
return rates are as expected

by: Obv

Day one return rates are just as expected!
PNMs who don’t see your top choices on your schedule, please keep an open mind about the houses you may not have loved first round. You just may be surprised by the end of the week!

Posted By: Obv
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Page 1 of 1
#1  by: New PNM   

Heard there was a handful that didn't get anything back. Makes me sad.

By: New PNM
by: JcSep 23, 2019 3:08:44 PM

Most likely grades. Yes, it is sad, but they probably knew they were chancing it, if they had below a certain GPA

By: Jc
by: activeSep 23, 2019 3:43:23 PM

that honestly makes me so sad, y’all ran off theta making there one less house and now sweet girls may not get a house this year

By: active
by: ^Sep 23, 2019 4:16:32 PM

That's not why girls are getting cut. Theta cut for grades just like everyone else. Having one less house has been adjusted in the RFM along with the number of PNM's this year.

By: ^
by: :]Sep 24, 2019 3:15:31 PM

Theta had better grades than Alpha Phi, APhi has been the last resort for lower grades for a couple of years now.

By: :]
by: heheSep 25, 2019 12:10:35 AM

they’ve been on campus a couple years

By: hehe
#2  by: pnm   

i didnt get any of the houses I liked back. KD, DG, DDD, Phi Mu, Pi Phi, and XO dropped me. Do you think I can get Kappa or should I just drop and try in the spring?

By: pnm
by: put your phone upSep 23, 2019 4:10:48 PM

give your phone to your recruitment counselor if you are a PNM and stop looking at Greek rank. I know all of y’all are hanging out in the bathroom and on your laptops texting your mom but seriously get off Greek rank.

By: put your phone up
by: Seriously?Sep 23, 2019 4:13:02 PM

Come on.... Give the houses remaining on your schedule a chance!! There is nothing wrong with ADPi, AOPi or APhi or would you prefer not to be Greek at all? Because that is probably your choice right now... It is really doubtful (but not impossible) that any of those chapters that you listed will be doing a spring rush or COB.

By: Seriously?
by: JenSep 23, 2019 7:17:16 PM

Hang in there. Don't drop!

By: Jen
by: Keep goingSep 23, 2019 7:50:00 PM

Keep going to the parties, even if Kappa drops you. You don't want to miss out on an amazing Greek experience at this school because of tier talk. All of the groups will make your college experience exponentially better.

By: Keep going
by: Liv Sep 23, 2019 7:51:10 PM

Kappa is requiring a 3.4.
Good luck everyone!

By: Liv
by: InfoSep 24, 2019 12:49:52 AM

One thing to consider if you're wondering whether a house that cut you might pick you up during spring rush is that lots of houses have a once cut always cut policy. I encourage you to see it through and I send you an internet hug. I know it is hard and can be quite painful. I had a rush that left me in tears, but I saw it through and ended up joining a sorority that was not a first choice. I've still have a lot of fun, activities, leadership opportunities, swaps, etc. It is still a Greek experience, AND the sororities are so big here that there was no way I couldn't find some friends out of 400 girls. Rush here is no joke. I promise you there are lots of women just like you in the houses that you have left. What happened to you happened to some of them, that's why the tier talk is toxic and dumb.

By: Info
by: GPASep 24, 2019 10:46:00 AM

Kappa requires 3.4 or above nationally. At many SEC schools, you can’t even get admitted with 3.4 (Vandy, Texas A&M, Florida, GA).

#3  by: Elizabeth   

Well, I am not at Ole Miss, but I can tell you that AOII is the largest sorority in the nation based on chapters, and they are strong and great on campuses across the country. A very similar statement can be said for ADII and I would assume Pi Phi as well. My roommate was a Pi Phi and both of my aunts were as well. My cousin was an AOII at UTK, and my sister was an AOII at BAMA. I also had a cousin who was an AOII at Georgia. I think all 3 of these are strong across the country. It is my understanding that this year's homecoming queen was also an AOII. It was just in the last year that I think Pi Phi moved up. I certainly think the same of AOII. You have to think bigger than Mississippi. Have a great rush!

By: Elizabeth
by: Agree with aboveSep 24, 2019 10:42:44 AM

Good advice. The most important thing is to pay attention to where the conversation is easy and you feel relaxed and at home. That takes more than one or two parties. This can be found in any house. Good luck.

By: Agree with above
by: TruthSep 24, 2019 10:50:09 AM

No, AOPI is not strong nationally. Sorry, they are at a bunch of tier 2 and 3 schools. No good chapters outside of TN, AL.

By: Truth
by: Pan LoveSep 24, 2019 10:57:30 AM

Every sorority on our campus is strong nationally. Some are stronger in certain areas of the country and some are stronger in different states. Our sororities represent some of the best in the country. Try to have some pride in your school.

By: Pan Love
by: the truthSep 24, 2019 12:11:11 PM

AOPi is very weak nationally. Most of their chapters have trouble in recruitment. ADPi is only strong in the south. And even then - only part of the south. Kappa is a great national house.

By: the truth
by: @TruthSep 24, 2019 12:40:17 PM

Seriously, just shut up and stop being complete waste of a human being. Literally NO college student cares about the national presence of their sorority, and who is strong where, or if they are top or middle tier nationally.

And since you've clearly never stepped outside of Madison, let me also assure you that after you graduate, nobody hears what sorority you are in and thinks "oh, that's not top tier" or "oh, that's only strong in the midwest, you must be socially awkward" or whatever bizarre thing you are imagining. Literally NOBODY in the real world cares about what sorority you are in UNLESS they discover that you are their sister, in which case they are excited to meet you.

It's really as simple as that.

By: @Truth
by: ActuallySep 24, 2019 1:14:10 PM

Coming from Texas, AOPi and Phi Mu are not sororities anyone has even heard of...

By: Actually
by: FactSep 24, 2019 2:23:07 PM

Theta is very strong in Texas, but it didn’t help them in Mississippi. Every sorority is strong is areas and weak in others. ALL of our sororities on Ole Miss campus are strong National sororities.

By: Fact
by: uhSep 25, 2019 9:37:34 AM

@ “the truth” adpi is strong on the west coast wym

By: uh

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