to good schools (no, ole miss is not a good school) or the mostly dumb ones that go to community colleges.

Bama is better than Ole Miss in almost every single way: bigger houses, more connected members, richer students, more alumni money, better education, town offers more, school offers more activities, better sports teams etc etc.

The only thing ole miss has on Bama is the alumni who work relentlessly to keep Out of state or not connected people down. Basically what that means is, it's nearly impossible to be top tier at ole miss if you aren't a legacy and well connected.
At Bama it's hard, but not impossible.

By: lezbehonest
by: Where ya been?   

You're not that psycho from a couple of years ago are you? My first year here you were posting those long rambling crazy manifestos, and then answering yourself with equally long crazy responses. I thought maybe you had been sent somewhere for some special relaxation. So now your back.

By: Where ya been?
by: huh    

who tf is sarcar

By: huh
by: Lmao   

You claimed you are not associated with Bama but just listed like 20 different things about Bama. Lol y’all are so pathetic. Is your own board that boring?

By: Lmao

I have a feeling that no matter where ever you are becomes a miserable place to be bc if this is the kind of thing you do in your spare time, I really think its you that is just sad and negative. Get some professional help instead of going online and trying to insult others to make yourself feel better. Something is seriously wrong in your life because normal happy people don't think to, or need to post odd things like this. You seem clinically disturbed and need professional help. Hope you find that help and heal.

By: sorry 4ur miserable life

“ transfer out rate” is a made up term by you dummy. That is laughable. Ole Miss actually has a pretty high retention rate dummy

By: Funny

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by: Actually   

Retention rate is just # of students that come back. That figure has less to do with happiness and more to do with grades.

Ole Miss has a decent retention rate because most students attend for free or close to free, so money isn't the issue and second because Ole Miss might be slightly more challenging than community college, so there isn't much reason to leave.

Now, happiness is a completely different story. It's what % of the students thought they would like it here, but didn't. And Ole Miss ranks poorly here. If you look though college confidential it's one of the big negatives about ole miss.

So while Betty Lue (legacy to top tier), lives in Jackson, comes up to gamedays, 90% of her jackson prep high school goes here and she knows them is happy with Ole miss.
Cindy who visited and loved it but realized the place is shallow, hard to make friends, closed minded people etc., is not happy here.

The school has a unusually high rate of Cindy's.

By: Actually
by: You'll be okay   

Yep, it's you. Maybe it's time to get your medication reevaluated.

By: You'll be okay

“ most students attend OM for free”. You are truly a dolt and a dullard. Do a little research dummy.

By: Funny

Tuscaloosa is a dump!!!

By: truth

Hey, “Formal” Ole Miss student-
Go somewhere else and learn the difference between formal and former. No one needs you here. Bye.

By: Laugh

"an unusually high number of Cindys"

This is why I will always come back to this site! Thank you Actually for giving me my morning chuckle


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