


people keep asking what makes a sorority the best... so here you go: they're in no particular order!!!!
gpa- XO, KD, DG, DDD
campus involvement- DG, KD, KKG, Phi Mu
sisterhood- XO, KD, DG, Phi Mu
looks/hottness- KD, KKG, Phi Mu, Pi Phi
fun/social- KD, DDD, KKG, Pi Phi
popularity- KD, XO, DDD, DG, KKG
personalities- KKG, KD DDD, Pi Phi, AOPi
oldest sororities/tradition: XO, DDD, KD, DG, Phi Mu

therefore it makes sense why the tiers are
KKG/Phi Mu
Pi Phi/AOPi/Theta

the top 6 sororities have the most qualities listed above.

Posted By: OleMisssorority
Page 1 of 1

Pretty fair assessment(except a few) until you got back to the tier issue. You only put XO in the tops for 4 catagories: GPA,sisterhood,popularity, and oldest sorority but still managed to put them first in your tiers? It is pretty obvious that you are a KD as you put them in every catagory and most of the campus would not have them tops in sisterhood or personality. Phi Mu does not belong in the oldest tradition either, I feel like you put them there so you could justify tiering them above pi phi. Seems to me like it would be a dead heat between DDD,DG,KKG, and KD(when realistically evaluated). Pulling a close second XO, with Phi Mu & Pi Phi even with them. Just a thought.

By: hmmmmmm

I love how 3 of the 5 houses listed as best personality (which arguably should be the most important quality behind sisterhood) are in the bottom tiers.....so typical Ole Miss........but I love her anyways!

By: haha

post is whack. From a guys perspective you got it all wrong.

By: This whole

has the best personalities? That just made my day

By: Tri Delt
by: should be nice   

BUT at least the writer didnt try and insult us by also listing DDD as best sisterhood too! If the breakdown is so accurate then how is XO in first place when they didnt even place in personality, looks, social or campus involvement. Why didn't you save a lot of typing & just list the only category that seems matter....OLDEST.

By: should be nice

a supposed guys point of view since the whole post is whack????!!! I doubt you are a guy , and not sure how you think everything is whack?

By: Let's hear

Should be listed in the sisterhood category. Better than KD for sure.

By: AOPi and Theta

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Obvious a chi-o wrote this... You didn't even list yourselves in all the categories but then put yourself in top tier...? That doesn't make very much sense. Somebody should switch XO and DDD

By: It's

Are you girls really getting jealous of each other? From my perspective.. this is about 90% accurate. On a social scale, the personality of a sorority doesn't directly effect the sisterhood.

By: Please

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