
my dearest thetas


The issue you all experience is from accepting girls that do not belong in the Greek system. If their grades are terrible and they don't have a strong resume, the chances of all of that changing when they have meetings/responsibilities several times a week on top of school work is very unlikely. It's no secret that a lot of girls did not show up to bid day this year. I believe variable quota is killing you by forcing you to take girls who are an extreme risk. My suggestion to you is to be more selective in the future and I will say that the girls I have spoken to loved your video and sisterhood. However, the most common thing you hear is that the conversations are where you're lacking. You did a great job of boosting your image this year, but the conversations are what get girls enthusiastic to come back. DO NOT offer bids to every girl who comes to the house. Sending this with a large amount of Panhellenic love.

Posted By: letstalk
Page 1 of 1

I appreciate your honesty and feel like EVERY house could use an honest dose of reality. I feel your sincerity and welcome you to make open and honest comments to every house.

By: @letstalk
by: Crazy Trolls   

Not only are you an idiot, you're talking to yourself. Let me add that you're crazy too.

By: Crazy Trolls
by: misguided   

I'm the author of @letstalk. I wasn't talking to myself and I'm not an idiot or a troll. Maybe a little crazy but in a good way. I think the OPs message to Theta was heartfelt and I do believe everyone even the self righteous top tiers could use a dose a healthy dose of reality. Check your self, look around your new PC and how sisters behaved this past week - we ALL could use a long look in the mirror.

By: misguided
by: Omg   

Yes you are an idiot! Let me add tone deaf as well. There was nothing sincere about that post!

By: Omg
by: Bad Troll   

You are absolutely a Troll, you might as well own it. No one but a troll would come on this site and bash a good sorority, which you apparently know nothing about, and claim you're just offering advice.

So let me offer you a 'suggestion', you're a troll and a slimy one, so it would be better if you worked on your own apparent 'troll' problem. Here's another dose of reality for you - YOU are not worthy of Ole Miss Greek Life.

By: Bad Troll
by: lol   

"a good sorority" ??? why would anyone be so defensive about this

By: lol

Awwww, thanks DDD!

By: Wth

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theta---- i do not know any girls in your house but if you can not make quota for years and years in a row its time to step back and remove yourself from campus. let another chapter try and then maybe come back in a few years with a new perspective and see how things work! it worked great for ADPI!

By: love you theta but
by: Bless your heart   

Bama, get back on your own page. Your GR is missing you.

By: Bless your heart
by: See ya   

Not Bama, it's Arkansas, been trolling all night. HaHa

By: See ya

This post is just mean. Theta don't read it, you are strong, beautiful and worthy.

By: troll post

I’m oos and even though I heard how awful the top houses and alums treated oos girls I chose to ignore it. Any other school in the SEC I would be in a top house. Not here. I was naive to think my top resume and personality would get me anywhere other than a so called bottom house because of the backward way Ole Miss recruits. So try to have a little more empathy before you go calling 18 year old girls losers.

By: girl
by: No worries   

Honestly the op troll is probably not even a Ole Miss student. You are going to have a good sorority experience with Theta, they've always been known for having a close sisterhood. OOS students have never been treated right at Ole Miss. The middle and bottom tier sororities actually have the better resumed students, and the top tiers are just who you knew with Mississippi connections. It's kind of ironic that the top tiers are considered top based on who they knew in Mississippi - which is considered the pit/naval lint of America.

By: No worries

From someone who just went thru Rush, you got it right. I liked all the different girls @ Theta but conversation was definitely awkward. Super awkward.

By: So True !!!
by: omg   

Hey mom! You didn’t learn anything from reading day in my life post? Bullying 18 year olds. Sad just sad.

By: omg
by: So True !!!   

not bullying at all. Just being honest so Theta could maybe work on some things for next year. Please re-read MY post. I liked the girls, just couldn't get a read about The chapter, the house, the philanthropy or anything else from them. felt like I was pulling teeth and it wasn't fun. Shouldn't they have been trying to get to know me??

By: So True !!!
by: Really true   

You had a completely different experience than I had. I thought Theta was fine, I liked them, didn't find them weird or awkward. In all honesty, my most awkward encounter came with one of the top tiers and I'm not going to name it because I can't judge an entire sorority based on that experience - just like 'So True' can't judge an entire sorority based on her experience (if she even had an experience, which I doubt).

By: Really true

I was also told Theta was the bottom. Theta took 4.0 girls,national merit girls, girls who have lived all over the US and abroad, girls with leadership. This doesn’t seem like bottom girls. They just don’t have Mississippi connections. They also build each other up and want to see their sisters succeed. They aren’t jealous of each other like girls are in other houses. So if you like nice girls who want to help you succeed and smart girls who are beyond the state of Mississippi this is a great house.

By: Misinformed
by: question   

I did not hear of them taking any girls from abroad or different countries?? Enlighten us

By: question

This is irrelevant. A moot point. In case you are an Alabama troll that means there is no longer any point to this conversation. There is not a Theta house on campus.

By: Me
by: Gone   

Theta is no more. No need to make any positive or negative comments about them, since they're nonexistent here now.

By: Gone

Constructive criticism is NOT trolling! Damn y’all, this is one of the myriad of reasons why our Greek system is in shambles.

By: Y’all....
by: No shambles here   

Hello Drama Mama, in spite of the constant trolling of the 80's ladies, our sororities are great. No shambles here. As for the old ladies - that's another story, still living in the wrinkled past.

By: No shambles here

lmao I go here now (i.e. a current student) but okay, “”Drama Mama”” whatever delusions help ya get thru the day! 😂

Honestly tho it’s sad that no one can make any sorta constructive comment about the Greek system w/o being considered ~trolling~ or some bored ~old alumna~. 🙄

By: @no shambles here
by: Sure?   

Let's be honest, rarely are these post constructive. There are solely designed to bash other sororities while attempting to make yours look better without being detected. If someone was seriously trying to constructively improve Greeklife they would concentrate on their own sorority. Every sorority is providing leadership opportunities, raising money for causes and helps with meeting new people. But every sorority also has issues, and instead of bashing others on GR, time could be better spend fixing the problems in your sorority.

By: Sure?
by: why   

LMAO your attempt to sound like a "current student" is hilarious. Just STOP already. You're not doing "any sorta" constructive criticism.Just be kind and let people live.

In case you're completely oblivious: most people don't need others to make them doubt their self worth.They're pretty good at doing that on their own. And that high you get from putting someone down? It doesn't last. Stop doing it. You will be happier.
I promise.

By: why

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