
southern sorority

by: curious

We all know how the Ole Miss sororities rank. Does anyone know who are the top sororities in the South?

Posted By: curious
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#1  by: sorority   

Top southern sororites: (in no order) KD, Chi O, Adpi, zeta (we don’t have), DDD, phi mu

By: sorority
by: lolJan 14, 2018 7:28:32 PM

adpi? lol dream on

By: lol
by: @lolJan 14, 2018 8:22:03 PM

Seriously, what is your issue with adpi? Any time they are mentioned, either the chapter or the organization, you are right here with an insult. Give it a rest.

OP I would add Theta to your list

By: @lol
by: AlsoJan 14, 2018 10:25:55 PM

Yeah I agree on KAT they’re top at a lot of other schools but idk about ADPi... I haven’t heard of any southern schools where they’re top unless Greek life is very small

By: Also
by: @alsoJan 15, 2018 9:05:15 PM

so tired of constant adpi hate... they're top five, or better at
uga, auburn, sc, clemson, florida, unc

and op also forgot kkg...

By: @also
by: @sororityJan 15, 2018 9:19:22 PM

Think you should add Kappa to the list.

By: @sorority
by: Yep for the SECMay 26, 2019 9:50:37 PM

Top SEC and southernsororities are:

University of Florida- Zeta. Adphi, KD, DDD, DG

University of Georgia-- KKG, Phi Mu. Theta, Adphi and KD

University of Kentucky-Thera, Chio, DG, Adphi , DDD

University of Missouri- pi phi, Chio, DDD, Theta KKG

University of South Carolina- adphi, KD, chiO, DDD , Zeta

University of Tennesse- KD, Tri Delta, Phi Mu, (Dz- Aopi- toss up)

Vanderbilt- Theta, Kappa, DDD, KD, pi phi

University of Alabama- AXO, phi Mu , KD, DDD, Kappa

AUBURN- phi mu, KD, Chi o. Alp6Gam and ADPHI

LSU- KD, DDD, Chio, Alpha Gam DZ

Ole Miss-KD, DDD, Phi Mu, Chi , Dg or KKG

Mississippi State- KD, Chio, Phi Mu, DDD, DG

Texas A&m- Zeta,KKG, DDD, DG and ChiO

This is for the SEC schools - however KD, Ddd, Phi Mu and ChiO are the strongest sororities overall in the south\n\n\n\n\n

By: Yep for the SEC
by: Yep for the SECMay 26, 2019 9:52:59 PM

Top SEC and southernsororities are:

University of Florida- Zeta. Adphi, KD, DDD, DG

University of Georgia-- KKG, Phi Mu. Theta, Adphi and KD

University of Kentucky-Thera, Chio, DG, Adphi , DDD

University of Missouri- pi phi, Chio, DDD, Theta KKG

University of South Carolina- adphi, KD, chiO, DDD , Zeta

University of Tennesse- KD, Tri Delta, Phi Mu, (Dz- Aopi- toss up)

Vanderbilt- Theta, Kappa, DDD, KD, pi phi

University of Alabama- AXO, phi Mu , KD, DDD, Kappa

AUBURN- phi mu, KD, Chi o. Alp6Gam and ADPHI

LSU- KD, DDD, Chio, Alpha Gam DZ

Ole Miss-KD, DDD, Phi Mu, Chi , Dg or KKG

Mississippi State- KD, Chio, Phi Mu, DDD, DG

Texas A&m- Zeta,KKG, DDD, DG and ChiO

This is for the SEC schools - however KD, Ddd, Phi Mu and ChiO are the strongest sororities overall in the south\n\n\n\n\n

By: Yep for the SEC
by: SECMay 28, 2019 12:38:45 PM

LSU doesn’t have Alpha Gam

#2  by: uh   

adpi is a top southern sorority...sure it isn’t popular here but OP asked about overall southern ranking. give it a rest

By: uh
#3  by: Me   

adpi is strong at florida, fsu, auburn, uga, south carolina, unc, tennessee to name a few. The south goes beyond mississippi and memphis lol.

By: Me
by: MeJan 14, 2018 10:52:48 PM

Phi mu should be on tbere, IMO

By: Me
by: LMAOJan 15, 2018 9:53:12 AM

While Florida is geographically in the south, it is by absolutely no means southern. & ADPi is not top tier TN but definitely not in the bottom like it is here at Ole Miss.

by: MeJan 15, 2018 9:57:40 AM

Can you read? I said strong, not top. As far as I'm concerned tiers are subjective. Go away adpi-hating troll, you are transparent and sad.

By: Me
by: wellllllMay 28, 2019 12:48:56 PM

Town and county list tri Sigs Badge as cool not that they are a top tier sorority and Phi mu is listed as the coolest house - again not top tier AOPI is listed as the largest and Theta for the most celebrities- OP didn't really read the article- it's not the best of the best sororities but the best aspects of each of those sororities listed that are worth celebrating- something greekrank never does.

By: wellllll
#4  by: bye!!!   

glad to know who is really flooding GR!!

By: bye!!!
#5  by: Here ya go for real   

The top SEC sorority is Chi-O, they're top or lower top at every school in the SEC, with the exception of U of Florida where they are middle.

Next would be DDD; they're top at 10 SEC schools, Middle at 3 and Bottom at 1.

Next would be KD; top at 8 of the SEC, Middle at 4 and Bottom at 2.

For the other Ole Miss sororities rankings in the SEC it goes like this: DG: Top at 4, Middle at 5, Bottom at 2; Kappa: Top at 6, Middle at 5, Bottom at 1; Phi Mu: Top at 6, Middle at 3, Bottom at 3; Pi Phi: Top at 2, Middle at 10, Bottom at 2; AOPi is Top at 3, Middle at 4, Bottom at 4; Alpha Phi is Top at 1, Middle at 1 and Bottom at 5; Theta is Top at 2, Middle at 4 and bottom at 4; ADPi is top at 5, Middle at 3, Bottom at 5.

So here ya go to all the people who seem obsessed with ranking beyond the obsession with the Ole Miss rankings.

By: Here ya go for real
by: KJan 16, 2018 10:44:44 PM

Good info. Where did you get it?

What about non sec schools? Poster said south. Not SEC?

By: K
by: uhhMay 17, 2019 7:54:10 PM

how did you decide to put top at 4 and bottom at 2 ABOVE top at 6 and bottom at 1????? KAPPA is the best sorority in the nation

By: uhh
by: ChillMay 17, 2019 11:03:28 PM

Calm down Kappa. You're special in your own way.

By: Chill
by: You're kiddingJun 3, 2019 12:47:35 PM

Oh Lordy! I can't even follow that!

By: You're kidding
#6  by: Busy Trolls   

Wonder why someone is posting 'Southern Royalty' post. First this new one and then dragging up an old one.

By: Busy Trolls
by: Rebel girlJan 21, 2018 2:07:38 PM

Seems to me to be someone who wants Southern sororities to be positioned as the best over the non-Southern chapters here. Maybe a mid-tier Southern sorority that's threaten by a lower-tier non-Southern house? I think Pi Phi is definitely on the rise so perhaps a "Southern royalty" house feels threatened.

Not sure why the need to keep posting this because the higher level tiers here are composed of Southern sororities already. Most of the top and mid rankings can be traced to when each chapter was founded here. That's almost always the case on any campus.

By: Rebel girl
#7  by: give it a rest    

this post was clearly made by an ADPi trying to make themselves look better by claiming they are a “strong southern sorority.” Y’all stop trying to pull yourself up by association and just focus on your own chapter

By: give it a rest
#8  by: Adpi hands down   

Adpi- Uf - gamma iota chapter. The best chapter of any sorority in the state of Florida. Top house at UF.
Clemson - Adpi- top house at Clemson. Best sRat in the state of South Carolina.

FSU- Adpi- top 5 house. Beautiful girls . Do you want me to continue.

By: Adpi hands down
by: Okay......Jan 22, 2018 1:56:47 PM

They're more of a lower top at FSU and bottom middle at University of Miami and University of West Florida.

By: Okay......
by: NoJan 22, 2018 11:15:51 PM

Adpi is top at west Florida,Georgia tech, USF, UCF, UNC, Emory, Georgia, Clemson.

By: No
by: NopeMay 21, 2019 3:44:07 PM

No, I want you to do the opposite of continue.

By: Nope
#9  by: Southern?   

Yes Florida is Southern. More Southern than any other State. Red neck and stupid UF is not. They also speak proper English, no southern drawl and are highly educated. UF is one of the top ten Public schools nationally None of you red necks would get into UF or Georgia.. You are not that smart. UF and Georgia do not want to known as back woods stupid rednecks. Only the smartest kids get into UF . The Greek life is better too at UF.

By: Southern?
by: Oh yahJan 22, 2018 9:46:34 AM

Adpi is the Top house at UF. Tim Tebow's mom and sister are both alums. Highest Gpa of of the houses at UF. Gorgeous beautiful girls that are stems. Check out Adpi at Clemson. Smoking hot girls . Adpi is top at Clemson too.

By: Oh yah
#10  by: Top 10 sororties   

sorority nationally. Not just Southern. Stop being ignorant and claiming houses are Southern. No one wants to be known as a Southern house.
Xo, Kd,Adpi, Pi phi, KKG, ddd, theta, Dg and zeta.

By: Top 10 sororties
by: Rankings ...again Jan 22, 2018 11:12:30 PM

Newsweek list the Top 10 Sororities as:

1. Zeta; 2. DG; 3. Kappa Kappa Gamma; 4. ADPi; 5. Chi-O; 6. Pi Beta Phi; 7. KD; 8. DDD; 9. AOPi; 10. Alpha Phi.

Town & Country list the Most Prestigious Sororities as:

1. Chi-O; 2. Theta; 3. ADPi; 4. Phi Mu; 5. AOPi; 6. Tri-Sig; 7. DDD; 8. Kappa Kappa Gamma; 9. DG

Odyssey list the Top Ten as:

1. Chi-O; 2. Zeta; 3. DG; 4. DDD; 5. DZ; 6. Theta; 7. Pi Phi; 8. ADPi; 9. KD; 10. Kappa

So now can we get back to just endlessly and obsessively ranking the Ole Miss sororities?

By: Rankings ...again
by: oreillyFeb 7, 2018 7:53:06 PM

And greekrank has their own list. Like the movie "I, Tonya" states, everyone has their own truth.

By: oreilly
by: Oh dearMay 21, 2019 3:47:57 PM

Town and Country - where...ANYWHERE...is Tri Sig even top tier? No disrespect, but come on. The rest I can agree with, though not AOpi as much as the others. And as for the Odyssey list, DZ is not a top sorority either.

By: Oh dear

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